Week Four Flashcards
Cosmopolitan (adj)
common to all the world
Crag (n)
a rugged, rocky projection on a cliff/ledge
Crucible (n)
a trying and purifying test or agency
Curt (adj)
concise, abrupt in act or expression
Dastard (n)
A base coward
Debonair (adj)
having gentle or courteous bearing or manner
Decimate (v)
to destroy a measurable portion of
Degenerate (v)
to become worse or inferior
Deify (v)
to regard or worship as a god
Demulcent (n)
any application soothing to an irritable surface
Derisible (adj)
open to ridicule
Desiccant (n)
any remedy which dries up or absorbs moisture
Diatribe (n)
a bitter or malicious criticism
Dilettante (n)
a superficial amateur
Disputation (n)
verbal controversy
Dissonance (n)
Dogmatic (adj)
making statements without argument or evidence
Drudgery (n)
hard and constant work in any menial or dull occupation
Ebullient (adj)
showing enthusiasm or exhilaration of feeling
Efflorescence (n)
the state of being flowery