Week 9 Nov 4 Flashcards
state of mind of someone who always expects the worst
Optimistic (op-ti-mis-tic)
expecting the best possible thing that will happen
Indignant (in-dig-nant)
angry about an unfair situation
a feeling of something regarded as unworthy or inferior
Empathetic (em-pa-thet-ic)
ability to understand the feelings of others
Witty (wit-ty)
full of clever humor or wit
Somber (som-ber)
describe situations or moods that are dark, gloomy, or depressing
flippant (flip-pant)
lacking proper respect or seriousness; being lazy
Persuasive (per-sua-sive)
ability to convince people to do something
Ecstatic (ec-stat-ic)
feeling or showing great happiness, excitement
Profound (pro-found)
having or showing great knowledge or understanding
Vibrant (vi-brant)
bright and full of personality.
exuberant (ex-u-ber-ant)
very lively, happy, or energetic
Contentious (con-ten-tious)
likely to cause disagreement or argument.
Vivacious (vi-va-cious)
full of life and good spirits.