Week 9 The Visual System Flashcards
Vision tings
- Far sense – light travels fast ~300,000km/sec
- Stimulus is EM energy – light source is usually the sun
- Allows us to identify, locate and react to things in the environment; allows
communication - Process of inverse optics – emitted light itself seldom the message of interest, the
reflection of light off objects is more relevant
o When light hits an object, some of it is absorbed and some is reflected - Amount of light reflected
o Off an object gives us a perception of lightness - Pattern of light reflected
o Gives us a perception of shape, texture
Stimulus for vision
- Electromagnetic energy within the visible spectrum
- Stimulus properties
o Intensity - Perceptual submodalities
o Intensity – gives brightness
o Wavelength – gives perception of colour
Visible spectrum – nM ~ 400-750nM - Measure
o Watt/m^2 or lumen/W or candelas/m^2
o Log scales because expanded stimulus::intensity relationship - Property of object
o Reflected light = lightness measured in candelas
The human eye
- 3 layers
o Fibrous tunic
Protection and shape – sclera (white of eye)
Anterior portion is thinner (cornea) – helps refract light
o Vascular tunic
Vascular nourishment
Pigmentation reduces light scatter – pigment determines eye colour
Manufactures aqueous humour by ciliary body
o Retina
Stimulus detection and signal transduction
Where sensory neurons are located - 2 chambers
o Anterior chamber
Filled with aqueous humour made by ciliary bodies
Pressure is important – ciliary bodies continually making liquid, filling up – need to drain the old fluid via ducts
If pressure builds up it creates pain in the eye, pushing on the lens and optic nerve
Glaucoma – imbalance in pressure
Can permanently damage eye
o Vitreous chamber
Filled with vitreous fluid
Can see when stuff gets built up in it
- Can accommodate (dilate, constrict) to alter amount of light entering eye
o Bright – gets smaller
o Dark – bigger - Influenced by
o Light levels
o Autonomic nervous system
Sympathetic nervous system – gets bigger to potentially see anything in environment to be ready for
Parasympathetic – gets smaller, less likely to be something in enviro you need to respond to
Emotional state
Shows in pupils
Paying attention, excited, romantic
o Drugs
Opioids – tiny pupils, impaired vision
Cholinergic – dilate
o Age
As you get older you lose pupillary accommodation ability
Change is smaller vs young people
Lose ability – contributor towards presbyopia
Sight of old age
- Sight of old age
- Lose pupillary accommodation
o Things look darker – turn on all the lights - Lose lens accommodation
o Things become out of focus - Increase in lens thickness
o Things become blurry, out of focus
o Reduced visual acuity - Lose spatial packing of rods and cones
o Become more spread out as you age
o Lose visual acuity
Visual Focus
- The optics of the eye function to refract waves of light onto retina
o Cornea provides initial refraction
Shape of cornea must be correct to get right refraction
Can reshape cornea to bend light in a different manner to improve vision
o Lens provides further refraction, ciliary muscles control accommodation
Muscles alter shape of lens, pull it taught or make it fatter – contract and relax to accommodate - Need to bend the light for maximum visual acuity
o Bends through cornea and again through lens so the light converges on the fovea to have the sharpest resolution vision we can have - In addition to refraction
o The eyeball must be the right shape and size so the focused image falls onto the retina exactly
o Eyeball needs to be the right length for the optics of the eye you’re born with
If born with optical power from cornea and lens of a set amount, that doesn’t match eyeball shape, you might be near sighted or far sighted
Eyeball too long – vision point of focus falls before fovea
Eyeball too short – focus falls behind fovea
o Put contact lens in front of eye to shape the refraction so it falls on the right part of the eyeball - Lens accommodation decreases with age
o Second contributor to presbyopia
- Can accommodate (make more or less convex) to improve refraction of light
Lens transparency is essential
o Reduced transparency = cataract
Cumulative UV exposure – lens acts as filter to protect from UV, can
be damaged and lead to cataract – wear sunglasses
Congenital – detrimental to visual cortex development
Needs to be removed or visual pathways doesn’t develop fully o Cataract lens can be surgically removed
Compensate with strong optical spectacles or replace with synthetic lens
Refraction power of lens can be replaced, but accommodation lost
When lens is taken out
o Some people start to have capabilities in UV light
o Usually UV is outside of visible spectrum – if take lens out, people can start to see UV, adds additional spectrum
o Things have glows to them – neural wise, brain has inbuilt capabilities to see UV light, but don’t see it as lens blocks it from entering eye
The lens grows all throughout your life
o From age 0-90, there is !4x increase in thickness
o Third contributor to presbyopia
o Reduced visual acuity
o Things become blurry – also because of lost accommodation
o Need glasses to assist
- Two odd features
o Photoreceptors are located at the back of the retina
o Light decreases the amount of neurotransmitter release
There is baseline level of NT release from photoreceptors, when light hits them, it reduces or stops sending NT out
2 subtypes
o Rods
Peak absorption at ~500nm
Activated between 400-600nm
Very sensitive – can be activated by 1 photon
Low acuity – rough, pixilated vision
Key for night/scotopic vision
Allows to see little specs of light
Key for peripheral vision
o Cones
Peak at !440, 530, 560nm
Have different spectrums
Less sensitive – need 100+ photons to activate
High acuity
Key for high-res colour/photopic vision
Concentrated in macula and fovea
- Best visual acuity in the macula, worst acuity (no acuity) in the blind spot
o Where axons of retinal ganglion cells exit the eye at the optic disk
Dark adaptation
- You can gain activity in scotopic vision if you are patient
o Can make rods higher acuity if you give them more time in dark environment - Any exposure to light breaks the dark adaptation of the rods – sudden return to poor
dark adaptation
o Absolute threshold – minimum light needed to activate
o Start at say 75 and drop to about 50 – need 50 photons of light to activate the cones still
Won’t drop more than that – if less then 50 they won’t activate at all – will think it is dark there
Rods (dark adaptation)
o As you spend more time in the dark the absolute threshold drops
o To a point where minimal amounts of light will be detected – sensitivity increases
o Can see in a room that was initially pitch black
o Any bit of light in the room will break the adaptation
Go back to reliant on cones
Except one form of light
Long wave light
o Red spectrum light
rods are not activated by EM energy that is >650nm (red)
o if these wavelengths are the only ones in your environment; only getting red light
cones detect the presence of this energy and allow you to see
Rods don’t detect this energy – they go into adaptation mode and
prep you for scotopic vision
Cycle of dark adaptation occurs and get rod sensitivity
o Uses
Training who need to go out in the dark in red light conditions
Fighter pilots need to be able to fly at night
o Red spectrum light
rods are not activated by EM energy that is >650nm (red)
o if these wavelengths are the only ones in your environment; only getting red light
cones detect the presence of this energy and allow you to see
Rods don’t detect this energy – they go into adaptation mode and
prep you for scotopic vision
Cycle of dark adaptation occurs and get rod sensitivity
o Uses
Training who need to go out in the dark in red light conditions
Fighter pilots need to be able to fly at night
Sit in a red lit room – rods accommodate but cones still see
Eyes are ready to see in the dark if called to fly
Oguchi’s disease
Deficits in dark adaptation
Rare disorder where rod adaptation takes 3-4 hours
Conformational change is slow
Get impaired night vision, delayed scotopic vision
Retinitis pigmentosa
Deficits in dark adaptation
Eye disorder associated with genetic aetiology
Lose visual acuity – dying cells
Rods are initial victims – first to die off
Impaired night vision and peripheral vision
Lose two facets dependent on rod function
Visual scene gets tunnel vision – progressively until can only see in
Eventually cones die off as well – completely blind
Variations in retina
- Rod/cone distribution
o Cones are concentrated in macula
o Macula appears dark on scan thing because of concentration - Thickness
o Thinnest in specific region of macula – fovea
o Foveal pit
Spatial arrangement of rods/cones
o For best acuity, photoreceptors need to be tightly packed in an ordered fashion
o If not packed – spaces in a loose arrangement
You get low resolution vision
Diffuse looking scenes
Pixilated almost, depending on how diffuse arrangement is
o Spatially diffuse in infancy, mature in 4 years, decline with age
Rods and cones lose spatial packing – get more spread out as you age
4th contributor to presbyopia
o Albinism exhibits permanent spatially diffuse photoreceptors
Lack melanin – pigment in tunic later that helps light scatter
Lack light scatter
Rods and cones never become tightly packed also – things stay
pixilated from childhood
Photoreceptor distribution
- Cones highest in fovea region of macula - give macula highest acuity for vision
- Macular degeneration most common cause of blindness over 50 years of age
o Lose central visual field and start to get scotoma in centre of field
o Absence of visual scene, lack of info
o Blind spot that follows where you’re trying to focus on
o Shifts with eyes
o Gets bigger
Blind spot
- Edme mariotte in dissection noticed variation in retina at site of optic disk
o No photoreceptors on this spot - Filling in perceptual completion demonstrated by Wallis, and Ramachandran
o Simple patterns/textures/background are filled in
o Don’t notice the spot
o Complex items are not filled in
o Illustrates top-down educated guesswork of brain
Use info you have, to make a guess – can only make inference so far
Can’t fill in a table or a face but can fill in pattern on a wall or floor Fill it in with whatever is around it
o Enables smooth, stable perception despite constant interruption in the incoming signal
Perceptual stability – gaps in incoming signal but don’t perceive them