Week 9-13 Flashcards
What are the two most prolific foodborne pathogens in Australia?
Campylobacter and Salmonella
What are the three broad steps in foodborne illness outbreaks?
Identification, investigation, action
What are the three types of data used to link illnesses to contaminated foods in order to solve outbreaks?
Epidemiological, environmental (traceback), laboratory
What are some examples of epidemiological information used in foodborne outbreaks?
Data from case interviews
Discovery of clusters w/ same exposures
Past outbreaks of same pathogen
How are environmental data gathered in foodborne outbreaks?
Look for common point of contamination in distribution chain (from farm to fork)
E.g. inspections of farms, factories, restaurants
How are laboratory data gathered during a foodborne outbreak?
Collect samples from sick people/compare to food, investigated environments (such as retail and production environment)
What is OzFoodNet and by whom is it coordinated nationally?
National network of foodborne disease epidemiologists and surveillance officers in each state/territory health department
Coordinated nationally by OzFoodNet Central Team within the Aus Government Department of Health
Who coordinates a foodborne outbreak that crosses multiple jurisdictions?
(Two agencies, one for epidemiological investigation and one for environmental investigation)
Epi: OzFoodNet Central
Environmental: food safety agencies under the binational Food Safety Network
Approximately how many cases of Campylobacter are there in the community vs those that seek medical attention?
10 in community for every one seeking medical attention
What were some wide-scale outcomes that occurred as a result of the N QLD Campylobacter outbreak of 2010?
- Closer working relationship w/ Safe Food Production QLD
- Safe Food Production QLD became more prescriptive w/ industry
- Development of FSANZ Compendium of Microbiological Criteria for food 2018
What foodborne pathogen causes haemolytic uraemic syndrome?
Shigatoxin-producing E. coli
What are the objectives of the Food Act 2006?
- Ensure food safe/suitable for human consumption
- Prevent misleading conduct related to sale of food
- Apply Food Standards Code
What is the international body responsible for setting food standards?
Who established it?
Codex Alimentarius Commission (Codex)
Established by UN Food and Agriculture organisation and WHO
What is the body responsible for setting food standards in Australia specifically?
Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ)
What was the source of the Salmonella outbreak in Sydney in 2007? (location and what was contaminated?)
Sydney bakery
Salmonella found on many foods/surfaces in bakery - unable to pinpoint specific source (widespread contamination)
What is HACCP?
Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Points
Management system addressing food safety through analysis and control of hazards
What is the PHLN?
Public Health Laboratory Network - group of labs w/ expertise in public health micro in Aus & NZ
- Subcommittee of AHPPC
Define hazard
Anything that may pose a danger to human health, property, and/or the environment.
“Potential energy”
Define risk
possibility that harm might occur when exposed to a hazard
Define risk control
Taking action to eliminate health and safety risks
What are the four steps involved in managing WHS risks?
- ID hazards
- Assess risks
- Control risks
- Review control measures
What is the process of incident notification (as per WHS Act 2011)?
PCBU notifies WHSQ (Work Health Safety QLD, or equivalent in other state)
What are some ways of reducing antimicrobial resistance as per the O’Neill review
- Public education campaign
- Infection prevention
- Reduce use in agriculture
- Improve global surveillance
- Promote/develop vaccines
- Improve recognition/pay of infection professionals
- Establish global innovation fund for non-commercial research
- Better incentives for new drug development
- Build global coalition for action
What is GLASS (re: UN), and what is its aim?
Global Antimicrobial resistance Surveillance System
Support global surveillance and research to strengthen evidence-base on AMR
- Looks at antimicrobial use and resistance
What is AURA?
What does it do?
Who is it hosted by?
- Antimicrobial Use and Resistance in Australia
- Coordinated surveillance on antimicrobial use and resistance (coordinates multiple different programs)
- Hosted by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare (ACSQHC)
What are the “four pillars” of reducing antimicrobial resistance?
- Infection prevention and control
- Better diagnostics
- New drug development
What are three broad categories of barriers to health promotion and disease prevention?
- Demographic barriers
- Cultural barriers
- Healthcare system barriers
How is Ebola transmitted?
- Blood/body fluids of person/body infected w/ EVD
- Semen from man recovered from EVD
- Infected fruit bats/non-human primates
What is the latent period of EVD?
2-21 days (average 8-10 days)
What are some factors that caused challenges in EVD control in Sierra Leone in 2014?
- Mortuary rituals involving touching and washing the dead
- Burying dead in own community
- Belief that could have been caused by another disease
- Fear of stigma
- Lack of trust in healthcare providers/healthcare system
- Fear of police/armed forces who came in to support
- Fear of healthcare providers (that they were spreading EVD, and appearance of PPE)
- Fatalism
- Poor quality healthcare
- Poor access to healthcare
- Choice for traditional healing
1) What is the cornerstone of primary healthcare?
2) The perceived benefits of what increase the likelihood of this cornerstone? (four factors)
1) Community participation
2) - Creation of an enabling environment for public health interventions
- Health behaviour modification
- Improved efficiency, utilisation, and sustainability of health services
- Harnessing of community capacity and resources (to supplement limited allocations for healthcare)
What are some determinants of community participation at the following levels?
1) Individual
2) Household
3) Community
4) Govt/civil society
1) Knowledge/perceptions of disease, vulnerability vs/ resilience factors, social stigma, acceptability of intervention, incentives/disincentives
2) Gender roles/power relationships, cultural norms, access to interventions, geography/logistics
3) Community heterogeneity vs/ social cohesion, social environment, disease epidemiology/complexity of intervention, congruence to local priorities
4) Type of political system (e.g. democratic, dictatorship), political advocacy/support for participation, decentralisation of power/resources to local level, health authority commitment to Primary Health Care, intersectoral coordination, human resources