Week 8/9/10 - Audit and Corporate Governance (1) Flashcards
What is the generic definition of an ‘external audit’?
‘The independent examination of, and expression of opinion on, the financial statements of an organisation including the whole system of internal and management controls relied upon to produce those financial statements’
In practise, the audit gives an opinion on what two main things?
- The fairness of the financial statements.
2. The ability of the company to continue as a ‘going concern’.
What is meant by the term ‘Materiality threshold’?
The figure is a numerical value that a firm accepts will cover the errors within the financial statements.
The materiality threshold is almost like a ‘margin of error’.
What are the responsibilities for directors in an audit?
- Ensuring the financial statements give a true and fair view.
- Putting in place internal controls to ensure no.1.
- Deciding if the business is a going concern.
What are the responsibilities of the auditor in an audit ?
- Obtain reasonable assurance that the F/S are free from material error.
- Ensure the accounts are fair within the materiality threshold.
What is important to remember when thinking about the responsibilities of auditors in the audit process?
The auditor cannot be held accountable for everything because they do not test 100% of transactions and they’re not directly searching for fraud.
What are the 3 main elements of an audit that are considered?
- Independence
- Expression of opinion
- reliance on internal and external controls
In relation to auditor independence, ACCA identifies two elements, what are they?
- Independence of mind - the auditor must be objective and unbiased
- independence of appearance - The auditor must appear to be unbiased
What governing body has a ‘framework approach’ to auditor independence?
Within he ICAEW ‘framework approach’ to auditor independence, what are the 6 key characteristics?
- The relevant fundamental principles are integrity and objectivity.
- The auditor must consider if they can take the work and remain independent.
- The treats to independence are self-interest, self-review, over familiarity or intimidation.
- Actual threats to independence need to be considered
- Where treats exist, safeguard must be put into place to eliminate or reduce them.
- Ethical guidance is illustrative and not comprehensive.
What are the 4 main reasons given by the ICAEW for a ‘framework approach’?
- A framework can prevent ‘a search for ways around the rules.
- The approach recognises the auditor is not wholly independent of their client.
- The principles of auditor independence may need to be applied over an infinite amount of situations.
- The business environment is continuously evolving.
What are the 5 steps of the audit process?
- Acceptance/Continuation.
- Planning.
- Fieldwork.
- Completion.
- Audit report
When accepting a new audit, the new firm must follow what process when accessing the old auditors information?
- Write to the outgoing auditor.
- the outgoing auditor must obtain permission from the client to respond and send their response.
- The new auditor considers the response and decides whether to take on the work or not.
When choosing whether to accept an audit, there is an element of ‘client screening’, what does this include considering?
- Conflict of interests, Do we audit their competitors?
- Level of audit risk
- Sufficient remuneration? Is it worth it?
- Do we have the specialist knowledge?
- Do we understand the practical implications of accepting this audit? E.g. multiple site visits.
The process of considering/accepting an audit shouldn’t just be done by new auditors, it should also be done by…
Existing auditors
In regards to the collection of ‘sufficient’ audit evidence, the International Standard on Auditing 500 states:
Auditors must ‘obtain sufficient, appropriate audit evidence to be able to draw reasonable conclusions on which to base their opinion’
The audit risk model includes 3 kinds of risk, what are they?
Inherent risk
Control risk
Detection risk
What is the audit risk model? And what is it used for?
The audit risk model is the probability that I get my audit opinion wrong.
The audit risk model is used to assess how much testing to do and which elements of the audit need to be focussed on.
In the audit risk model, Inherent risk can be described as…
The risk of misstatement.
For every transaction or balance in the accounts, there is an inherent risk that it will be wrong. There will always be a chance that this sort of risk is present.
In the audit risk model, control risk can be described as…
The risk that misstatement (inherent risk) is not prevented by internal controls.
Control risk is the probability that the internal controls don’t work.
In the audit risk model, detection risk can be described as…
The risk of the auditor failing to detect material misstatement.
What is the probability that the auditor will not stop the misstatement.
After looking at the audit risk model, it can be seen that the burden of risk is places more towards…
The client who is being audited, they’re responsible for inherent and control risk.
When the audit risk has been established, often it is given as either…