Week ten: Professionalism, knowledge, theory and models of care Flashcards
What is the definition of a theory?
“Atheoryis composed of a group of concepts that describe a pattern of reality. A theory is a statement that explains or characterises a process, an occurrence or an event, and is based on observed facts (Smith & Parker, 2015). However, a theory has not been proved directly or absolutely, as has a fact
What’s adaption theory?
Adaptation theory defines adaptation as the adjustment of living matter to other living things and to environmental conditions. Adaptation is a continuously occurring process that affects change and involves interaction and response.
What’s Systems theory?
This theory describes how to break whole things into parts and then to learn how the parts work together in ‘systems.’ It emphasises relationships between the whole and the parts and describes how parts function and behave. These concepts may be applied to different kinds of systems”
Relating to nursing health can be separated into physical, mental, etc
What is the developmental theory?
“Developmental theoryoutlines the process of growth and development of humans as orderly and predictable, beginning with conception and ending with death. Although the pattern has definite stages, the progress and behaviours of an individual within each stage are unique. Heredity, temperament, emotional and physical environment, life experiences, and health status all influence the growth and development of an individual.”
What does Ontology mean?
“Ontology,a philosophical term, is the study of what is reality, of being. Or, as described bySchneider and colleagues (2013) , ontology is the study of existence. As ontologies are philosophical concepts that emanate from belief and value systems, there can be differing opinions about which ontologies are appropriate to develop nursing knowledge.
What does Epistemology mean?
The term epistemology also comes from philosophy and is the study or theory of knowledge. Epistemology in nursing was defined by Schultz and Meleis in 1988 as ‘the study of how nurses come to know what they think they know, what exactly nurses do know, how nursing knowledge is structured and on what basis knowledge claims are made’ (p. 217).
What is the definition of a Paradigm
Implicit in an ontology is aparadigm, that is, a ‘set of beliefs and practices, shared by communities of researchers, which regulate inquiry within disciplines’ (Weaver & Olson, 2006, p. 459)
What does discipline mean in a nursing context?
Domain of knowledge that is generated through research and higher education
Why was the birth of nursing as a profession in the 1950s in the USA important?
Nurses wanted to move away from medicine
What can you do to demonstrate professionalism as a nursing student ?
Respect and dignity, present ourselves well in the community/ social media, advocate for our profession, standing up for our beliefs and values.
What’s scientific knowledge?
Can be quantitative research and qualitative. Based on evidence
What’s the knowledge process?
A series of actions that need a direct goal, require feedback. Nursing process
What is philosophy knowledge?
Understanding of the world, beliefs and values
What is knowledge practice?
information developed by a team
What are the kinds of sources of knowledge?
Traditional- Stories that have been passed down. Not necessary based on evidence. (Doing vital signs every 40 minutes for some reason).
Experiential- Experience and reflection.
Scientific- Research evidence
Patient and whanau- Their journey their experience counts.
Local- audits, local data
when was the Nurse Registration Act
1901- (grace Neil’s work. 3-year course, state exam and registration)
When was the Misuse of drugs act and what was its purpose
1975- Misuse of drugs act. Builds of Narcotics Act 1965 and further provisions for the prevention of drug misuse.
When was the Medicines Act introduced and what was the purpose
1981- Medicines Act. Ensures medicines and equipment used in NZ are safe and effective.
When was the The Constitution Act.