Week 8 (Language & Thought) Flashcards
Language is symbolic
We use spoken sounds and written words to represent
objects, actions, and ideas
Language is semantic
It has meaning
Language is generative
A language’s limited symbols can generate an infinite
variety of messages
Language is structured
Rules govern how words can be arranged into sentences
The smallest speech units in a language that can
be distinguished perceptually
▫ English is composed of ~40
The smallest units of meaning in a language
▫ Un-wise-ly
Area of language
concerned with
the meaning of
words and word
▫ Meanings might
be concerned
with denotation
and connotation
A system of rules that
specify how words can
be arranged into
critical periods
Limited time span in an organism’s development
where it is optimal for certain capacities to emerge
because the organism is especially responsive to
certain experiences
Up to 3 months of age
Babies have high phonemic awareness – they can
readily discriminate between phonemes in
▫ This high level of awareness disappears at 4-12
6+ months
Infants start babbling, producing sounds that
correspond to phonemes and moving towards
consonant vowel combinations
▫ Becomes more complex and eventually resembles
the parents’ language
▫ Lasts until ~18 months
▫ Deaf infants: manual babbling
At ~10-13 months of age
First words
Typically resemble the syllables that they
spontaneously babble
▫ Vocabulary starts to slowly grow
18 months of age
Toddlers can typically say between 3-50 word
Receptive vocabulary is larger than their
productive vocabulary
▫ These words tend to mostly refer to objects,
followed by social actions
18-24 months of age
Vocabulary spurt starts
By grade 1, the average child has a vocabulary of
~10,000 words
▫ By grade 5, this increases to ~40,000
▫ For some two-year olds, this means learning 20 new
Fast mapping
the process by which children map a
word onto a concept after only one exposure
occurs when a child incorrectly uses a
word to describe a larger set of objects or actions than
is meant to
a child incorrectly uses a word to
describe a narrower set of objects than is meant to
just under 2 years of age
combining words into
telegraphic speech
consist mainly of content words, with other less
critical words omitted
3 year of age
children learn to express more
complex ideas like the plural and past tense