Week 9: Ant Colony Optimisation Flashcards
Ant Colony Optimisation
This algorithm takes inspiration from the pathfinding methods of ants. Ants leave pheromones when they traverse a path, which increases the likelihood that subsequent ants will follow this path.
- Easy to implement parallel methods
- Feedback procedure accounts for good solutions
- Efficient for TSP-like problems due to inherent structure
- Population-based search (as opposed to Simulated Annealing)
- Easy to fall into local optima region
- The probability distribution changes over time
- Time of convergence is unknown
Pheromone Update
The updating of pheromones is usually tied to the total cost of the path the ant takes.
There’s usually a mechanism for evaporating pheromones in each iteration.
Probability of Selecting Edges
These are proportional to the pheronome level of the edge multiplied by the inverse of the cost of the edge.