Week 9 Sensation and Perception 1 Flashcards
Sensation refers to?
detection of physical energy by sense organs
Perception refers to?
interpretation of sensory imput
Transduction refer to?
external energy to neural electrical signals
Absolute threshold
lowest level we can detect with 50% accuracy
Webers Law
the stronger the stimulus the greater change has to be for us to detect it
cross-modal sensations like Colour hearing
Cocktail Party effect
Pick up information relevant to us eg Name
Change blindness/intentional blindness
Fail to notice changes in our environment if we are focused on something
transparent cells focus light on retina
Membrane at back of the eye responsible for converting light to neural activity
central part of retina
less rod cells
changes curvature to keep things in focus
Dark adaption
time it takes for rods to regain sensitivity
Simple and complex cells in Visual cortex
Orientation specific detect edges lines
complex are less restricted to one location
Trichromic theory
three kinds of cone cells
Opponent process theory
see three pairs of colours one inhibiting the other
Bottom up processing
raw stimulus into something meaningful
Top down processing
idea beliefs expectations then look for stimulus
perceptual set
Gesalts Principles Proximity Similarity continuity closure symmetry figure ground
Gesalts Principles
Proximity physically close more likely to be whole
Similarity share traits more likly to group them
continuity cross
closure our brains will fill in outline gaps
figure ground ingnore the background