Week 9 Flashcards
Overkalix Epigenetics
Region in sweden that is prone to famines
Descendants of those who suffered from famines (granddaughters) had poor health outcomes
Overkalix Epigenetics
Region in sweden that is prone to famines
Descendants of those who suffered from famines (granddaughters) had poor health outcomes
Dutch Hunger winter 1944-1945
Children conceived during this winter had poor health outcomes. Obesity and other long-term health issues
Above the genome
Changes in gene expression or phnotype that are potentially heritable but that do not alter the underlying DNA base sequence
An epigenetic mark is inherited
Transmission genetics
the two alleles have different DNA seuqences and you are following the inhertiance of these two different sequences. This is not epigenetic inheritance.
vertical transmission genetics
Why is epigenetics so eukaryotic focused
In prokaryotes DNA is loose and free within the nucleus of the cell, no higher order packing if associated with it.
In eukaryotes there is higher order packing, during DNA replication the DNA is packed into chromatin
Packing of eukaryotic DNA (lowest order)
DNA is wrapped around four subunit proteins called histones, DNA is (-)vely charged and histones are (+)ve increasing the interaction
Eight histones wrap around 150 nucleotides of DNA form a nucleuosome
Loose slightly unpacked DNA
Tightly packed DNA
Highest order of packing
Nucleosomes are packed against one another to form a sollonoid
looping the fiber around a scaffold forms the metaphase chromosome
Packing of Inactive/Active chromatin
DNA was not methylated in genes that were expressed and was methylated in genes that were not expressed
DNA was more sensitive to nucleases in genes that were expressed and was less sensitive to nucleases when not expressed
Occurs at CpG islands on the fifth carbon of the pyrimidine ring, some are methylated and some aren’t
Heritability of gene expression patterns
CpG sites are palindromes
some sites on the genome will be methylated while others will not be.
DNA methyltransfererases recognize hemimethylated sites on the template strand and will methylate the other strand
Methylation Function
Methylation can inhibit some TFs from binding an promote the binding of factors that recognize methylated Cs and silence gene expression
Histone modification
Histone acetylases can add acetyl to the lysine residue on the arm of the histone protein removing the (+)ve charge, this weakens the electrostatic interactions between DNA and the histone resulting in euchromatin.
Histone arms that are acetylated always lead to euchromatin and gene expression, however methylation can lead to an increase or decrease of expression.
Histone modification
Histone acetylases can add acetyl to the lysine residue on the arm of the histone protein removing the (+)ve charge, this weakens the electrostatic interactions between DNA and the histone resulting in euchromatin.
Histone arms that are acetylated always lead to euchromatin and gene expression, however methylation can lead to an increase or decrease of expression.
Histone modification proteins