Week 9 - Chromosomes Flashcards
Karyotypes can reveal numerical or structural abnormalities. What are some numerical abnormalities?
Aneuploidy - presence of extra individ. (Trisomy) Chromosomes or absence of individ. Chromosome (monosomy)
Polyploidy - presence of extra set of chromosomes (FATAL)
Nullisomy - lack of any chromosomes
What are consequences of trisomy and monosomy?
Monosomy - too little protein produced
Trisomy - too much protein produced
What causes aneuploidies?
Error at meiosis 1 and meiosis 2
At meiosis 1 chromosomes dont get separated into two different cells, called NON DISJUNCTION
What percentage of early miscarriages involve a chromosomal abnormality?
30% due to trisomy.. Where risk increases with maternal age
Characteristics of turner syndrome?
Monosomy X Short stature ( average height is 4 feet 8) Infertility and incomplete ovarian development Normal intelligence and life expectancy
1 in 5000 females ***
Treatment: hormone replacement therapy, oestrogen for sexual development
Characteristics of Downs Syndrome
Trisomy 21 (96% of cases)
- characteristic appearance
- learning difficulties
- risk of congenital heart malformations
- risk of early onset Alzheimer’s disease
Characteristics of Klinefekter syndrome
XXY in mals
Tall, infertile, poorly developed secondary chracteristics
Characteristics of 47 XXX, 47 XYY?
47 XXX - tall, slight reduction in IQ
47 XYY - tall, slight reduction in IQ
Why are the effects of sex chromosome abnormalities so mild?
- ensure balance if number if X chromosome genes
- always only 1 chromosome that is active
What are the structural abnormalities that can occur in karyotypes?
Remember TRIDD.
T - translocations R - ring chromosomes I - inversions D - duplications D - deletions
What are karyotypes?
A picture of someones chromosomes, describes;
- number and shape of chromosomes
- centromere position and arm length
Recorded as-
No, of chromosomes
Identity of sex chromosomes
E.g. 47, XX +21 (trisomy of chromosome 21 i.e. Extra chromosome 21)
-^^^^ female with downs syndrome