Week 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 - organisational behaviour lecture Flashcards
What are attitudes in the workplace
Attitudes are psychological constructs shaped by personal experience that reflect mental evaluations of people, objects or events. These impact our behaviour and decision making
How does Richardson (1977) define attitudes
Richardson states attitudes are a predisposition to respond positively or negatively to a person, object or event
What are the 3 components of job attitudes according to Breckler (1984)
Affective - emotional responses about a job
Cognitive - beliefs about a job
Behavioural - predispositions to act in specific ways
What is the difference between attitudes and personality
Personality reflects stable traits that influence behaviour whereas attitudes are more context specific and can be changed based on experiences
What influences the formation of attitudes at work
Influences include work situation, personality traits, personal values, social influences and culture
Why do work attitudes matter
work attitudes significantly affect organisational effectiveness, influencing job performance, employee turnover and workplace climate
What forms of assesment are used to measure workplace attitudes
Attitude measurement often involves self report surveys using Likert scales. rate your self 1-5 on how much you agree
How is job satisfaction defined
Job satisfaction is the emotional state resulting from ones job or job experiences
What components contribute to job satisfaction
- pay and benefits
- relations with peers
-career opportunities
What is the happy worker-productive worker hypothesis
the hypothesis suggests that satisfied employees are more productive, suggesting positive correlation between job satisfaction and performance
What factors influence job satisfaction
-personality traits
-job characteristics
-fairness perceptions
what is an organisational commitment
Organisational commitment is the psychological attachment an employee feels towards their organisation.
What are the 3 forms of organisational commitment
Affective - emotional attachment to the organisation
Continuance - cost benefit analysis approach
Normative - Moral obligation to remain with the organisation
What outcomes are linked to high organisational commitment
increased performance
reduced turnover
enhanced organisational citizenship behaviours
what does meta-analytic evidence suggest about job attitudes and performance
meta-analytic evidence shows moderate correlation between the pair. this indicates there are other variables that influence job performance and attitudes
how does job satisfaction and organisational commitment affect employee decisions
both constructs influence decisions to stay or leave jobs and organisations impacting overall well being and motivation
What are the primary objectives of Taylorism
Taylorism (scientific management) aims to increase efficiency, standardisation and discipline
What are the core principles of Scientific management
Taylorism’s core principles are task fragmentation, optimal task methods, specific employee training and supervision alongside economic incentives
Critically evaluate Taylorism
Scientific management often leads to low job satisfaction, poor job motivation and employee mental health as tasks lack autonomy and variety. Taylorism also often results in high employee turnover
List the 5 key characteristics of the JCM model
Skill variety
Task identity
Task significance
How do: Skill variety, task identity and task significance affect job motivation
Skill variety - Increases motivation by allowing workers to use a variety of skills increasing autonomy and engagement
Task identity - the extent to which a task completes an entire piece of work. the higher task identity the higher the sense of purpose
Task significance - The degree to which a job impacts others, higher task significance gives employees a greater sense of purpose
How do autonomy and feedback impact motivation
JCM model
Autonomy - allows employees to make independent decision fostering a sense of responsibility for outcomes increasing motivation
Feedback - helps employees understand their effectiveness which reinforces motivation and guides improvement
What are the psychological states that JCM aims to impact for higher motivation - what things impact the overarching 3
Experienced meaningfulness
Experienced responsibility
Result knowledge
- skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, feedback
Critically evaluate the JCM model
+ve’s : implementation of this model typically increases motivation, job performance and other related fields whilst reducing employee turnover
-ve’s : the model is quite limited in terms of considering the dynamic natures of different job roles, individual differences and external factors. it also omits emotional factors which often affect job performance and turnover rates
What is TPWB
Theory of purposeful work behaviour posits that individual personality traits and motivational striving’s influence job preference and performance so aligning job characteristics with these striving’s will increase job performance
How does TPWB link personality traits to job characteristics
It suggests that personality traits like extraversion and conscientiousness align with specific job characteristics such as autonomy and task significance. This match will increase motivation and job performance
Critically evaluate TPWB
- can be limited, relies on personality traits not considering other things that may effect individuals such as organisational culture and team dynamics. it is a complex approach which is time extensive and resource consuming. On the other hand it is a comprehensive integration of personality theory and job design.
What is the name and 3 main components of Adams ______ theory
Equity Theory 1969
Distributive justice - outcomes
Procedural justice - processes
Interactional justice - interactions
Critically evaluate Equity theory
+ve’s - combines all aspects of justice cohesively to produce a fair work environment that will lead to better work attitudes, outcomes and motivation
-ve’s - can have limited applicability in collectivist cultures where harmony can outweigh fairness
- again the difference and potential variability between individuals is not something that can be accurately predicted or accounted for with a model
what is motivation, how does it relate to performance
Motivation is the psychological process that drives individuals to initiate, direct and sustain behaviour towards goals
higher motivation implies increased effort, persistence and focus