Week 7: Women and Islam Flashcards
Who are 5 notable female figures in Islamic culture?
- Rabi’a
- Khadija
- Fatima
- Aisha
- Halima Aden
Why is Khadija an important female figure in Islam?
Khadija reassured Muhammad about his divine revelations. She accepted Islam before he did
Why is Fatima an important female figure in Islam?
Fatima was one of Muhammad’s daughters who later married Ali. She is a role model for Muslim women
Why is Aisha an important female figure in Islam?
Aisha was one of Muhammad’s wives. She was a teacher within the community and has many hadith dedicated to her
Why is Halima Aden an important figure in Islam?
Halima Aden was the first female Muslim model featured on the cover of Sports Illustrated in a swimsuit
What year did Saudi Arabia allow women to drive automobiles?
What did Benazir Bhutto, the first female prime minister of Pakistan, say about female leaders?
She said that female leaders have a balancing effect on male leaders
Who is Zulaykha (Queen) in the Quran?
Wife of King Aziz who tried to seduce Joseph. She passionately loves/lusts after him
What do Jochebed (Mother of Moses) and Aasiya (wife of the Pharaoh) have in common?
They both experienced divine revelations which is somehting usually restricted to men. They are both motherly archetypes
Why is Mary, typically associated with Christianity, an important figure in the Quran?
Mary received divine revelations. Jesus is the child embodiment of the Word of God which is dissimilar to Muhammad’s Quran
What did Bilqis, Queen of Sheba, say about male leadership?
Bilqis said that Kings despoil countries through war
Are Kings/men at fault for bad leadership as Bilqis, Queen of Sheba, suggests?
There have been more male than female leaders throughout history so a fair comparison cannot be made.
However, the ideal ruler typically embodied masculine characteristics which women have to emulate in order to attain power
Furthermore, women have few paths to power. Men believe they are entitled to power, women believe they have to earn it
Why do Muslim women wear veils/face coverings?
To guard their modesty outside of the home and to ensure personal safety
Why is Islamic covering among women a contentious issue among feminists?
There is a gendered element to modesty and safety. It puts the blame and responsibility on women.
Choice vs origin. Some women believe that they can reclaim the tradition/their body from the male gaze by covering up
What are some critiques of France’s secularist principle?
It’s illogical to ban visual signs of religion when people can still openly talk about it
Also a form of cultural imperialism (freedom with conditions)
Why are hijab fashion shows paradoxical?
The Quran states that women should cover up to hide their beauty. Beauty shows do the opposite. Questions if the Quran refers to beauty of fashion or flesh