Exam Flashcards
Personality definition - 4 key influences in its development - NvN
Personality is a relatively consistent set of traits that interact with environmental factors to produce cognitive, social and behavioural responses
- genetic inheritance
- family experience
- culture
- life experience
: Personality is a product of all of these
Nature v Nurture debate - nature - personality evolves and is determined by experience
- nurture - personality is stable and determined at birth
Traits definition
B5m + application, oversight and critical analysis
traits are a distinguishing quality or characteristic that is typically consistent over time. stable
Big 5 model
Openness to experience - likes working with ideas, possibilities. ready to reexamine attitudes and values. +vely correlated with training performance
Conscientiousness - highly organised, desire to do well - +vely correlagted with job peformance
Extraversion - quantity and intensity of social energy output, +vely correlated with jobs like sales and management
Agreableness - being helpful to others. sympathetic and kind - +vely correlated with teamwork and healthcare jobs
Neuroticism - prone to self worrty and doubt
- recruitment + selection, predicting job performance, fit and role success
- team building, balancing complementary traits
- leadership + management, effectiveness of leaders linked to traits
- training + development
tailoring training and development to traits
- narrow scope - oversimplifies the complexity of traits and overlooks nuanced behaviours.
situational impact. situational factors often play a role in performance which the big 5 doesn’t account for
oversight - robust empirically supported model, widely accepted and used for understanding individual differences and their impact on workplace dynamics, by leveraging the insight this model provides companies can enhance recruitment teamwork and +vely foster the workplace environment
What is the Self vs. Observer Model, and why is it relevant in organisational behaviour ?
- evaluates differences and similarities between self and external assesment
- identifies self awareness gaps, enhances feedback processes, improves leadership and fosters better team dynamics
- good for recruitment, leadership development and training
What are the components of the Self vs. Observer Model, and what tools are used to implement it?
- self assesment - often biased
- observer assesment
- discrepancies, the degree of misalignment between the evaluations
- 360 degree feedback. having feedback collected from multiples sources - can be resource resource intensive but comprehensive feedback
What are the benefits, challenges, and examples of the Self vs. Observer Model?
- provide an oversight after
clear lens v narrow scope perspective
pros - enhances self wareness encourages growth - multi perspective feedback - reduces perception based conflicts, improves leadership and team dynamics
cons - bias in both self and observer evaluation, feedback resistance, resource intensive
examples - manager views leadership as excellent, subordinates view it as inconsistent
oversight - powerful tool for bridging the gap between self perception and external feedback.
- fosters self awareness good tools like 360 degree feedback
clear lens v narrow scope perspective
- self is less accurate as biased
- observer more accurately as no bias and also a narrower frame of reference aligned with job prediction
what is spearmans model of g, apply to real life examples
Spearman’s g model (1904) posits that intelligence is a single, general mental ability (g) underlying all specific cognitive skills, inferred from consistent performance correlations across domains like verbal, numerical, and spatial abilities. This model uses factor analysis to identify g as a dominant factor explaining the variance in cognitive tasks - robust and empirically supported.
- spearmans gma demonstrates strong positive correlation between job performance and gma most relevant in high complexity roles correlates to high income and training success
education - demonstrates accuracy in predicting academic achievement and adaptability to abstract learning environments
conclusion - spearmans g model is a robust model for predicting job performance in various field however is an oversimplified model that simplifies the complexities of human cognitive abilities
pros and cons of spearmans model. what are the implications for its utility
pros: empirical support, factor analysis consistently identifies g as a dominant cognitive factor
predictive validity - GMA reliably predicts job performance, academic success, and workplace adaptability, especially in high-complexity environments.
cons: oversimplification, for example thurstons model suggests multiple independent abilities
cultrual bias - intelligence tests made off language and cultural norms disadvantaging certain demographics of people
focus on maximum performance - test measure peak cognitive ability under ideal conditions ignoring external factors such as motivation and emotions
suggested or beneficial to use other models such as multiple intelligences and emotional intelligence to provide a more holistic view
What is Thurstone’s Primary Mental Abilities (PMA) model, how does it differ from Spearman’s g, and what are its strengths, weaknesses, and applications?
thurstons pma - posits intelligence consists of multiple independent cognitive abilities
- verbal comprehension
- numerical ability
- reasoning
- spatial visualisation
thurstons model produces intelligence profiles
application - used in clinical assessments to identify strengths and weaknesses
organisational use - aligning strong areas to job demands e.g numerical ability to finance and reasoning for problem solving roles
pros - captures complexiy of intelligence by recognising diverese cognitive domains
- practical relevance - offers detailed profiles that can help match individuals to job roles
cons - resource intensive
- limited scope, the model overlooks non cognitive factors - emotional intelligence, creativity, motivation, social intelligence
conclusion - comprehensive and sophisticated view of individual intelligence by emphasis on specific ability making it super valubale for organisational purposes where the level of detail is needed. however its complexity, resource demand limit its widespread utility especially compared to the simplicity and predictive power of spearmans g model. pma depth spearmans model efficiency and generalisability
define the two system models of intelligence, their application, critical evaluation and conclusion of both
gardners theory of MI
suggests intelligence consists of 8 factors, all independent of each other
- linguistic
- logical mathematical
- spatial
- musical
- interpersonal
- intrapersonal
- bodily kinesthetic
Emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive, understand regulate and effectively manage emotiojns in oneself and others
key components like
- emotion recognition identifying facial expression and tone
- emotion regulation controlling ones responses
- interpersonal skills emotional awareness to navigate re3lations
gardners mi applications
- organisational training and development, team building by matching dominant intelligences. training that appeals to dominant intelligences
- career guidance - idetifying specific intelligeences to align roles to individuals
emotional intelligence applications
- leadership and teamwork,, leader high on ei foster collabaration, manage conflicts and maintain team morale
- customer service, high ei indicates good understanding of client emotions providing empathetic support
critical evaluations -
- gardners theory
: encourages a holistic view of intelligence more inclusive - enhances career alignment also
- lack of empirical support
- non standardised measures and oversaturated with intelligences conflating skills or talents with intelligence
emotional intelligence - extends traditional cognitive models to include emotional and social factors making them more practically applicable. highly relevant for jobs requiring interpersonal interaction
cons - lower predictive validity, self assesment so bias and lacks reliability. susceptible to faking
conclusion both models expan d understanding of intelligence by addresing non-cognitive dimensions. offers broader more inclusive frameowrk for recognising diverse abilities but lacks empirical support. good for career alignment and training. emotional intelligence is pratically valuable in leadership and social contexts but is prohibited/limited by measurement reliablity and predictive strength prone to faking. together they highlight the complexity of human abilities beyond structual models cognitive apporach and if used apporpriately can be effective tools for recruitment, career development, and workplace enviironment improvements.