Week 5 Vocab Flashcards
egregious (adj)
elocution (n)
art of correct intonation, inflection, gesture in public speaking/reading
encyclical (adj)
intended for general circulation
enervate (v)
to render ineffective or inoperative
eschew (v)
to keep clear off
espy (v)
to keep close watch
exacerbate (v)
to make more sharp/severe
exonerate (v)
to relieve from from blame or accusation
extol (v)
to praise in the highest terms
fallow (n)
land broken up and left to rest
fastidious (adj)
hard to please
fatuous (adj)
flippant (adj)
having a light, trifling disposition
foible (n)
a personal weakness or failing
foppish (adj)
characteristic of one who is devoted to manners
forfend (v)
to ward off
frivolity (n)
a trifling act/thought/saying
frowzy (adj)
slovenly in appearance
frugal (adj)
fruition (n)