Week 8 Flashcards
What two satelittes are used to look at clouds through a laser?
What was the orbit train?
a series of satilettes orbiting in a train - originally they were 12 seconds apart
this enabled an in depth analysis of processes in the atmosphere which could be used to constrain or improve processes in climate models
What is the idea of equations and models?
Climate models solve sets of equations by stepping forward in time
Can you give some examples of natural processes that are difficult to include in climate models?
Roseby waves - information propogating around the atmosphere
El Nino - 100s and 1,000s of km and time scale of years
all of these get resolved by other processes that happen at smaller and faster time scales - but not explicitly due to the fact that they often happen at much smaller scales
What does uncoupling mean in models and can you give ma an example?
individual components of a climate model can be run separately
the other components become the boundary conditions
eg. running the atmospheric model only, with the prescribed SST as a lower boundary condition
Why would you uncouple the climate model?
it can be expensive to run the full model
eg. running an ocean model is expensive if you are just looking at the atmosphere, you can just fix the ocean at a certain ermpature
what are some of the advatnages of running a single component?
- increased resolution
- easier to control resemblance to reality
- useful for physical understanding of the processes
What is required for a regional climate model?
boudary conditions on the side walls
- grid boxes don’t have to be the same size globally
this requires a high resolution model over the bit you care about - can run at a v low resolution everywhere else
typically use a global climate model run
what is the advantage of regional climate models?
increased resolution and ability to control forcing
how are small scale processes delt with in models?
not all process key to the cliamte can be captured using climate models
- cloud processes occur on v small spatial and temporal scales that cant be resolved
eg. surface drag, radiative fluxes and convection
in these cases climate models are limited by resolution and subgrid-scale processes need to be parameterised
what is a physical parameter
simplifications of unresolved physics
eg. % of the grid box covered by cloud - high relative humidity - high cloud cover but what is the relationships?
Why are parameters important?
parameterised processes can have a large effect on global climate - feedbacks etc.
important to develop parameters that are useful and good in terms of global climate - but a major problem is trying to determine what a good equation or parameter is
Why might climate models have errors?
- parameterisation is not perfect- there is uncertainty in how to represent certain aspect of the climate
- not high enough resolution
numerical errors - drift in temperatures when there shouldn’t be
What are some of the key things to look at when evaluating climate models?
Mean climate - should be the right climatology
trends - models should correctly reproduce climate trends of the 20th cent
Natural variability - models should be able to simulate natural modes of variability
spatial patterns - models should get not only the global quantities right, but also their geographical patterns
what is the multi-model mean
the mean results from all the models
what was the global warming hiatus?
In the early 2000s the observations seem to indicate a slowdown of warming
the hiatus has since ended - rapid increase in global temperature since 2010 in observations
most likely it was caused by natural variability
what are some of the boundary conditions that a model requires
sea ice location
Co2 emissions
need an initial state to start from - need to be a valid state of the atmosphere
What is a model bias?
model errors relative to observations
Why is the mean bias of all models small?
idea of averaging - compensating errors among models
the average surface temperature of models vary significantly - however the MMM is quite a good estimate
Is it important that most models cannot get the right temperature?
not really as it is more important that they get the same trend
as long as the change is correct it doesn’t really matter what the temrpature it is - being at a particular temperature wont significantly impact the response to this change.
Why are tempeature anomonlies better to look at ?
temp anomollies are better observations corelated over long distances when average temperature is harder to estimate
difficult to get a good value for average temperature of earth - how it varies from average is easier to estimate
In surface temperature what does the pattern for MM bias look like? Why?
Too hot on the western cost of south America and south Africa and eastern coast of America
due to clouds - regions of low lying couds are coarse in models - they are low and thin thus difficult to model and simulate
- causes the ocean to absorb more sunlight causing errors in ocean circulation - upwelling and cooling currents
What are the MMM biases for precipitation? what is the consequence of this?
model have too much rainfall south of the equator
there are two inter-tropical convergence zone (ITCZ) double rainy band that doesn’t exist in observations giving you two peaks in precipitation that don’t exist
What drives the bias in MMM precipitation patterns?
- changes in temperature in the southern ocean
- how the winds move around and within the equator
- parameterization issues
key - there is no one cause for it
also more generally there is model uncertainty - feedback loops are not well understood and depend on parameterization of processes - different mean temperatures can have huge impacts on feedback loops