Week 2 Flashcards
Lauren. You’re it (Schultz explodes into silent scream)
Gorgeous. (Long silence while Schultz lies on his back)
You’re It now, Schultz.
Theresa. It’s natural.
It is?
Theresa. Weird, right?
Well It’s beautiful.
Theresa. Thanks
Have you… (a pause) I just… I saw them in CVS the other day, and I … have you seen these things?
Theresa. Wait, what are you talking about?
These um … they’re like these little packets of dye, but they’re… (giggles, then whispers) They’re for… it’s for pubic hair
Theresa. Oh my god.
They were in their own little section, and I was: I said: Oh. My. God. And I called James over and he said: what’s the big deal?
Theresa. Well. Of/course. He —
And I was in a huff about it, I was in this big huff, and then I thought…
Theresa. So you were really angry —
I was in a big huff about it, but then I … oh god. You probably don’t have to worry about this. You’re too young. But my um … that hair is half-gray now and it drives me crazy … and I / thought —
Theresa. Did you buy it?
I’m thinking about it.
Theresa. Oh my god. Awesome.
But then James will… I know he’s going to accuse me of being a hypocrite.
Theresa. I bet he’ll like it.
Theresa. I bet he will.
I have to pee.
Top of section 4
Okay. So I’m going to use myself as an example. Schultz.
Schultz. Yes
Will you be my father?
Schultz. Gladly
Don’t be afraid to physically take hold of people and guide them. That’s the point. Okay.
All right. Um… let’s see. You are … you’re … you’re a very condescending… You’re always quietly looking down on everyone. So maybe (manipulate his arms to fold across his chest)
And also … you have this certain … (reach up and push his eyebrows)
You have a condescending sort of …
Perfect. Okay stay that way.
Now Theresa. I want you to be my mother.
Theresa. Awesome
Okay. You are … you’re very angry. You’re this very aggressive, very dominating women … people have always asked so much of you and not respected your intelligence and so you’re really… (move her hands to clutch her hair)
And if you could turn toward Schultz … your husband … And … (take hold of Theresa’s mouth)
And just … you’re screaming at him.
Good. Good.
And Lauren?
Lauren. Yeah
You’re me. (A pause). Can you get up? I want you to sit on the ground. Except I want you to hug your knees. Yep. And kind of bury your head in … Yep. (Observe the tableaux)
That looks great.
(To James) Don’t they look great?
Wow. Okay. You can relax.
Schultz. Can I go next.
Of course. yes. Everyone back at the wall.
And this is just the beginning! Next week we start reenactments.
Schultz. One
Schultz and Lauren. Seven
Start again.