Week 9- Valuing the environment Flashcards
Avoidance cost def and e.g
Cost people incur to avoid the negative consequences of an environmental change
e.g Valuing clean municipal water by the cost to buy water elsewhere if local waterways were degraded (valuing the inconvenience)
Restoration cost e.g
valuing ecosystem based on cost to recreate the ecosystem if it was seriously damage
e.g cost of cleaning up oil spill bt reintroducing exterminated plants and animals
Replacement cost e.g
valuing clean municipal water by the cost to use human made technology to do what watersheds do naturally to purify water.
Revealed preference methods
Methods based on actual market transaction data (use values):
- Hedonic pricing
- travel cost
Hedonic pricing
value of a good bc of its characteristics, rather than the good itself e.g Housing price and air quality correlation
Hedonic pricing can obtain which values
Use values:
-direct and indirect
Travel cost can obtain which values
Use value: direct only
Stated preference can obtain which values
Non use and Use
Contingent Valuation method (CVM)
elicits WTP values from surveys to preserve (or facilitate) a decrease (or increase) in the quantity or quality of a good.
Choice Modelling (CM)
presents respondents with alternative states of the world (policies), defined by choice sets.
Strategic bias
inflating one’s WTP in hope of affecting results of the analysis.
Approaches to valuing non-market goods
- cost values (e.g avoidance, restoration, replacement)
- Revealed preference (Use Values): (e.g Travel cost (direct use), hedonic pricing (direct and indirect).
- Stated preference: CVM and CM (Use and non-use)
- Benefit transfer
Benefit transfer
Apply values from completed studies to a different area where a new decision must be made
How to minimise bias with Benefit transfer
- Transfer demand function (value function) not mean WTP
- Similar study sites (e.g ecologically) and in terms of policy environment.
- More rigorous existing study (better data)
- similarity in non-market goods valued
- similar socio-economic characteristics
Revealed preference vs Stated preference in using behavioral changes to value an environmental resource
-revealed preference does, state preference does not