week 8- blood malignancy Flashcards
• What are the 4 major subdivisions of hematologic malignancies?
o Myeloid d/os: acute myeloid leukemia, or chronic myeloid d/os
o Lymphoid d/os: acute lymphoid leukemia, chronic lymphoid d/o
• What are the further subdivisions of chronic myeloid disorders?
o Chronic myeloid leukemia
o Myelodysplastic syndrome
o Atypical chronic myeloid d/o
o Chronic myeloproliferative dzs
• What are myeloproliferative d/os?
o cause abnormal proliferation of a line of blood cells; often multiple (erythroid, myeloid, and megakaryocytic precursors in BM)
o =clonal expansion that arises from a pluripotent stem cell
o have appropriate cell differentiation and result in mostly mature blood cells (unlike other myelodysplastic syndromes and leukemias)
• what are the types of myeloproliferative d/os?
o PCV (RBCs) o Primary (essential) thrombocytopenia (platelets) o Chronic myelogenous leukemia (granulocytes) o Myelofibrosis (collagen or fibrous tissue)
• How are MPDs detected? Sxs?
o Reflected in peripheral blood smear & CBC results.
o Often caught on a CBC with irregular cell counts or by splenomegaly on physical exam
o Presenting: none, HTN, itching, burning feet, thrombosis, splenomegaly (fullness and discomfort
• What is PCV?
o Increased Hb conc and increased RBC mass
o Incidence about 0.1-1.6/per million people, mb more in males
o 60 yrs mean dx
o Environment: exposure to high levels of radiation may increase risk
o CBC and peripheral smear show panmyelosis: increased RBCs, WBCs, &Plts
• What are the 3 classes of polycythemia?
o Relative: Dt low plasma volume: dehydration, burns, diuretics; inc RBC only; normal EPO
o Secondary: “Reactive Polycythemia”, Hypoxia (smoking), high altitude, lung disease; inc RBC only; inc EPO
o Primary: PCV, “Malignant” hematologic disorder, not self-limiting. Tx with phlebotomy, anti-neoplastic drugs; Significant increases in all formed elements; dec EPO
• What are the stages of PCV?
o 1: uncomplicated erythrocythemia
o 2: erythrocythemia and thrombocythemia
o 3: myeloid metaplasia with overlap syndromes of different grades of reticulin and collagen fibrosis of BM, splenomegaly, leukocytosis
o 4: spent phase polycythemia with leukoerythroblastosis
o 5: acute myelocytic leukemia
• What are ssx of PCV?
o Expanded blood volume & hyperviscosity lead to: weakness, HA, light-headedness, visual disturbances, fatigue, SOB
o Bleeding tendency is common (epistaxis)
o Pruritus is frequent
o Face may be red, retinal veins engorged
o Hepatomegaly frequent
o Splenomegaly in > 75% of patients (extramedullary hematopoiesis, in liver and spleen; splenic infarcts common)
• What are the blood O and viscosity problems with PCV?
o Blood O2 inc, but tissue O2 dec
o Tissue hypoxia dt inc blood viscosity, causing problems with tissue perfusion & vessel thrombosis
o Easy blood clotting; MI or stroke; heart failure or angina
o Raynaud’s phenomenon is common
o Chronic cases result in inc CO & increased capillary beds in an effort to dec tissue hypoxia
• What is the effect of HCT on blood viscosity?
o Blood viscosity increases exponentially with inc HCT
o =more blood in vessels; dec blood flow
• What signs help dx of PCV?
o Inc Uric acid levels dt inc nucleic acid turnover
o EPO is low or undetectable
o RBC count > 6,000,000 /mm3; RBC stacks on smear
o BM is usually hypercellular (all cell lines)
o RBC survival time decreases in 25% leading to anemia. Myelofibrosis may develop during this phase.
• What are other findings in peripheral blood with PCV?
o Immature WBCs
o Immature RBCs, with marked anisocytosis and poikilocytosis: microcytes, elliptocytes, and dacrocytes may be seen
o Neutrophilia with abnormal morphology
o Thrombocytosis with abnormal morphology & if function is also abnormal then increased bleeding
• What is essential (primary) thrombocythemia?
o Hi Idiopathic platelet count of 500,000-1,00,000/L,
o w/o features of the other myeloproliferative disorders: Normal RBC mass; Lack of BM fibrosis; No dacrocytes; No “philadelphia chromosome” (CML)
o BM megakaryocyte hyperplasia
o Either a hemorrhagic or thrombotic tendency.
o Seen in 50-70 year olds
• What is seen on peripheral blood smear of ETC?
o Platelet aggregates, Giant Platelets, and Megakaryocyte fragments
• What may appear with 2nd TC that is not seen in ETC?
o Acute infection o Chronic inflammatory dz (RA, TB) o Iron deficiency anemia o Hemolysis o Cancer o Lymphoma o Splenectomy o Plt Count usu. < 1,000,000; Hx; PE; no (normal) platelet aggregation
• What is myelofibrosis?
o BM becomes fibrotic
o Splenomegaly
o Myeloid metaplasia: Extramedullary hematopoiesis, cells formed in liver & spleen
o Hallmark: inc reticulin staining; also be seen in pts with acute leukemias, esp acute myeloid leukemia (AML).
o Peak incidence 50-70 years
o Median survival 10 years from onset
o Dx by BM biopsy showing fibrosis, marrow aspiration commonly dry
o WBC & platelet counts frequently high initially, become low as disease progresses
• What is found on CBC of MF?
o Leukoerythroblastic: immature WBCs and RBCs.
o RBCs: Normocytic normochromic anemia; mild poikilocytosis, polychromatophilia & NRBCs, Dacrocytes
o WBCs: Initial leukocytosis with immature neutrophils
o Platelets: eventually thrombocytopenia (occasionally abn giant platelets)
• What other conditions may manifest as a “2nd MF” as part of their dz course?
o PV: 15-30% of cases o Leukemias, lymphomas, multiple myeloma o TB and osteomyelitis o Myelodysplastic Syndrome MDS o Exposure to benzene, X-Rays, Gamma Rays
• What is myelodysplasia?
o An insufficient # of funny looking cells that don’t work well
o =ineffective hematopoiesis; usu all 3 cell lines
o -> cytopenias, w/ extramedullary hematopoiesis in liver and spleen ->SM and HM
o BM may be normal or hypercellular & contains < 30% blasts.
o MDS d/os considered “pre-leukemic” condition, meaning: predilection to evolve into acute nonlymphocytic leukemias ANLL/Acute Myelogenous Leukemia
• What are ssx of MDS? CBC?
o Fatigue, weakness, anorexia, weight loss, abdominal fullness.
o May have increased bleeding & infections.
o Macrocytic anemia with anisocytosis
o Thrombocytopenia with variations in PLT size.
o WBCs may be normal, high, or low
o May see monocytosis and up to 5% blasts in peripheral blood.