Week 8 Biosphere Integrity Flashcards
What are the control variables and planetary boundaries for biosphere integrity?
Control variable: Extinction rate, genetic diversity
Planetary boundary : < 10 extinctions per million species
We have passed this or nearing
How is life in the biosphere organized?
Biosphere - the total area on Earth where living things are found
What is a biome?
a portion of the biosphere by a distinct climate and particular assemblage of plants and animals adapted to it.
What is a community?
all the populations living and interacting in an area. communities represent the “living’ portion of the ecosystem.
what is an ecosystem?
an integrated system defined by its biotic and abiotic environmental conditions and their interactions all functioning as a unit.
nesting within each other
What are ecosystem functions?
- the flow of energy and nutrients
-species interactions
-how species use resources and interact with habitat.
Ecosystem services include:
- provisioning
-providing fuel and food - regulating
-flood control - support
-nutrient cycling
-carbon storage - cultural
-cultural benefits
What ecosystem services does stanley park provide?
-provides oxygen
-carbon storage
-flood control
-cultural significance
How does the biosphere function?
two fundamental processes:
1. energy flow
2.nutrient/biogeochem cycling
What is the principle source of energy that drives ecological productivity (via photosynthesis?
Solar radiation
-autotrophs capable of photosynthesis and can feed themselves
-heterotrophs must feed on biomass produced by other organisms
What are the trophic levels in the food web?
- Quaternary producers
feed at the apex of the food web - tertiary producers
- feed on herbivores - secondary producers
-feed on plants - primary producers
-plants and photosynthetic bacteria
What do decomposers and detritivores do?
Feed on dead matter from every trophic level.
perform essential service of recycling matter - returning nutrients back to the soil or water.
What is an apex predator?
top-level predator with no natural predator of their own; resides at the top of the food chain
Define habitat
the physical environment where a species lives
Define niche
Role a species plays in its ecosystem, including habitat requirements and interactions.
Define keystone species
a species that has a large effect on its environment compared to its abundance
when a keystone species is removed, the ecosystem may change drastically, even if the species removed was a small part of the ecosystem.
What is a trophic cascade? Example
the impact of a predator on its prey affects one or more trophic levels
-when the apex predator is removed, can affect every layer below
-MUST occur across minimum of three trophic levels
-can also happen bottom up, removing producer
Removing sea otters from the chain, causes bloom of sea urchin since there is no one to eat them. decrease in kelp, not enough food to sustain the population.
Every piece of an ecosystem is _______
The best way for an ecosystem to be resilient?
-the degree of variation in life
-affects ecosystem function and ecosystem services.
Biodiversity contains?
Genetic diversity
Species diversity
Ecological diversity
What are the Strategic Goals of the Aichi Biodiversity targets?
Goal 1: address the underlying causes of biodiversity loss by mainstreaming biodiversity across government and society.
Goal 2: reduce the direct pressures on biodiversity and promote sustainable use
Goal 3: improve the status of biodiversity by safeguarding ecosystems, species, and genetic diversity.
Goal 4: enhance the benefits to all from biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Goal 5: enhance implementation through participatory planning, knowledge management and capacity building.
How is a ‘mass extinction’ defined, and what evidence suggests a 6th mass extinction due to human activities?
Mass Extinction: Defined by a significant loss of species disrupting entire ecosystems.
Evidence for the 6th mass extinction suggests that human activities are causing >10 extinctions per million species per year.