Week 5: Stochastic Local Search - Simulated Annealing, Genetic Algorithms Flashcards
Simulated Annealing
This algorithm mimicks the mechanics of how molecules of heated metal form into shape as the metal cools down.
For phase k, iteration length k times.
Within the loop, use a neighbourhood generator function to make a new configuration. If the new configuration is better than the current best configuration, accept the configuration. Otherwise, accept it if a random number ranging from 0 to 1 is less than exp((c(config) - c(new config)/T_k). Note that T_k decreases with each subsequent phase.
Genetic Algorithms
Prob(h) = selection function for individual h
k = population size in each generation
r = fraction of the population generated by crossover
q = mutation rate
P = the initial population of size k, generated randomly
Select (1-r) x k probabilities with respect to Prob(h) to pass on to the next iteration.
r x k pairs are selected to generate offspring using crossover.
q x k individuals are generated using mutation.
Keep repeating until the termination condition is reached.
This is a method of generating offspring for genetic algorithms. For an n-point crossover operation, pick n random points to make n+1 intervals. The new offspring will contain the odd-numbered intervals from the first parent and the even-numbered intervals from the second parent.
Roulette Selection Strategy
The chances that an individual is picked is directly proportional to the individual’s fitness value.
Rank Selection Strategy
If there are k individuals, the individual with the highest fitness value gets a value of k. The values then keep decreasing, until the individual with the lowest fitness value gets a value of 1. The chance the individual is selected is now directly proportional to the assigned value.
Tournament Selection
The method of choosing the individual is by selecting q individuals, and picking the one with the highest fitness level. Thus, the chance that someone is picked is directly proportional to (fitness-based rank - 1) Choose (q-1)