week 10 Flashcards
what is a candidate key?
A relation schema can have more than one key - these are called candidate keys
A primary key is then assigned from these candidate keys
Rest ( of candidate keys if any) are secondary keys
attribute that is a member of some candidate key
Non prime
attriibrute that is a member of non- candidate keys
what is normalisation?
The process of:
n analysing relation schemas based on FDs and candidate keys to minimise
redundancy and insertion, deletion and update anomalies
n decomposing unsatisfactory relations by breaking up their attributes into
smaller relations
what is normal form?
Condition using keys and FDs of a relation to certify whether a relation schema is
in a particular normal form
what does normalisation help get rid of
erroneous tuples generated through bad join conditions( usually when fk and pk are not joined properly)
redundancy and by extension insertion , update and deletion anomalies
presence of null values
properties of First Normal Form (1NF)
.composite attributes (attributes that can be broken down into further attributes eg FullName)
. multi valued attributes
.nested relations; attributes whose values for an individual tuple are non-
. no repeating groups of attributes
.Each row must be unique
What is full functional dependency
Remove of any attribute from Y-> Z means the functional dependency doesn’t hold any more
eg : Examples: {SSN, PNUMBER} -> HOURS
-Full FD
-since neither SSN -> HOURS nor PNUMBER -> HOURS hold
- It is not a full FD
-since SSN -> ENAME also holds
-partial dependency
A relation schema R is in second normal form (2NF) if
every nonprime attribute A in R is not partially
dependent on any key of R.
if primary key is single attribute , automatically 2NF
A relation schema R is in third normal form (3NF) if
n it is in 2NF and
n no non-prime attribute A in R is transitively dependent on the
primary key
n X -> Y and Y -> Z, with X as the primary key, we consider this a
problem only if Y is not a candidate key.
Essentially for all non prime attributes , either they have to be functionally dependent on primary key directly or transitively through a candidate key
if functionally dependent transistively througha non - candidate (Y is non candidate) then not in 3NF
more useful definition / seeing visuallt if in 3NF
A relation schema R is in third normal form (3NF) if whenever a FD
X -> A holds in R, then either:
(a) X is a superkey of R, OR
(b) A is a prime attribute of R