Week One Flashcards
Everyone is walking around the room
…Even faster.
Now…I want you to slow down. (Pause) Start noticing everyone around you. (20 second pause)
…And I want you to find people and shake their hand. (Another 20 seconds)
Now say your name when you shake hands! (30 seconds)
Okay! Good. Great. Stop.
How did that feel?
Theresa. Great. Schultz. Weird…good
Okay. Um. Well. Welcome. (Pause) I just… I’m so excited to get to know all of you. (Even longer pause) I um…I don’t want to talk too much, because that’s… (vague gesture with hands) But. Um. I just hope that you all feel, um safe here. And open. And willing to go with it. Ah…okay. Let’s keep going.
Top of section 3. All seated in a circle
Schultz. Because
Schultz. Paper
Schultz. Friends
Schultz. The
Schultz. I
Lauren. Period
Oh. Hey. Yeah. I forgot to — we don’t have to … you don’t have to say “period.” You can just keep
Schultz: Um… aah…Loneliness
Schultz. Evil
Schultz. Head
Schultz. Over
Schultz. Hopefully
Okay. Great. (Pause) Maybe next week we’ll try to make it a little more like a real story.
James. So she called you
yeah. We just —
James. What did you talk about?
Nothing really.
Theresa. The big ones are actually easier to use.
We’re about to start. Whenever Lauren gets back.
Theresa. Schultz?
Schultz. Nope
Oop! You know what? Everyone’s back. Let’s get started
Theresa. Good! Oh my god! That’s awesome.
That was amazing.
Theresa. That was really cute.
Okay. Who else has a story? And don’t forget to really listen, you guys. We’re gonna have to remember these.
Theresa. I’ll go
Theresa. I guess that’s it.
What made you think of that story?
Theresa. Uh. I don’t know. I think about it when … you know. The issue of self-hate or whatever.
(Pause) That man may not have been Jewish.
Theresa. Oh, um I pretty sure he was.
He may have fit your stereo…he may have fit your stereotype of a Jewish person, but he may not have been Jewish. (Another long silence, look at time) Okay it looks like we are out of time! Thanks you guys. I think this was a really, really great start.
Hey — Lauren? I almost forgot. Just before you — I think you still owe me a check?