week 9 Flashcards
relational database design
grouping of attributes to form a good relation schema
Informal guideline 1 : semantics
Attributes ( eg Dname , Dno ) in a relation ( eg Department) should refer to one entity - in this case department
. Attributes referring to different entities should not be mixed in a relation
. ONLY foreign key can refer to a different entity
Informal guideline 2 : Redundancy
Ensure database doesnt suffer from insertion , deletion update anomalies
Hence no redundant data
informal guideline 3: Null values
Relations in tuples should be designed so they have the fewest null values
If a relation has an attribute that has frequent null values then another relation could be created with primary key of original relation and that attribute
Example: if 10% of employees have individual offices, attribute (OFFICE-NUMBER) should not be included in EMPLOYEE relation. Instead, use separate relation:
informal guideline 4: erronius tuples due to bad joins
if confused:
Title: CS208 PDD Mod 4.1 Database Design Guidelines
Design relation schemas that can be joined with equality
conditions on attributes that are either primary keys or
foreign keys in a way that guarantees that no spurious
tuples will be generated.
Avoid relations that contain matching attributes that are
not (foreign key, primary key) combinations, as joining on
such attributes will produce spurious tuples.
Functional dependency
Functional dependency between attribute X and attribute Y if:
If two tuples have the same value for X , they must have the same value for Y
eg : X- College name , Y is College Rank
X à Y, if whenever two tuples have the same value for X, they must have the
same value for Y
n for any two tuples t1 and t2 in any relation instance r(R): if t1[X]=t2[X], then