Week 9: Particle Swarm Optimization #1 Flashcards
<p>Particle Swarm Optimizations are computational methods that \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ a problem by \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ trying to improve a population of \_\_\_\_\_\_\_</p>
<p>Particle Swarm Optimization are \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ inspired algorithms</p>
<p>What is a "Swarm" in PSO?</p>
<p>It is the population of solutions that the algorithms processes</p>
<p>Do the less fit individuals in PSO die?</p>
<p>no. The less fit particles don't die</p>
<p>What does PSO use to improve the fitness of the population?</p>
<p>PSO uses past experience and relationships to neighbours to improve the existing set of solution</p>
<p>Is PSO stochastic or deterministic?</p>
<p>PSO manipulates a \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ of solutions at once</p>
<p>In PSO, a single solution is referred to as a \_\_\_\_\_\_, whereas the whole population of solutions is referred to as a \_\_\_\_\_\_</p>
<p>In PSO, each particle holds 6 pieces of information, which are essential for its movement</p>
<p>1. Current postion: x_i
<br></br>2. Current velocity: v_i
<br></br>3. The best position it has achieved so far: pbest_i or p_i
<br></br>4. The best position achieved by particles in its neighbourhood: Nbest
<br></br>5. The best solution achieved by the whole swarm (only if the neighbourhood is the whole swarm): gbest_i or p_g
<br></br>6. The local best (only if the neighbourhood is restricted to a few particles): Lbest or p_i</p>
<p>If the neighbourhood is restricted to a few particles, what is the best solution called?</p>
<p>any of:
<br></br>- local best
<br></br>- Lbest
<br></br>- p_i</p>
<p>Each particle adjust its \_\_\_\_\_\_ to move towards its personal \_\_\_\_\_\_ and the \_\_\_\_\_\_ neighbourhood \_\_\_\_\_\_</p>
<p>After the \_\_\_\_\_\_ is updated, the particle adjusts its \_\_\_\_\_</p>
<p>in PSO, what are the equations of motion?</p>
<p>in PSO, random numbers are generated for each \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ and not for each \_\_\_\_\_\_\_</p>
<p>What is linear PSO? what is the disadvantage of linear PSO?</p>
<p>Linear PSO is when the numbers are generated for each particle.
<br></br>Linear PSO produces sub-optimal solutions compared to regular PSO</p>
<p>The PSO motion equation is composed of 3 components, what are they?</p>
<p>- Inertia component
<br></br>- Cognitive component
<br></br>- Social component</p>
<p>What is the purpose of the inertia component in the PSO motion equation?</p>
<p>it accommodates the fact that a particle cannot suddenly change its direction of movement</p>
<p>The Social and Cognitive components have constant factors c_1, and c_2. What is the purpose of these two constants?</p>
<p>The c_1 and c_2 factors balance the weights with each particle.
<br></br>c_1: trusts its own experience, cognitive component
<br></br>c_2: trusts the swarm experience, social experience</p>
<p>The 3 components of the PSO motion equation can be thought of similarly to a mathematical \_\_\_\_\_\_\_, in which the overall next velocity is the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_\_ of the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_</p>
<p>After finding the next position, each particle updates its own \_\_\_\_\_\_ best, according to the minimum/maximum of the \_\_\_\_\_\_ function with the \_\_\_\_\_\_ best and the \_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_\_</p>
<br></br>current position</p>
<p>After updating the personal best, each \_\_\_\_\_ updates its \_\_\_\_\_\_ best, which is the best solution of all \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ bests</p>
<p>Under what condition is Nbest = Lbest? what about Nbest = Gbest?</p>
<p>Nbest = Lbest whenever the neighbourhood is restricted to a few particles
<br></br>Nbest = Gbest whenever the neighbourhood is the entire swarm</p>
<p>If the neighbourhood is the whole swarm, what is the best solution achieved by the whole swarm called?</p>
<p>any of:
<br></br>- Global best
<br></br>- Gbest_i
<br></br>- p_g</p>
<p>In PSO, an important factor to set is the maximum velocity V_max. What happens if V_max is too high or too low?</p>
<p>- If V_max is too high, then particles can fly past optimal solutions
<br></br>- if V_min is too low, then particles can get stuck in local optima</p>
<p>In PSO, what is V_max set in accordance to?</p>
<p>V_max is set according to the domain of the search space</p>