Week 6 Oct14 Flashcards
Tenacious (te-na-cious)
persistent, stubborn, or obstinate
characterized by keeping a firm hold
Nocturnal (noc-tur-nal)
relating to, or occurring in the night
gregarious (gre-gar-i-ous)
living in flocks or herds, as animals
Bureaucracy (bu-reauc-ra-cy)
a body of non elected, government officials
Fallacy (fal-la-cy)
deceptive, misleading, or false notion, belief,
Hypocrisy (hy-poc-ri-sy)
To present as someone that is not
Etiquette (et-i-quette)
Rules to be observed in social or official life
Subtle (sub-tle)
delicate or faint and cunning
Excruciating (ex-cru-ci-at-ing)
causing great pain or anguish
Culmination (cul-mi-na-tion)
Act of reaching the highest point, or decisive point
Implicit (im-plic-it)
Implied, not plainly expressed
Dismal (dis-mal)
causing gloom ; gloomy
Intuitive (in-tu-i-tive)
possessing insight
-having the ability to understand or know something without any direct evidence or reasoning.
Opulent (op-u-lent)
wealthy, rich, or affluent.
Apprehensive (ap-pre-hen-sive)
uneasy or fearful about something that might happen