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Klinefelter Syndrome occurs when men are born with an extra X chromosome.
Often patients will have low testosterone levels resulting in low libido, breast development, small testes and small muscle tone.
They are likely to also have raised LH and FSH levels.
What type of condition is this?
Hypergonadotropin hypogonadism
Kline felters is a Primary Hypogonadism and Hypergonadtropic Hypogonadism because the testes cannot produce enough testosterone therefore there will not be a negative feedback mechanism to control LH and FSH. Hence LH and FSH rise above normal.
Androgen /hormone replacement therapy is the treatment
Outline the hormonal changes involved in giving birth, from blastocyst to baby being born.
See awesome Armando.H diagram
Outline the nervous pathways involved in lactation, milk secretion and milk ejection
See awesome armando.H diagram , week 9 hormones
Outline the renin angiotensin aldosterone system
See PcS unit 3 notes