Week 8 Flashcards
When did anthropogenic effects on climate become reconized
Around 1980, before then most of the worlds climate varied due to only natural forcings
Define the instrumental Era
A time where obervations were being taken based off of proven instrumentation. These instruments are kept in stations or other locations and monitor parameters frequently to ensure accurate data.
Define the surface Air Temperature (SAT)
Land sudface air temp + sea surface air temp.
Why is it important to have many climate stations?
It allows us to catch even small extremes such as urban heat island effect, so that we can correct our understanding of the climate and account for it
What is the take home message from land a sea temperature observations?
All sources of data should provide similiar and consistant climate information to ensure proper tracking of the earths climate
What Can increase the confidence that climate data is correct?
Correlation with nearby climate stations.
Discuss precipiation means and how it relates to confidence
Confidence in data comes from correlation between stations, precipitation varies greatly, therefore it is much more unreliable than temperature
What effect does the ocean have on the earths temperature?
The ocean influences climate by storing and transporting large amounts of heat, freshwater, and carbon and by exchanging these properties with the atmosphere. Most of this occurs in the upper ocean
Discuss observed ocean temperature increaseand potential impacts it may have on the climate
- 25 degrees since 1971
- melt sea ice, or floating glacial ice
- change ice sheet dynamics
- increase sea level
What can cause a change in ocean salinity?
Rise : - Evaporation of ocean water
- Formation of sea Ice
Drop: -Precipitation
-melting of ice
What techniques are used in mordern time to collect data on ocean salinity?
Autosampling moorings -
these have bottle programmed to record conductivity at different water depths, fluctuate up and down in water column.
Aquarius - NASA’s first satelite to study salt concentations, studies microwave emissivity of the top 2 cm of ocean water, physical properties depend on temp. and salinity.
What determines salinity distrobutions in the upper oceans?
They are directly correlated with the freshwater cycle, i.e. high surface salinity regions have E>P
Low salinity regions have P>E
What has been the trend in the oceans salitnity over time? 1960-2000
90-100% likely The atlantic has increased in salinity, and the pacific has decreased.
What conclusions can be drawn about the condition of ocean salinity? list 3
contrast between high and low salinity regions have increased
Saline (Evap dominated) becomes more saline,
Fresh (Precp. dominated) becomes more fresh.
What is the correlation between the CO2 concetration in the atmosphere and the oceans?
An increased CO2 concentration in the atomsphere results in an increase in CO2 concentration in the oceans, this CO2 can then react with water to for carbonic acid, causing ocean acidification.
How much acidification has occured?
Roughly a drop in 0.08 pH units, most in north atlantic and less in sourth pacific
What can be the effects of ocean acidification on the ocean ecosystem
Many animals rely on the delicate balance of ocean acidity in order to create calcifying shells. Many people and animals rely on these calcifying species as food sources which can be effected.
How do we measure the sea level? Where are these records recorded the most?
Tide gauges, Can be used to determine -Tide influence -large storm influences Eastern N America, and NW Europe (the first to be impacted)
What is the problem faced when recontructing long term sea levels?
bedrock rebound,
In ages of glaciation, rocks were compressed, now the bedrocks are rebounding, pushing the ocean floor up.
Where is bedrock rebounding occuring?
Mostly over canada, greenland, and northern parts of russia
Whar has been the calculated sea level rise
sea level has risen by 17cm since 1901, could mean 17m advance in coastal plain regions
What are the three factors that contribute to sea level rise?
- Ocean thermal expansions
- Melting of green land and Antarctic ice
- Melting mountain Glacier and ice Caps.
List some conclusion about sea level rise
- increase at a rate of 1.7mm/yr 1900-2010
- increase at a rate of 3.2 mm/yr 1993-2010
- 0.6mm/yr caused by thermal epansion
Why is glacier mass balance important?
it allows us to understand the state of the ice on earth, giving us information about temperature and rising tides
How is Glacial mass balance measured?
Annual terminus position measurements
albation stakes,
Snow pits and snow probing
Aerial photgraphy to observe ice changes
What is the significance of art in the cryogenic studies?
Old artist paintings tell us the state of the glacier at the time period
Discuss climate change effect on the alps?
Greater than 2X increase of global mean T (double the Temp increase at the alps) large loss of glacial covering
What are known facts about glaciers?
Nearly all are shrinking,
Increase in sea level, will continue to shrink even without future temp increase
list some known facts about sea icesome known facts
- The artic sea ice has decrease at a rate of 4% per decade ,
- Thickess has deceases 1.3-2.3 meters from 1980 - 2008
- Antarti sea ice increased over a period at a rate of 1.4% per decade
What is the main concern about sea ice melting
We are observing sea ice is melting at an alarmingly quick rate. This inturn could cause a very big increase in sea level rise.