Week Nine Flashcards
How to use the Response to Intervention Model and consider its evidence for its use with students with language disorders in educational settings
Tier One:
- Universal language support for all (class vocabulary instruction)
- Preventative
- May include children with uncertain prognosis
-Within this tier is the universal design for learning
* multiple means of engagement (range of topics and learning opportunities)
* Multiple means of representation (classroom content in multiple modes eg. video, physical, reading, stories)
*multiple means of action and expression ( how they express what they learn, e.g., written, verbal, video)
Approach ideas:
- Teachers written language (break down visually, define words)
- Teachers verbal language (state instructions explicitly, allow processing time)
- Information processing (visual planners)
Evidence: Ebbels et al. 2018 found that courses alone not sufficient, but courses with coaching and feedback resulted in larger effects
Tier two:
- Educators delivery the programme
- Children who haven’t made good progress
Evidence: Dockerell et al. 2016 . teachers taught explicit strategies (recasts, open ended questions) improved receptive and expressive language skills
Teir 3:
-When children do not make as much progress as expected
-Specialist input
Describe why you have/have not chosen a specific service delivery option for a given case e.g., systems, in-class, individual or group, indirect or direct
Describe the challenges and opportunities in collaborating with teachers in the classroom when seeking to change their interactional style with children across different instructional situations
- More respond time after questions
- The complexity level of questions. Study found teachers mainly ask basic, closed questions. Blanks, level of questioning and integrating the higher levels can promote more language.