Week 8 Design 4 Qualitative Studies Flashcards
Week 8
Design 4 Qualitative Studies
Quantitative research
uses structured, hypothesis-driven approaches to gather data that can be statistically analyzed
ØTesting existing hypotheses
Qualitative research
uses in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, participant observation, and other unstructured or semi-structured methods to explore attitudes and perceptions, identify themes and patterns
ØQuestions: Why? How?
ØTo formulate new theories
Focus on a Phenomenon
The central concept a qualitative study wants to explore
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ØPerception of health and illness
ØImprove health promotion programs
ØClinical processes (best care plan)
ØSocial change that may improve health
ØWhy they adopt a health-related behaviors
ØHow they make health-related decisions
Phenomena ______ be directly measured
ØResearchers must be cautious of the ways their own thoughts, experiences, biases, and assumptions shape the design and interpretation of their research studies
What are the 3 Philosophical Orientations?
1) Methodology
Approach to data collection and analysis
2) Ontology
Nature of reality (realism to realism to relativism; objectivity to subjectivity)
2) Epistemology
Nature and definition of knowledge and truth (positivism vs, interpretivism vs. critical theory)
What are the 3 Philosophical Orientations?
1) Methodology
Approach to data collection and analysis
2) Ontology
Nature of reality (realism to realism to relativism; objectivity to subjectivity)
2) Epistemology
Nature and definition of knowledge and truth (positivism vs, interpretivism vs. critical theory)
1) Ontology
ØRealism in quantitative studies (one reality exists that can be understood by objective observation) vs. relativism (there are multiple realities that cannot be fully understood)
Ø Realities are subjectivity: different interpretations based on an evaluator’s beliefs, perceptions, and feelings
ØA subject imposes meaning on an object
Ø Qualitative study typically seek to understand subjective aspects of human existence
2) Epistemology
ØQuantitative study: researchers are independent from their study subjects and that researchers can control for possible biases in order to make objective measurements
ØQualitative study: researchers and study participants are interdependent, and they create knowledge together as they interactively explore subjective topics
The study of values
ØQuantitative study: assumes rigorous procedures can control the impact of values and biases on study outcomes
ØQualitative researchers assume that a researcher’s values affect the study
Theoretical Paradigms
-Positivism(mostly quantitative)
-critical theory
-pragmatism (mixed methods
(Qualitative research)
What are the Qualitative Research Planning?
How many steps
Ontology->Epistemology->Theoretical paradigm->Methodology->Methods
Philosophical orientations should align with the goals of the study and the selected theoretical paradigm
-Methodologies in the health sciences: phenomenology, grounded theory, ethnography, case studies
Qualitative Study Designs
ØExploring how individuals interpret and find meaning in their own unique life experiences and feelings
ØThe perspective of the participants
ØMethod: In-depth interviews, examining transcripts to identify meanings and themes
ØResearchers may put aside preconceived ideas about reality in order to be open to new meanings that might be expressed by participants (Bracketing)
What is an example of Phenomenology?
A grounded theory
ØAn inductive reasoning process
ØUse of observations to develop general theories that explain phenomena
ØSimultaneous data collection and data analysis
ØNo predetermined sampling strategy
ØData collection continues until data saturation (reaching the theory)
Theoretical sampling
ØSystematic study of people and cultures in their natural environments
ØAn anthropological approach to develop an insider’s view of the way members of a sociocultural group understand their world
ØEthnographers often use participant observation methods to understand a group’s collective experiences, values, beliefs, and behaviours
Case study (do not confuse with case report/series)
Use of multiple data sources to examine and understand ONE person, group, or event in detail
-Historic records
Sometimes before preparing a case report or a case series (Week 5)
What are Mixed Method Studies?
Elements of BOTH quantitative and qualitative methods in one single study
-Parallel collection of quantitative and qualitative data and then compare the results and interpret them
ØSequential collection of data
ØSome qualitative studies are embedded within a quantitative study
Collecting Qualitative Data
The Main Issue
-Close engagement of researchers with participants
Hard to remain objective
High chance of bias
Both a methodological and an ethical issue