Week 8 - IS-LM & AD-AS Flashcards
What does income equal?
What do the RHS and LHS of Y = C + I + G + NX represent?
Right hand side ‘planned expenditure’
Left hand side ‘actual production’ (usually called national income)
Deflationary gap
when C+I+G+NX could be less than full employment production, Y. At this level of demand, there is spare capacity and unemployment will rise.
Inflationary gap
when C+I+G+NX is greater than full employment production, Y. At this level of demand, there is excess demand
Investment Savings (IS)
Shows the points where the goods market is in equilibrium
IS curve
a curve that shows all the possible combinations between interest rate and output (national income) in the goods market
Why is the IS curve downward sloping?
because a rise in output increases national savings, which reduces the equilibrium real interest rate
Liquidity Money (LM)
Shows the points where the money market is in equilibrium
LM curve
the combinations of interest rates and levels of real income for which the money market is in equilibrium
Why is the LM curve upward sloping?
because when output increases, the money demand increases, which raises the real interest rate in the economy.
Why is the money demand curve downward sloping?
because of people’s liquidity preference. This means at lower interest rates people will wish to hold more cash-in-hand in anticipation of better investment prospects (higher returns/interest rates in the future)
The IS-LM model
shows the relationship between the total output produced in the economy and the real interest rate
What does the equilibrium point in the IS-LM model mean?
The equilibrium point shows the amount of output produced at the equilibrium real interest rate (planned expenditure = actual expenditure and money demand = money supply). The goods market equals the money market.
What are three facts about economic fluctuations?
- They are irregular and unpredictable
- Most macroeconomic quantities fluctuate
- As output falls, unemployment rises
What are the features short run economic fluctuations?
- The assumption of monetary neutrality if no longer appropriate
- Real and nominal variables are highly intertwined
- This means changes in the money supply can temporarily push real GDP away from its long run trend