week 9 - decision making Flashcards
what is a deicison
A decision is defined as “the selection of an action from two or more
alternative choices”
This definition includes decisions about: ‒ Whether or not to make a purchase ‒
Which brand to purchase
3 levels of conscious decison making
extensive problem solving
limted problem solving
routinsed - response behaviour
(frequency of pruchase, famiality with product class or brands, though, search or time given)
explain extensive problem solving
No established criteria for evaluating the product ‒ Brands to be considered in the evoked set not yet selected
‒ Common when buying expensive, important, or complicated products
“for the first time”
explain limited probelm solving
Consumers have basic criteria for evaluating the product ‒ Have not fully established preferences ‒ Search for additional information is like ‘fine tuning’
e.g. cars
explain routinised response behaviour
Consumers have some experience with the product category ‒ Have a well-established set of criteria ‒ May search for a small amount of information or purchase out of habit
e.g. phones
models of deciison making (4)
economic model
passive model
cognitive model
emotional model
explain economic model of deciosn making
Assumes that consumers: ‒ Always make rational decisions ‒ Are aware of all product alternatives, understand the pros and cons of
these alternatives, and can select the best alternative
The assumptions of the economic model are unrealistic because
Have limited knowledge and information
‒ Have existing habits and preferences ‒ Are often unwilling to spend the time necessary to make the ‘perfect’
explain models of deciosn making - passiv
Opposite of the economic model • Assumes that consumers do whatever marketers tell them to do • Model is unrealistic because consumers can be active and informed in their purchase decisions
explain models of deicion making - cognitive
Falls between the extremes of the passive and economic models
• Views consumers as a thinking problem solver
• Embraces the concept of bounded rationality ‒ Consumers are not rational in an economic sense but strive to make the
best decisions given their limitations
• Consumers develop mental short-cuts (called heuristics) to ease the burden
of decision-making
explain models of decison making - emotional
Certain feelings may
become associated
with specific purchases
• For such purchases,
consumers spend less
time researching and
evaluating alternatives
decison making process
- input:
- marketing inputs
- sociocultural inputs - process:
need recognition
pre-purhcase search
evaluation of alternatives - output
post purchase evaluation
explain inputs
Receive information from: o Product o Packaging o Advertising o Personal selling o Brands o Pricing o Etc.
explain sociocultural inputs
Receive information from: o Friends o Organisations o Mass media (e.g., TV shows) o Social media o Etc.
explain need recongtion under ‘process’
difference between current state and desired state
unfuilled need