Week 9 & 10 Words Flashcards
Ladrar (verb)
To Bark
La leyenda (noun)
Suceder (verb)
To happen/to follow
Intentar (verb)
To try/ to attempt
Faltar (verb)
To miss
Hacia (preposition- 3 def.)
- Toward (indicating direction) 2. About/around (indicating time) 3. Toward (with regard to)
Exciting (Adjective)
(About something or a situation)
(Ayer fue un día muy emocionante para mi)
Excited (Adjective)
(Usually how a person feels)
(Estamos tan emocionados de verte)
To discover/uncover (verb)
Mudarse (Reflexive verb) (2 definitions)
- To relocate/move (Me voy a mudar a California en Abril)
2. To change clothes (Tienes que mudarte para la fiesta porque es formal)
Simplamente (adverb)
Simply; just
Agradable (adjective)
nice; pleasant; agreeable
Amable (adjective)
gentle; kind;nice
Ambos (adjective or pronoun)
- Adjective- both (Ambas opciones son muy atractivas)
2. Pronoun- both (No puedo escoger; Quiero ambos!)
Bien (adverb or noun)
- Adverb- well; good; very- (Últimamente no me he sentido bien; I haven’t felt well lately)
- Masculine Noun- good; property/belongings (El bien siempre gana el mal- good always beats evil)…(Mi abuelo dejó todos sus bienes a sus seis hijos- My grandfather left all his property to his six children)
Guapo/guapa (adjective)
El partido (4 definitions)
- Match/game (sports)
- Political party
- Catch/match (romantically)- Juan no es un buen partido para mi hija
- Support/backing: Cada candidato alega tener más partido entre los jóvenes (each candidate claims to have more support among the young people)
Pronto (adverb or adjective)
- Adverb (Soon/quickly/early ((Only in Spain))
2. Adjective (Quick/prompt)
Lindo (adjective or adverb)
- Adjective (pretty/cute/lovely; handsome beautiful/good looking; pleasant/lovely/nice)
- Adverb (well/nicely)
El Lugar (4 definitions)
- place/spot (location)
- place (position)
- place (situation)
- room (space)
La forma (5 definitions)
- form/shape (figure)
- way (manner)
- form (class- Se han descubierto nuevas formas de vida en otro planeta)
- physical fitness
- form (style)