Week 8: Fluids and Electrolytes Flashcards
Name the compartments of the body
Intracellular compartment
Extra-cellular compartment – the interstitial fluid compartment between cells
Extra cellular compartment - Circulating fluid in the cardiovascular system – the intra-vascular compartment.
Compare the composition of the intracellular compartment with the intravascular compartment.
The intra-cellular compartment has a high concentration of large organic molecules that support the metabolic processes of cells. The principal cation is Potassium (K+ at 140 mmol.l-1) with a much lower concentration of Sodium (Na+ 10 mmol.l-1). The main anions are chloride (Cl- at c 110 mmol.l-1), and Phosphate, with significant negative charge borne on large proteins.
The concentrations of electrolytes are the same in the interstitial and intravascular compartments. The principal cation is sodium (Na+ 140 mmol.l- 1), with potassium at a much lower concentration (K+ 4.5 mmol.l-1). The principal anions are Chloride (Cl-, 100 mmol.l-1), and hydrogen carbonate (HCO3-, 26 mmol.l-1).
The intravascular compartment has much higher concentrations of large organic molecules, principally plasma proteins, and circulating cells.
Describe the Exchange Between the intra and extra cellular compartments.
The intra-cellular and extra-cellular compartments are separated by cell membranes. Cell membranes are permeable to water, generally impermeable to large, hydrophilic organic molecules, and most electrolytes cross in a controlled way through channels or pumps.
The main pump is the Na+/K+ ATPase (the ‘sodium pump’) which moves Potassium into cells and Sodium out, in both cases against concentration gradients. At rest a very large fraction of metabolic energy is used by sodium pumps. A wide variety of other pumps and transporters allow cells to control their intra cellular environment by transport between the intra and extra cellular space.
Water will move into and out of cells if there is an osmotic gradient. Movement is normally driven by changes in extra-cellular osmolarity. If the osmolarity of extra cellular fluid exceeds intra cellular fluid cells will shrink as water moves out. If the osmolarity of extracellular fluid is less than that of intracellular fluid, then cells will swell as water moves in. These changes can be very damaging.
Sometimes cells defend their internal environment against changes in extra- cellular fluid composition by moving ions across the membrane. For example, if extra cellular pH changes K+ moves into or out of cells as they protect their internal pH.
Describe the Exchange Between the interstitial and vascular compartments
The interstitial and vascular compartments are separated by the walls of blood vessels. Nearly all exchange occurs through the walls of capillaries. Normal capillaries allow water, all electrolytes and small organic molecules to cross freely, but not large organic molecules. Movement is normally between cells rather than through them. Movements are driven either by osmotic gradients, in this case the osmotic pressure exerted by the one component that cannot move freely – plasma proteins (called the oncotic pressure), or by gradients of hydrostatic pressure.
Because of the pumping action of the heart the hydrostatic pressure in capillaries is above that in the surrounding interstitial fluid for nearly all of the systemic circulation. This will tend to drive water and electrolytes out into the surrounding tissue.
The oncotic pressure will tend to draw water and electrolytes and water back in again, so the net movement depends on the balance between the two forces (‘Starlings forces’).
Normally at the arteriolar end of capillaries there is net flow out of capillaries, as hydrostatic pressure exceeds oncotic, but at the venular end there is net flow back in again, as oncotic pressure exceeds hydrostatic. This allows exchange of material between the compartments with no net volume change in either. Any change in the balance between hydrostatic and oncotic pressure may lead to net movement between the compartments, such as happens in oedema.
Physiological control of the composition of compartments
The intracellular compartment
The Intracellular compartment is controlled by cells themselves moving electrolytes across their membranes. So long as they have energy available, their capacity to do this depends upon stable composition of the extracellular compartments. In clinical terms, therefore what matters is controlling the composition of the extra-cellular fluid.
Physiological control of the composition of compartments
The extracellular compartment
Many organs influence extra-cellular fluid composition. It will tend to be perturbed by organs that add or remove water and solutes in the course of their operation, such as the gut, lungs, sweat glands etc. It is normally controlled through selective excretion of water and solute via the kidney, or specific mechanisms to drive ingestion of water or particular electrolytes.
These control mechanisms operate to control three main properties of the extracellular fluid:
The osmolarity – this affects the movement of water into and out of cells. The volume – the volume in the intravascular space is of particular
significance as it affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
The pH – this affects plasma calcium concentrations, which alter the function of excitable tissues in the nervous system muscles.
The kidney plays a major role in each.
The osmolarity of the extracellular compartment is determined by the amount of water in it relative to the amount of electrolyte. Control mechanisms operate to change the excretion or ingestion of water so that osmolarity is maintained at a constant value around 300 milliosmoles.l-1. This avoids cells swelling or shrinking.
These powerful mechanisms operate though osmo-receptors in the hypothalamus of the brain. They detect changes in osmolarity and alter the secretion of anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) which acts on the collecting duct of the nephron to reduce the excretion of water by producing more concentrated urine. At the same time, the sense of thirst is altered to increase or reduce ingestion of water.
How is the volume of the extra-cellular fluid compartment regulated?
The volume of the extra-cellular fluid is principally affected by the total amount of electrolyte in it, principally sodium. This is because the mechanisms above operate to control osmolarity, so that the total amount of water in the extracellular space is altered to match the solute present and keep osmolarity at 300 milliosmoles.l-1.
Control mechanisms operate to change the amount of sodium in the extra- cellular fluid and keep the circulating volume, in particular, constant. The total circulating volume determines the average arterial blood pressure in the long term, so indirectly sodium control mechanisms control blood pressure.
These mechanisms operate through the renin-angiotensin system. Changes in circulating volume are detected in the juxta-glomerular apparatus of the kidney, leading to production of the hormone Renin, which cause the release of Angiotensin I, which is converted into Angiotensin II in the lungs, before stimulating the release of aldosterone from the adrenal cortex, which acts back on the distal convoluted tubule of the nephron to cause retention of sodium. If circulating volume is too high atrial natiuretic peptide (ANP) is release from the venous side of the circulation which leads to extra excretion of sodium.
How is the pH of the extra-cellular fluid compartment regulated?
pH is controlled through an interaction between the lungs, which control pCO2 and the kidney which controls hydrogen carbonate concentration.
Any disturbance of fluid or electrolyte balance will ultimately be corrected by these mechanisms in a healthy subject, but it is often necessary to intervene to supplement their actions in a patient who is very unwell.
Loss of circulating volume
This is most commonly because of haemorrhage. In this case all components of the circulating fluid are lost in their normal proportionsDescribe the principle immediate effect.
The principal immediate effect is on the circulation. Reduced venous pressure leads to lower cardiac output and arterial blood pressure. Mechanisms operating to increase blood pressure reduce perfusion to some organs, which may lead to shock.
The reduced pressure in capillaries draws fluid back into the circulating compartment, which generates an auto-transfusion helping to restore circulating volume at the expense of interstitial volume.
If the patient survives the cardiovascular consequences, the control mechanisms operate to restore all components of the circulating compartment in their normal proportions. Sodium is retained, water retained and ingested and both plasma proteins and cells restored.
If a patient is unable or unwilling to ingest water, or excretes too much water what will happen to the volume of the extracellular compartment and how will the body correct this?
If a patient is unable or unwilling to ingest water, or excretes too much water, then the volume of the extracellular compartment will decrease and its osmolarity will increase as the concentration of electrolytes, principally sodium rises. If this dehydration is severe the volume change may compromise circulating volume and therefore arterial blood pressure. The change in osmolarity will trigger the release of ADH which should lead to retention of water, and thirst which should restore osmolarity and volume.
In many conditions water and electrolytes are lost in different proportions to those normally present in extra-cellular fluid. This is usually due to abnormal loss of some secretions, such as from the gut or sweat glands. In these cases, there is an interaction between the control mechanisms as each of volume and electrolyte concentrations are separately restored.
Describe this with the example of severe vomitting.
Here the loss is of gastric secretions. Some water is lost, but in addition there is loss of stomach acid and electrolytes such as sodium. The loss of stomach acid is significant, as that has been secreted by a process that leads to increased hydrogen carbonate in blood. Normally that increase is reversed as the stomach empties into the duodenum and the pancreas secretes hydrogen carbonate back into the gut. With vomiting that does not happen, leaving increased hydrogen carbonate in the blood – a metabolic alkalosis. This causes potassium to move into cells, lowering blood potassium levels – hypokalaemia with potentially severe consequence for the heart.
The associated dehydration stimulates the kidney to recover water and salts, which compromises its capacity to excrete the excess hydrogen carbonate. The metabolic alkalosis and associated hypokalaemia therefore only resolves once the dehydration is corrected.
Symptoms and signs of hypervolaemia (too much fluid)
Hypervolaemia: breathlessness, orthopnoea, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea, ankle swelling, weight gain, peripheral and sacral oedema, ascites, hepatomegaly, hypertension, raised jugular venous pressure, displaced apex beat, third heart sound, crepitations, and wheeze.
Symptoms and signs of hypovolaemia (too little fluid)
Hypovolaemia: thirst, weight loss, dizziness, confusion, sleepy, reduced skin turgor, dry mucous membranes, sunken eyes, reduced capillary refill, tachycardia, postural hypotension, and oliguria.
In many conditions water and electrolytes are lost in different proportions to those normally present in extra-cellular fluid. This is usually due to abnormal loss of some secretions, such as from the gut or sweat glands. In these cases, there is an interaction between the control mechanisms as each of volume and electrolyte concentrations are separately restored.
Describe this with the example of severe diarrhoea.
The fluid that is lost in diarrhoea is principally water and electrolytes that have been secreted into the intestines and not re-absorbed as usual. There is, therefore a large net loss of both water and electrolytes. The principal electrolytes lost are sodium, potassium and hydrogen carbonate.
The dehydration will compromise circulating volume. Generally, more water is lost than electrolytes, so osmolarity increases, but hydrogen carbonate loss may lead to metabolic acidosis.
In many conditions water and electrolytes are lost in different proportions to those normally present in extra-cellular fluid. This is usually due to abnormal loss of some secretions, such as from the gut or sweat glands. In these cases, there is an interaction between the control mechanisms as each of volume and electrolyte concentrations are separately restored.
Describe this with the example of severe sweating.
Sweat is largely water, but as the rate of sweating increases the secretion has progressively higher concentrations of sodium. Severe sweating without copious ingestion of water therefore reduces water, so reducing volume, but also leads to loss of total extra-cellular sodium (even if the concentration of sodium increases because of the dehydration).
Fluid and electrolyte changes as a result of illness or injury
Normal fluid and electrolyte balance can also be altered by disease and injury by non-specific metabolic responses to stress, inflammation, malnutrition, medical treatment, and organ dysfunction. During the catabolic phase of the stress response potassium is lost, sodium and water are retained, and oliguria ensues. After surgery, it is therefore important to differentiate oliguria caused by the stress response (harmless) from that caused by acute kidney injury. Inflammatory conditions (for example, sepsis or after trauma or surgery) reduce the endothelial barrier function. Fluid may leak from the intravascular space into the interstitial fluid compartment producing interstitial oedema. Malnutrition can lead to sodium and water overload and depletion of potassium. Many drugs can upset fluid and electrolyte balance e.g. loop diuretics (hypovolaemia and hypokalaemia) and corticosteroids (fluid retention). Heart failure and cirrhosis may lead to an expanded extracellular fluid compartment, peripheral oedema, ascites, and circulatory overload with intravenous fluids.
Describe Hartmann’s solution
Hartmann’s solution is most physiological (similar to plasma) which means it is good for replacing plasma loss. It is however not good for normal maintenance as it will give too much sodium and not enough potassium.
what is ‘normal saline’?
Sodium Chloride (0.9%) – so called ‘normal saline’ is high in sodium and chloride. Too much sodium causes a high sodium load on the kidney and too much chloride could lead to hyper-chloraemic acidosis.
An infusion of 0.9% sodium chloride (a common IV fluid) increases the volume within the blood vessels which increases the hydrostatic pressure and reduces the oncotic pressure within the blood vessels. This results in fluid moving from the plasma into the interstitial fluid. Sodium will diffuse into the interstitial space, but not into the intracellular space because of the Na+/K+-ATPase pump actively secreting sodium out of the cell space. This leads to the extracellular fluid being hypertonic to the intracellular space due to the increased sodium load which results in water movement from the intracellular space to the extracellular space.
when would 5% Glucose IV be used?
5% Glucose is used for maintenance to give water when needed. It has no place in replacing plasma/ blood loss – it is not physiological. Giving too much too quickly can lead to hyponatraemia.
Administering an infusion of glucose 5% (another common IV fluid) will result in expansion of the vascular compartment with fluid which will become hypotonic towards plasma (the glucose is metabolised). Fluid will therefore distribute itself into the interstitial space and into the cell compartment.
Very little glucose 5% remains in the vascular compartment, which is why it is not the fluid of choice for resuscitation.
Sodium chloride infusion therefore results in the expansion of the vascular compartment more effectively compared to Glucose 5%.
when would Glucose-saline IV be used?
Glucose-saline contains some glucose and some sodium chloride. It is a good fluid for maintenance – it contains approximately the correct sodium (when given at the correct rate for weight).
What are the advantages and disadvantages of Colloid solutions ?
Colloid solutions contain large molecules which stay in the vascular compartment. A Cochrane review showed no evidence from randomised controlled trials that resuscitation with colloids reduces the risk of death, compared to resuscitation with crystalloids, in patients with trauma, burns or following surgery. Colloids may cause anaphylaxis
Using IV fluids
When thinking about IV fluids use the 5 Rs. Describe these.
(Resuscitation, Routine maintenance, Replacement, Redistribution and Reassessment)
Consider prescribing less fluid (20–25 ml.kg-1.day-1 fluid) for patients who are older, frail, have renal impairment or cardiac failure.
For routine maintenance alone consider using 25–30 ml.kg-1.day-1 sodium chloride 0.18% in 4% glucose with potassium. This is an initial prescription and further prescriptions should be guided by monitoring.
When thinking about IV fluids and the 5 Rs, describe Resuscitation
IV fluids may need to be given to restore circulatory volume in patients with hypovolaemia. Hypovolaemia may result from bleeding, plasma loss (e.g. burns), fluid and electrolyte loss (e.g. diarrhoea & vomiting). If patients need IV fluid resuscitation, use crystalloids that contain sodium in the range 130– 154 mmol.l-1, with a bolus of 500 ml over less than 15 minutes.
When thinking about IV fluids and the 5 Rs, describe Routine Maintenance
Patients who are unable to take fluids orally will need their routine fluid requirements met by prescribing IV fluids. This fluid is in addition to deficits or continuing abnormal loses.
IV fluids for routine maintenance alone can be calculated using
Water: 25–30 ml.kg-1.day-1
Potassium, sodium and chloride: approximately 1 mmol.kg-1.day-1
Glucose: approximately 50–100 g.day-1 of glucose (limits starvation
For obese patients adjust the IV fluid prescription to their ideal body weight (patients rarely need more than a total of 3 litres of fluid per day).
Consider prescribing less fluid (20–25 ml.kg-1.day-1 fluid) for patients who are older, frail, have renal impairment or cardiac failure.
For routine maintenance alone consider using 25–30 ml.kg-1.day-1 sodium chloride 0.18% in 4% glucose with potassium. This is an initial prescription and further prescriptions should be guided by monitoring.
When thinking about IV fluids and the 5 Rs, describe Replacement
Many of your patients will not need urgent fluid resuscitation but will need IV fluids in addition to their routine maintenance needs. The additional fluid is to correct existing deficits or to meet ongoing losses.
When thinking about IV fluids and the 5 Rs, describe Redistribution
Some patients with sepsis, major surgery, liver, kidney or renal disease may have abnormal fluid handling. Many develop oedema from sodium and water excess. Fluid may accumulate in the GI tract or thoracic and peritoneal cavities.
Describe the content of the different Fluid compartments
We are about 60% water, divided across compartments of the body
• Intracellular compartment
• About 40% of body water – c28l
• Extracellular compartment
• About 20% of body water – c14l
• Divided into interstitial (15%) and intravascular (5%) components
• Plus a small number of specialised spaces (eg CSF, joint fluid, pleural fluid etc)
How does water move through the compartments?
Water can move freely between all compartments
• Movement driven by osmotic forces
• Generated by changes in the concentration of
solute in compartments
• Solutes may or may not cross between compartments
• Movement is often controlled
• Movement may be against concentration gradients (active) or with them (passive)
What determines the volume of a compartment?
• Determined by the amount of water in them
• The volume of the intracellular compartment determined by movement of water to and from the extracellular compartment
• Mostly determined by the solute concentrations in the extracellular compartment
• Shrinkage or swelling of cells is very harmful
• The volume of the extracellular compartment is determined by exchange of water and solute with the environment
Distribution of volume between the interstitial and intravascular compartments determined by exchange of water and solute with interstitial fluid at capillaries
Describe Exchange between interstitial and intravascular compartments
Happens at capillaries
• Water and small solutes cross freely, cells and
large molecules do not
• Generates oncotic pressure
• Water and small solutes forced out of intravascular compartment by hydrostatic pressure
• Drawn back in by oncotic pressure
Describe the Solutes in Extracellular fluid
- Low [K+]
- High [Na+]
- Major anions Cl- and HCO3-
- Proteins and cells in intravascular compartment
- Controlled by exchange with environment
- Overall osmolarity of intra and extracellular compartments normally the same (300 mosmoles)
Describe the Solutes in Intracellular fluid
- Intracellular fluid • High [K+]
- Low [Na+]
- [Cl-] lower than extracellular fluid • Lots of organic anions
- Very low [Ca2+ ]
- Controlled by wide range of membrane transport processes
Control of extracellular fluid composition
- The solute concentration (osmolarity) is controlled by variable excretion and ingestion of water
- Increases in osmolarity • Stimulate thirst
- Cause anti-diuresis to conserve water (antidiuretic hormone (ADH))
- Decreases in osmolarity
- Cause diuresis to lose water
- We normally have the right amount of water to dilute our total amount of extracellular solute to the right osmolarity
- Determined by total amount of solute (mainly Na+) in extracellular space
- More solute needs more water to dilute it to normal osmolarity, hence more volume (and vice- versa)
- Controlled by variable excretion of Na+ • Renin Angiotensin System
True or false: Average venous pressure determines arterial
And therefore effective perfusion of tissues
• Maintenance of circulating volume critical
Perturbations of fluid control
• Loss of volume
• Solute and water lost together – eg haemorrhage • Loss of water
• More water than solute lost - dehydration
• Loss of water and solute, but in different
proportions to those in ECF
• Vomiting, diarrhoea, sweating
• Changes volume and composition
list the effects of Loss of volume on fluid balance and explain how is it mitigated physiologically
Principal effect on circulation • Lower venous pressure • Lower cardiac output • Lower blood pressure Mitigated physiologically by • Venoconstriction • Fluid movement from interstitial space • Vasoconstriction in non essential circulations • Water, electrolytes and cells replaced by physiological control mechanisms • Managed clinically by • Replacing all components in proportion
list the effects of Loss of water on fluid balance and explain how is it mitigated physiologically. how is it managed clinically?
- Increasedosmolarity
- Cells shrink
- Reduced circulating volume
- Mitigatedby
- Thirst drives water intake
- Water conserved by anti-diuresis
- Managed clinically by
- Replacement with glucose solution
- Glucose metabolised, leaving water to restore osmolarity
what is the effect of Vomiting
- Lose some water
- Significantly, H+, leaving excess HCO3- in blood • Also lose potassium
- Dehydration prevents kidney excreting HCO3- • Alkalosis leads to hypokalaemia
what is the effect of Diarrhoea
- Loss of significant water
* Loss of electrolyte, especially K+
what is the effect of Severe sweating
- Loss of water
* Loss of Na+
what general fluids are used clinically to mitigate fluid imbalances?
- Colloids
- Crystalloids
- Fluids with electrolytes and water • Physiological fluids
- Closest to plasma • Glucosesolution • Mixtures
- Blood
describe colloids as fluid replacements
Include large molecular weight molecules intended to preserve oncotic pressure when infused
• Tend to keep volume in vascular spaces
• Resuscitation not maintenance
• Examples – gelatins, dextrans, albumin (and starches)
describe crystalloids as fluid replacements
• 0.9% saline
• Replaces water and
• May reduce oncotic pressure
• Sodium concentration higher than plasma
• Osmolarity higher than plasma – extra sodium
• Extra chloride – hyperchloraemic acidosis
Adding Potassium
• 0.9%salinehasno potassium may lead to hypokalaemia
• If need to increase potassium levels can add extra potassium to saline
Describe Physiological fluids
- Muchcloserin electrolyte and colloid composition to plasma
* Lessphysiologically disruptive than 0.9% saline
Describe glucose solution as fluid replacement
- Glucoseandwater
- More or less isotonic, but glucose rapidly metabolised leaving water in the extra- cellular space
- Good for dehydration
- Notusefulfor resuscitation
what is the Daily requirements for water, glucose Na+, K+, Cl- per kg.
- Water – 25-30 ml.kg-1
- Glucose – 50 – 100g
- Na+ / K+ / Cl- – 1 mmol.kg-1
list the Regimes for Resuscitation fluids
- Blood - if lost blood
- Colloid - if need urgent plasma expansion awaiting blood
- Crystalloid – 0.9% saline or physiological fluids are resuscitation fluids of choice (if not need blood)
Nice Guidelines • Routine maintenance
• Combination of saline & KCL or physiological fluid and glucose solution to provide daily requirements
• NICE – Sodium chloride 0.18% in 4% glucose with
27 mmol/l potassium on day 1 (there are other regimens to achieve this).
• Prescribing more than 2.5 litres per day increases the risk of hyponatraemia.
• These are initial prescriptions and further prescriptions should be guided by monitoring.
• Consider delivering IV fluids for routine maintenance during daytime hours to promote sleep and wellbeing.
Mr Smith is a 70-year-old man who presents to the Emergency Department with a 3-day history of diarrhoea and vomiting.
1. How would you assess Mr Smith? What clinical signs might indicate Mr Smith needs urgent fluid resuscitation?
Take a brief history – previous fluid intake, losses, and comorbidities.
Clinical examination - Systolic blood pressure < 100 mmHg, postural hypotension, heart rate > 90 beats per minute, capillary refill time > 2 seconds or peripheries are cold to touch, respiratory rate > 20 breaths per minute. Reduced JVP. Passive leg raising suggests fluid responsiveness. ( If, at 30–90 seconds, the patient shows signs of haemodynamic improvement, it indicates that volume replacement may be required). Poor urine output, concentrated urine.
Mr Smith is a 70-year-old man who presents to the Emergency Department with a 3-day history of diarrhoea and vomiting.
Which fluid are you going to give? How much are you going to give and over how long?
Crystalloid such as 0.9% sodium chloride or Hartmann’s 500ml over 15 minutes.
Mr Smith is a 70-year-old man who presents to the Emergency Department with a 3-day history of diarrhoea and vomiting. you give him fluids. You reassess Mr Smith and think he has improved slightly but you feel he still requires IV fluid resuscitation. What options do you have?
You assess Mr Smith and you find that clinically he no longer needs fluids for resuscitation.
What would you consider doing with the IV therapy now?
Continue boluses of fluid up to 2 litres of 0.9% Sodium Chloride. Reassess after each bolus. Ask for help.
Reduce to maintenance rate until he is able to meet his fluid and electrolyte requirements orally.
Other than clinical assessment what assessments / measurements should you use to assess fluid status?
Other than clinical assessment what assessments / measurements should you use to assess fluid status?
Mr Smith weighs 70 Kg and his serum electrolytes are within normal range
7. What are his fluid and electrolyte requirements for the next 24 hours? (Include sodium, potassium, chloride, glucose and fluid volume)
What fluid would you prescribe to meet his maintenance requirements for the next 24 hours?
1750-2100 ml fluid (Water: 25–30 ml.kg-1.day-1)
70mmol K+, Na+, Cl- (Potassium, sodium and chloride: approximately 1 mmol.kg-1.day-1).
50 – 100g of glucose (Glucose: approximately 50–100 g.day-1 of glucose (limits starvation ketosis)).
1L 0.18% sodium chloride / 4% glucose with 40 mmol Potassium 1L 0.18% sodium chloride / 4% glucose with 20 mmol Potassium
Your IV prescription runs out and the nurse on the ward asks you to review Mr Smith. You review his observations which are normal. He is passing 50mls of urine per hour. Blood results are within normal limits. He is drinking well.
What actions would you take with regards to his IV therapy?
He is drinking and therefore able to manage his fluid requirements orally. He no longer requires IV fluid therapy. Promote oral fluids, stop IV fluids but continue reassessments and fluid balance records until it is clear he is meeting his needs.
During IV fluid administration Mr Smith becomes short of breath. On auscultation of his chest you hear widespread crepitations. chest x ray shows Bilateral shadowing (bat wings). what has happened?
– pulmonary oedema. Fluid overload
List six indications for fluid balance monitoring?
Administration of fluids other than orally, NBM, poor urine output, urinary catheter for monitoring, elevated NEWS score, D&V, post-operative patients, patients with drains or fistulae or stomas, NG tubes any patient showing signs of overload or dehydration.
Mrs Elsie Green is 85 years old. She lives alone. She has a diagnosis of dementia. Her daughter visits daily but has become concerned about Mrs Green’s increasing confusion and reluctance to drink. Her GP visits and arranges for Mrs Green to be admitted to the Medical Assessment Unit. Mrs Green is started on a fluid balance chart. You are on call during your assistantship. The night nurse starts her shift at 22:00 and asks you to review Mrs Green. She is worried that Mrs Green is not passing enough urine. Mrs Green weighs 60kg
What assessment of Mrs Green do you make?
Clinical examination – Skin turgor, tongue, pulse, blood pressure, temperature, respiratory rate, JVP, CRT, alertness, chest for creps, heart failure.
Mrs Elsie Green is 85 years old. She lives alone. She has a diagnosis of dementia. Her daughter visits daily but has become concerned about Mrs Green’s increasing confusion and reluctance to drink. Her GP visits and arranges for Mrs Green to be admitted to the Medical Assessment Unit. Mrs Green is started on a fluid balance chart. You are on call during your assistantship. The night nurse starts her shift at 22:00 and asks you to review Mrs Green. She is worried that Mrs Green is not passing enough urine. Mrs Green weighs 60kg What volume of urine should Mrs Green produce?
Normal urine output is 1ml/kg/hour – 60ml/hour. Minimum acceptable urine output is 0.5ml/kg/hour. Mrs Green should be producing at a minimum 30mls of urine per hour.
Mrs Elsie Green is 85 years old. She lives alone. She has a diagnosis of dementia. Her daughter visits daily but has become concerned about Mrs Green’s increasing confusion and reluctance to drink. Her GP visits and arranges for Mrs Green to be admitted to the Medical Assessment Unit. Mrs Green is started on a fluid balance chart. You are on call during your assistantship. The night nurse starts her shift at 22:00 and asks you to review Mrs Green. She is worried that Mrs Green is not passing enough urine. Mrs Green weighs 60kg What would you expect her eGFR, urea, creatinine, haematocrit to be – reduced, normal, or raised?
Her renal function will be reduced (hypovolaemia pre-renal) disproportionate rise in urea compared with creatinine. Both urea and creatinine are filtered - urea will be reabsorbed in the proximal tubule. Low eGFR, raised urea and raised creatinine. Her haematocrit is likely to be raised.
Your clinical assessment leads you to believe Mrs Green is fluid depleted with a low blood pressure raised pulse rate and likely acute kidney injury. You decide she requires fluid resuscitation.
Which fluid, how much and over how long are you going to give the fluid?
Crystalloid – 0.9% sodium chloride 500mls over 15 minutes.
Mrs Elsie Green is 85 years old. She lives alone. She has a diagnosis of dementia. Her daughter visits daily but has become concerned about Mrs Green’s increasing confusion and reluctance to drink. Her GP visits and arranges for Mrs Green to be admitted to the Medical Assessment Unit. Mrs Green is started on a fluid balance chart. You are on call during your assistantship. The night nurse starts her shift at 22:00 and asks you to review Mrs Green. She is worried that Mrs Green is not passing enough urine. Mrs Green weighs 60kg.
What is her fluid volume requirement? What is her sodium requirement? What is her potassium requirement?
What IV fluids could you give?
Before leaving the ward, what instructions will you give the nurse?
Volume requirement 25X60 = 1500ml (current oral fluid 300) about 1200ml a day
Na+ 60mmol K+ 60mmol
Hartmann’s 500ml (65mmols Na+) with 20/40mmols K+ (eating little bits so some electrolytes) over 6 hours (83mls.hr-1).
5% glucose 1L over 12 hours (83mls.hr-1)
Running over 18hrs so has rest overnight – promote sleep.
Complete NEWS observation chart hourly. Complete hourly fluid balance chart. Escalate if urine output <30mls/hr. Review prescription chart 24hrs. Encourage frequent oral intake.
Brian Field aged 60 attended the Emergency Department with a 3-day history of abdominal swelling and vomiting. On examination, his abdomen is distended and tender. He has an abdominal X-ray which confirms small bowel obstruction. He continues to vomit. You are completing the assistantship and asked to insert a cannula and prescribe appropriate IV fluids for Mr Field (you will need to ask the FY1 to check the prescription chart you have completed). Clinically he is volume depleted.
Why might he be volume depleted?
List 5 other causes of volume depletion?
Vomiting and poor fluid intake.
Causes include haemorrhage, diuretics, diabetes, poor fluid management, diarrhoea, stomas, trauma, and burns.
Brian Field aged 60 attended the Emergency Department with a 3-day history of abdominal swelling and vomiting. On examination, his abdomen is distended and tender. He has an abdominal X-ray which confirms small bowel obstruction. He continues to vomit. You are completing the assistantship and asked to insert a cannula and prescribe appropriate IV fluids for Mr Field (you will need to ask the FY1 to check the prescription chart you have completed). Clinically he is volume depleted. You pass a nasogastric tube and aspirate 500mls. What will the electrolyte composition of this fluid be?
How might these requirements be met using a combination of Hartmann’s, 0.9% NaCl, Glucose 5%, Glucose 4% / NaCl 0.18% with or without added potassium?
Na+ - 20-60mmol.l-1, K+ - 14mmol.l-1, Cl- - 140mmol.l-1 Cl, H+ - 60-80mmol.l-1
His blood results show he has low sodium and low potassium. You calculate that Mr Field requires approximately 3-3.5L of fluid, 150-200mmols of Na+ and 80mmols of K+ over 24hours.
Any of:
NaCl 0.9% 1L + 40mmol K+ over 8hrs Glucose 5% 1L + 20mmols K+ over 8hrs Glucose 5% 1L + 20mmols K+ over 8hrs (3L, 154mmol Na+, 80mmol K+)
Hartmann’s 1L over 8 hours
Glucose 4%/ NaCl 0.18% 1L + 40mmols K+ over 8 hours Glucose 5% 1L + 40mmols K+ over 8 hours
(3L, 161mmol Na, 80mmol K+)
Glucose 4%/ NaCl 0.18% 1L + 20mmols K+ over 6 hours Glucose 4%/ NaCl 0.18% 1L + 20mmols K+ over 6 hours Glucose 4%/ NaCl 0.18% 1L + 20mmols K+ over 6 hours NaCl 0.9% 500ml + 20mmols K+ over 6 hours
(3.5L, 165mmol Na, 80mmol K+)
NaCl 0.9% 1L + 20mmol K+ over 8hrs
Glucose 4%/ NaCl 0.18% 1L + 20mmols K+ over 8 hours Glucose 5% 1L + 40mmols K+ over 8hrs
(3L, 184mmol Na, 80mmol K+)
What are the risks of IV fluid administration?
Infection from cannula, extravasation of fluid, and thrombophlebitis. Hyponatraemia (too much hypotonic solution), Volume overload (too much Na and water), volume depletion (not enough sodium and water), AKI (not enough sodium and water), hypokalaemia (not enough potassium).
A 75-year-old man attends the Emergency Department with a stroke. He is admitted to the stroke unit. When you examine him, you are concerned about his gag reflex and worry he may aspirate if he takes oral fluids. You book a swallowing assessment for the next day. In the meantime, you believe he requires IV maintenance fluids. He has no comorbidities. His urea and electrolytes are within normal limits. He weighs 100Kg and a BMI of 39kg.m2.
How do you calculate his volume requirements over the next 24 hours?
The following day it is clear that he cannot swallow. What options do you have?
He has a high BMI (39kg.m2). If you use his weight you will prescribe too much fluid. Fat has lower water content. You need to use his ideal weight (by formula or BMI ideal weight tables – look it up).
Consider nasogastric or PEG feeding (if IV fluids are likely to be needed for more than 3 days – enteral feeding preferable).
What would you include in an IV fluid management plan?
Fluid and electrolyte prescription for next 24 hours.
Monitoring requirements – frequency of observations, blood tests, management of fluid balance charts.
Discussion with patient / carer – why you think needs IV fluids.
Explain to nurse & patient re signs and symptoms to look out for regarding too much or too little fluid given.
Miss Sands aged 40 has had a pan colectomy and an ileostomy performed for ulcerative colitis 2 years previously. She presents to the Surgical Assessment Unit with increased output from her ileostomy. She thinks it must be at least 3L a day for the last couple of days. She feels thirsty, nauseous but is able to drink. Miss Sands is concerned she will become dehydrated. Her blood pressure is 120/80.
Do you think she needs IV fluids? Explain your reasoning?
What are the potential risks to this patient during fluid management?
It is likely she will require IV fluids because has volume deficit (to make up), large ongoing losses of fluid and electrolytes plus need for routine maintenance fluids.
Ileostomy output may vary so will require close monitoring – underestimate or overestimate of losses may lead to too much fluid administered (pulmonary oedema / peripheral oedema) or too little fluid administered (AKI). Not enough potassium given – hypokalaemia. Hyponatraemia from excessive sodium loss.
Miss Sands aged 40 has had a pan colectomy and an ileostomy performed for ulcerative colitis 2 years previously. She presents to the Surgical Assessment Unit with increased output from her ileostomy. She thinks it must be at least 3L a day for the last couple of days. She feels thirsty, nauseous but is able to drink. Miss Sands is concerned she will become dehydrated. Her blood pressure is 120/80.
How are you going to calculate her fluid and electrolyte requirements?
Calculate deficit, calculate ongoing losses– ongoing loss diagram, and calculate routine maintenance. High output ileostomy [Na+] 100-140 mmol.l-1, [K+] 4-5 mmol.l-1, [Cl-] 75-125 mmol.l-1, [HCO3-] 0-30 mmol.l-1.
Miss Sands aged 40 has had a pan colectomy and an ileostomy performed for ulcerative colitis 2 years previously. She presents to the Surgical Assessment Unit with increased output from her ileostomy. She thinks it must be at least 3L a day for the last couple of days. She feels thirsty, nauseous but is able to drink. Miss Sands is concerned she will become dehydrated. Her blood pressure is 120/80. Suggest a possible fluid plan? This patient has complex fluid requirements and should have senior input into her fluid management.
Possible fluids
- 9% NaCl 1L over 2 hours (to make up fluid deficit)
- 9% NaCl + 40mmol K+ 1L over 6 hours (to follow ongoing losses) 5% glucose + 20mmol K+ over 8 hours (routine maintenance)
Mr. Lewis is a 70-year-old man who lives alone. He was found collapsed at home today. He was unable to get up because of severe pain in his hip. He was last seen by his neighbours three days earlier.
commonly at risk from hyperkalaemia. Renal function should be checked before starting an ACE inhibitor and should be monitored during treatment.
On arrival in the Emergency Department he is confused. His observations are Pulse 65/minute, Blood Pressure 80/60. You obtain a venous blood gas which shows a potassium of 9mmol/L (normal range 3.5 – 5mmol/L)
From the history why might Mr. Lewis have a raised plasma potassium?
Lying on the floor may lead to rhabdomyolysis. Rhabdomyolysis leads to K+ within the muscle cells leaking out into the extracellular fluid.
Myoglobin is also released from the myocyte into the plasma. Plasma myoglobin levels exceed protein binding and can precipitate in glomerular filtrate. Excess myoglobin may cause renal tubular obstruction, direct nephrotoxicity and acute kidney injury (AKI). Decreased renal function leads to decreased potassium excretion.
His daughter arrives and informs you that Mr. Lewis has heart failure treated with Ramipril (ACE inhibitor), bisoprolol (beta blocker) and spironolactone (aldosterone antagonist). He also has osteoarthritis for which he takes regular over the counter Ibuprofen (NSAID).
His daughter arrives and informs you that Mr. Lewis has heart failure treated with Ramipril (ACE inhibitor), bisoprolol (beta blocker) and spironolactone (aldosterone antagonist). He also has osteoarthritis for which he takes regular over the counter Ibuprofen (NSAID).
Explain why each of these drugs may be associated with hyperkalaemia?
Ramipril may cause impairment of renal function which may be severe in elderly patients. By interfering with the production of angiotensin II, the ACE inhibitors decrease efferent arteriolar regulation. Clinically significant alterations in renal function may result, particularly in low perfusion states. Those patients with impaired renal function taking Ramipril are more commonly at risk from hyperkalaemia. Renal function should be checked before starting an ACE inhibitor and should be monitored during treatment.
Bisoprolol: has a negative inotropic effect with the potential to impair renal function, especially if cardiac output is already compromised. In clinical practice, the adverse effects on the heart usually predominate so the drug is often stopped before the renal dysfunction becomes clinically relevant.
Spironolactone; antagonist of aldosterone, acts by competitive binding of receptors at the aldosterone-dependent sodium-potassium exchange site in the distal convoluted renal tubule. Spironolactone causes increased amounts of sodium and water to be excreted, while potassium is retained. Adding an ACE inhibitor to a patient taking spironolactone increases the risk of hyperkalaemia.
Ibuprofen: all NSAIDs inhibit prostaglandin synthesis (vasodilatory), leading to unopposed, intrarenal vasoconstriction. This decreases the glomerular filtration rate. NSAIDs can cause an acute, usually reversible, deterioration in renal function due to inhibition of renal vasodilatory prostaglandins in the kidney. The risk factors include older age, hypertension, pre-existing impaired renal function, diabetes, diuretics and volume depletion. More rarely, NSAIDs may cause an acute interstitial nephritis, with acute renal failure and heavy proteinuria. The renal failure may be severe enough to require dialysis.
Mr. Lewis is a 70-year-old man who lives alone. He was found collapsed at home today. He was unable to get up because of severe pain in his hip. He was last seen by his neighbours three days earlier.
commonly at risk from hyperkalaemia. Renal function should be checked before starting an ACE inhibitor and should be monitored during treatment.
On arrival in the Emergency Department he is confused. His observations are Pulse 65/minute, Blood Pressure 80/60. You obtain a venous blood gas which shows a potassium of 9mmol/L (normal range 3.5 – 5mmol/L) an ECG shows
Prolonged QRS interval with bizarre QRS morphology,
You ask for help and your registrar explains the treatment of severe hyperkalaemia involves:
• • •
stabilizing the myocardium to prevent arrhythmias shifting potassium back into the intracellular space removing excess potassium from the body
Which drug would you give to stabilize the myocardium?
Which other drugs might you consider?
Calcium does not lower the serum potassium level, but instead is used to stabilize the myocardium, as a temporizing measure. Calcium is indicated if there is widening of QRS, sine wave pattern (when S and T waves merge together), or in hyperkalaemic cardiac arrest. The cardiac membrane stabilizing effect takes about 15-30mins. Calcium Chloride 10% 5-10ml IV.
Salbutamol dose: 10-20mg via nebulizer can lower potassium level 1mmol/L in about 30 minutes, and maintain it for up to 2 hours. Very effective in renal patients that are fluid overloaded.
Sodium Bicarbonate dose: 50- 200mmol of 8.4% Sodium Bicarbonate. Bicarbonate is only effective at driving Potassium intracellularly if the patient is acidotic. Begins working in 30-60 minutes and continues to work for several hours
List 2 drugs that can be used together to drive potassium into the cell and explain why they work?
Insulin and Glucose dose: IV fast acting insulin (actrapid) 10-20 units and glucose/dextrose 50g 25-50ml. Insulin drives potassium into cells and administering glucose prevents hypoglycaemia. Begins to work in 20-30 mins reduces potassium by 1mmol/L and ECG changes within the first hour.
How can you eliminate potassium from the body?
Calcium Resonium 15-45g orally or rectally, mixed with sorbitol or lactulose
Calcium polystyrene sulfonate is a large insoluble molecule that binds potassium in the large intestine, where it is excreted in faeces
Effects take 2-3 hours
Dialysis is the gold standard for removing potassium from the body. Provides immediate and reliable removal. Can lower potassium by 1mmol/L in first hour and another 1mmol/L over the next 2 hours.