Week 8: Ant Colony Optimization Flashcards
<p>What is a "swarm"?</p>
<p>A group of agents which communicate with each other by acting on their local environment. Their interactions result in a distributive collective problem-solving strategy</p>
<p>Interaction between agents in a swarm results in a distributive collective problem-solving strategy. This complex behaviour is not a property of any \_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_\_ in the swarm, but emerges from their \_\_\_\_\_\_\_</p>
<p>single agent
<p>For swarms, interaction in biological systems happens in 2 ways. What are they?</p>
<p>1. Direct: physical contact, or by visual, audio, or chemical perception
<br></br>2. Indirect: local change in the environment, known as "Stigmergy"</p>
<p>Insects react to signals that activate a \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ reaction. The effect of these reactions serve as signals to the \_\_\_\_\_\_ insect, or \_\_\_\_\_ insects</p>
<p>genetically encoded
<p>What is computational swarm intelligence?</p>
<p>Building computational models to solve complex problems based on models of behaviours in biological swarms</p>
<p>What are some design issues with computational swarm intelligence</p>
<p>- Modeling the agent (or individual)
<br></br>- The interaction process
<br></br>- Adaptation and Cooperation</p>
<p>What are two examples of computational swarm intelligence models?</p>
<p>1. Ant Colony Optimization (ACO)
<br></br>2. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)</p>
<p>What does Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) model?</p>
<p>Simple behaviour of pheromone trail following at ants</p>
<p>Particle Swarm Optimization models 2 simple behaviours. What are they?</p>
<p>- Moving towards its best closest neighbour
<br></br>- Moving back to its own best state</p>
<p>In ACO and PSO, the agent/individual is very \_\_\_\_\_\_ and doesn't \_\_\_\_\_\_ at the individual level</p>
<p>What is the range of Ant Colony sizes?</p>
<p>as few as 30 ants, and as large as a million ants</p>
<p>Define Stigmergy
<br></br>Note that ACO uses Stigmergy</p>
<p>Stigmergy is a form of self-organization. It produces complex, seemingly intelligent structures, without need for any planning, control, or even direct communication between all the agents.
<br></br>Extra: It supports efficient collaboration between extremely simple agents, who may lack memory or individual awareness of each other</p>
<p>What are the 3 properties of Stigmergy?
<br></br>Note that ACO uses Stigmergy</p>
<p>1. Indirect modification of the environment
<br></br>2. Environmental modification serves as external memory
<br></br>3. Work can be continued by any individual</p>
<p>Ants walking to or from a food source deposit a chemical substance on its way. What is this substance?</p>
<p>Pheromone. Ants deposit pheromone when walking to or from a food</p>
<p>Whenever an ants deposit pheromone, how do other ants use it?
<br></br>What influence will it have on other ants?
<br></br>What path will ants tend to follow?</p>
<p>- Other ants can smell pheromone
<br></br>- In the presence of pheromone, it will influence the ants' choice of their path
<br></br>- Ants tend to follow the path with the stronger pheromone trail</p>
<p>How are pheromone trails formed?
<br></br>What is the purpose of them?</p>
<p>- Pheromone trails are formed by the pheromone deposited on the ground by the ants
<br></br>- Pheromone trails help the ants to reach good food sources that have been previously identified by other ants</p>
<p>What was the conclusion drawn from the binary bridge experiment with ACOs?
<br></br>The binary bridge experiment involves two bridges which have equal lengths and lead to a food source</p>
<p>- Initially the ants randomly chose a bridge to follow
<br></br>- After a while, the ants tended to follow the bridge with a stronger pheromone trail
<br></br>- The selection of one bridge is due to random fluctuations causing it to have higher pheromone concentration</p>
<p>What was the conclusion drawn from the non-equal bridge experiment with ACOs?
<br></br>The non-equal bridge experiment involves two bridges in which one bridge is shorter than the other. They both lead to a food source</p>
<p>- Ants following the shorter bridge will be the first to reach the food source
<br></br>- Ants following the shorter bridge were the first to reach the nest, since they took the same path home
<br></br>- All the ants eventually converged to the shorter path due to the pheromone depositing mechanism</p>
<p>In ACO, what does the pheromone trail act as?
<br></br>Does the pheromone evaporate over time? what effect does this have?</p>
<p>- The Pheromone trail acts as collective memory for the ants to communicate by sensing and recording their foraging experience
<br></br>- Pheromone evaporates overtime which affects the environment</p>
<p>Suppose we have an ACO, the environment has two paths of different lengths
<br></br>What are the initial pheromone values assigned to the paths?</p>
<p>The pheromone values for each path will be equal to each other, and greater than zero.
<br></br>т_1 = т_2 = c > 0</p>
<p>Suppose we have an ACO, the environment has two paths of different lengths
<br></br>What are the probabilities for the ants to traverse the first path and the second path?</p>
<p>Ants will traverse the first path:
<br></br>p1 = т_1/(т_1 + т_2)
<br></br>Ants will traverse the second path:
<br></br>p2 = 1-p1</p>
<p>In ACO, usually an evaporation phase is applied in which pheromone is updated.
<br></br>What is the reason for this?</p>
<p>- To simulate the evaporation of real pheromone
<br></br>- To avoid quick convergence to sub-optimal paths</p>
<p>In AS ACO, usually an evaporation phase is applied in which pheromone is updated.
<br></br><br></br>What is the formula for this?</p>
<p>т_i = (1 - ρ)*т_i
<br></br>ρ ∈ (0,1)
<br></br>ρ specifies the rate of evaporation</p>
<p>With each update, each ant leaves more \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ on its \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ path</p>
<p>In real ant colonies, what does the following 5 concepts correspond to for artificial ant colonies?
<br></br>1. Ant and Pheromone
<br></br>2. Food
<br></br>3. Continuous ant movements
<br></br>4. Pheromone updating while moving
<br></br>5. Solution paths being evaluated implicitly</p>
<p>For artificial ant colonies:
<br></br>1. Ant = Agent, Pheromone = Value
<br></br>2. Solution
<br></br>3. Discrete movement of ants
<br></br>4. Pheromone updates after traversal
<br></br>5. Explicit function to evaluate solutions</p>
<p>For the ACO algorithm, describe the problem space environment as a graph.<br></br>
<br></br>What is the simple ant algorithm used for?</p>
<p>There is a graph G=(N,E)<br></br>
<br></br>N - the set of nodes (vertices)<br></br>
<br></br>E - the set of arcs (edges)<br></br>
<br></br>Each arc (i,j) is associated with a value d_ij denoting the distance between nodes i and j</p>
<br></br><p>There is a source node (where all the ants start at)and a goal node (food source)<br></br>
<br></br>A simple ant algorithm is used to find the shortest path between two given nodes in the graph</p>