Week 8 - Forearm, Wrist & Hand Qs Flashcards
What function do muscles on the ventral side do?
What function do muscles on the dorsal side do?
What is the meaty muscle on the anterior hand at the base of the thumb?
flexor pollicis brevis
What is the muscle deep to the meaty muscle at the base of the thumb?
adductor pollicis
what do the ventral flexor group of muscles do?
contract to flex the wrist/hand/fingers
what do the dorsal extensor group of muscles do?
contract to extend the wrist/hand/fingers
which flexor covers the entire length of the anterior medial forearm and continues to the end of digits 2-5?
flexor digitorum profoundus
which flexor covers the entire length of the anterior lateral forearm towards the thumb?
flexor pollicis longus
what muscle lies deep to the two large flexors of the forearm?
pronator quadratus
which carpal bone can be palpated on the anterior side at the medial base of the palm?
proximal row of carpal bones, lateral -> medial
scaphoid, lunate, triquetral, pisiform
distal row of carpal bones, lateral -> medial
trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate
what is tfcc?
triangular fibrocartilage complex
where is tfcc?
medial to the lunate carpal bone
what is the most common ligament issue in the wrist?
torn triangular fibrocartilage complex (tfcc)
where are the sesmoid bones?
two small bones at the 1st metacarpophalangeal joint
what forms the carpal tunnel?
hook of the hamate & tubercle of the trapezium
what is carpal tunnel syndrome?
compression of the median nerve passing through the carpal tunnel
this is osteomalacia of the lunate bone
Kienbock’s Disease
avascular necrosis with fragmentation and collapse of the lunate is
Kienbock’s Disease
What is a useful sequence for the evaluation of bone contusions or fractures?
(short tau inversion recovery)
For axial slice planning of a hand, coverage should include from the fingertips to ____________.
just past the wrist
When imaging the wrist in MRI, in order to achieve high spatial resolution, a ________ FOV would be used, in conjunction with a dedicated wrist or local surface coil.
The optimal imaging plane to demonstrate the carpal bones and the interosseous ligaments would be:
The optimal imaging plane for visualization of a TFCC tear is:
What is the optimal slice orientation to view the median nerve?
Which nerve is responsible for carpal tunnel syndrome?
This image is a ____ weighted image acquired in the _______ scan plane.
T1; Axial
What plane is being planned here?
This image is a ____ weighted image acquired in the _______ scan plane.
T1; Coronal
When imaging the extremities, _______________ would be used as a marker to delineate the area of interest for both radiologist and referring physician.
Vitamin E Tablet
On a T1 weighted image, edema appears _______.
When slice planning on a sagittal hand MRI, angle __________ to the __________ on the __________ scout.
parallel; metacarpals; coronal
When imaging the wrist, the optimal plane to visualize the carpal tunnel is:
What is the structure that consists of a series of short ligaments that connect the palmar plates of the metacarpal heads is called?
deep transverse metacarpal ligament (DTML)
what is the midcarpal joint?
the articulation between the proximal row of carpal bones and the distal row of carpal bones