Irregular Verbs Present Tense Flashcards
Poder- Present Conjugation
O to UE (To be able to)
Puedo, Puedes, Puede, Podemos, Podéis, Pueden
Dormir- Present Conjugation
O to UE (To sleep)
Duermo, Duermes, Duerme, Dormimos, Dormís, Duermen
Contar- Present Conjugation
O to UE (To count/recount a story)
Cuento, Cuentas, Cuenta, Contamos, Contáis, Cuentan
Almorzar- Present Conjugation
O to UE (To eat lunch)
Almuerzo, Almuerzas, Almuerza, Almorzamos, Almorzáis, Almuerzan
Volar- Present Conjugation
O to UE ( To fly)
Vuelo, Vuelas, Vuela, Volamos, Voláis, Vuelan
Volver- Present Conjugation
O to UE (To return/to come back)
Vuelvo, Vuelves, Vuelve, Volvemos, Volvéis, Vuelven
Morir- Present Conjugation
O to UE (To die)
Muero, Mueres, Muere, Morimos, Morís, Mueren
Encontrar- Present Conjugation
O to UE (To find)
Encuentro, Encuentras, Encuentra, Encontramos, Encontráis, Encuentran
Mostrar- Present Conjugation
O to UE (To show)
Muestro, Muestras, Muestra, Mostramos, Mostráis, Muestran
Cerrar- Present Conjugation
E to IE (To close)
Cierro, Cierras, Cierra, Cerramos, Cerráis, Cierran
Comenzar- Present Conjugation
E to IE (to begin, to start)
Comienzo, Comienzas, Comienza, Comenzamos, Comenzáis, Comienzan
Empezar- Present Conjugation
E to IE (To start)
Empiezo, Empiezas, Empieza, Empezamos, Empezáis, Empiezan
Entender- Present Conjugation
E to IE (To understand)
Entiendo, Entiendes, Entiende, Entendemos, Entendéis, Entienden
Pensar- Present Conjugation
E to IE (To think)
Pienso, Piensas, Piensa, Pensamos, Pensáis, Piensan
Perder- Present Conjugation
E to IE (To lose)
Pierdo, Pierdes, Pierde, Perdemos, Perdéis, Pierden
Preferir- Present Conjugation
E to IE (To prefer)
Prefiero, Prefieres, Prefiere, Preferimos, Preferís, Prefieren
Querer- Present Conjugation
E to IE (To want/to love)
Quiero, Quieres, Quiere, Queremos, Queréis, Quieren
Tener- Present Conjugation
E to IE (To have/to be)
Tengo, Tienes, Tiene, Tenemos, Tenéis, Tienen
Advertir- Present Conjugation
E to IE (To advise/to warn)
Advierto, Adviertes, Advierte, Advertimos, Advertís, Advierten
Mentir- Present Conjugation
E to IE (To lie)
Miento, Mientes, Miente, Mentimos, Mentís, Mienten
Pedir- Present Conjugation
E to I (To ask, to order)
Pido, Pides, Pide, Pedimos, Pedís, Piden
Competir- Present Conjugation
E to I (To compete)
Compito, Compites, Compite, Competimos, Competís, Compiten
Impedir- Present Conjugation
E to I (To impede, too prevent)
Impido, Impides, Impide, Impedimos, Impedís, Impiden
Reír- Present Conjugation
E to I (To laugh)
Río, Ríes, Ríe, Reímos, Reís, Ríen
Repetir- Present Conjugation
E to I (To repeat)
Repito, Repites, Repite, Repetimos, Repetís, Repiten
Servir- Present Conjugation
E to I (To serve)
Sirvo, Sirves, Sirve, Servimos, Servís, Sirven
Vestir- Present Conjugation
E to I (To Dress)
Visto, Vistes, Viste, Vestimos, Vestís, Visten
Conseguir- Present Conjugation
E to I (To get , to obtain)
Consigo, Consigues, Consigue, Conseguimos, Conseguís, Consiguen
Decir- Present Conjugation
E to I (To say, to tell)
Digo, Dices, Dice, Decimos, Decís, Dicen
Seguir- Present Conjugation
E to I (To follow, to continue)
Sigo, Sigues, Sigue, Seguimos, Seguís, Siguen
Sonreír- Present Conjugation
E to I (To smile)
Sonrío, Sonríes, Sonríe, Sonreímos, Sonreís, Sonríen
Destruir- Present Conjugation
I to Y (To destroy)
Destruyo, Destruyes, Destruye, Destruimos, Destruís, Destruyen
Distribuir- Present Conjugation
I to Y (To distribute)
Distribuyo, Distribuyes, Distribuye, Distribuimos, Distribuís, Distribuyen
Atribuir- Present Conjugation
I to Y (To attribute)
Atribuyo, Atribuyes, Atribuye, Atribuimos, Atribuís, Atribuyen
Huir- Present Conjugation
I to Y (To escape)
Huyo, Huyes, Huye, Huimos, Huís, Huyen
Saber- Present Conjugation
To know
Sé, sabes, sabe, sabemos, sabéis, saben
Dar- Present Conjugation
To give
Doy, das, da, damos, dais, dan
Caer- Present Conjugation
To fall
Caigo, caes, cae, caemos, caéis, caen
Salir- Present Conjugation
To go out, to leave
Salgo, sales, sale, salimos, salís, salen
Caber- Present Conjugation
To fit
Quepo, cabes, cabe, cabemos, cabéis, caben
Oír- Present Conjugation
To hear
Oigo, oyes, oye, oimos, oís, oyen
Valer- Present Conjugation
To be worth, to cast
Valgo, vales, vale, valemos, valéis, valen
Conocer- Present Conjugation
To know
Conozco, conoces,conoce, conocemos, conocéis, conocen
Conducir- Present Conjugation
To lead, to drive
conduzco, conduces, conduce, conducimos, conducís, conducen
Traducir- Present Conjugation
To translate
Traduzco, traduces, traduce, traducimos, traducís, traducen
Construir- Present Conjugation
I to Y (To build)
Construyo, construyes, construye, construimos, construís, construyen
Oler- Present Conjugation
To smell
Huelo, Hueles, Huele, Olemos, Oléis, Huelen
Coger- Present Conjugation- 10! Definitions
- To get/take/hold (Physically) 2. To select 3. To understand (get) 4. To take (with directions) 5. To get into (form a habit) 6. To get sick with 7. To take (transportation) 8. To borrow 9. To pick (gather) 10. To fuck (Spain)
Cojo, coges, coge, cogemos, cogéis, cogen
Decir- Present Conjugation
To say/to tell
Digo, dices, dice, decimos, decís, dicen
Tener- Present Conjugation
To have/ to be
Tengo, tienes, tiene, tenemos, tenéis, tienen
Venir- Present Conjugation - 6 definitions!
- To come/arrive (move from one place to another) 2. To come back (return) 3. To be a native of (to be from) 4. To be/come (available) 5. To come/ to come up (to occur) 6. To get (to be overcome by)
Vengo, vienes, viene, venimos, venís, vienen
Haber- Present Conjugation
To have done something (Present tense of Haber + hecho)
He, has, ha (hay without past perfect), hemos, habéis, Han)
To choose; to vote
Elijo, eliges, elige, elegimos, elegís, eligen