Week 7 - Sustainability Flashcards
What is sustainability? (Mihelcic et al, 2003)
Is the design of human and industrial systems to ensure that humankind’s use of natural resources and cycles do not lead to diminished quality of life due to either to losses in future economic opportunities or to adverse impacts on social conditions, human health and the environment
Triple bottom line (1992 UN Earth Summit, RIO)
- Environment - Planet
- Economy - profit
- Society - people
Social sustainability issues - triple bottom line (5)
- human rights
- community outreach
- labour retention
- indigenous rights
- access to land
What is supply chain sustainability? (UN Global compact, 2015)
The management of environmental, social and economic impacts and the encouragement of good governance practises, throughout the life cycles of goods and services
What is the objective of supply chain sustainability?
The objective is to create, protect and grow long-term environmental, social and economic value for all stakeholders involved in bringing products and services to the market
Where can sustainability be implemented in the supply chain? (6)
- Design
- Purchasing and supply chain management
- Manufacturing/production
- Transportation and delivery
- Packaging
- Warehousing
Features of corporate responsibility (CSR) (UN Global compact guide) (6)
- Commit - leadership commitment to mainstream the global compact principles into strategies and operations and to take actions and partnership in support of societal goals
- Assess - assess risk opportunities and impacts across global compact issues areas
- Define - define goals, strategies and polices
- Implement - implement strategies and policies across the company’s value chain
- Measure - measure and monitor impacts and progress towards goals
- Communicate - communicate progress and strategies and engage with stakeholders for continuous improvement
Ways of ensuring corporate responsibility in supply chain (7)
- Supply management
- Sustainability
- Labour conditions
- Health and safety
- Environmental practises
- Transparency
- Accountability and ethics
Potential focus areas for greener supply chains (world economic forum, 2000) (9)
- Enabling cleaner sourcing/manufacturing
- Lower emissions in transit
- Enabling cleaner warehouses operations
- Reduce transit distances
- Remove nodes/legs
- Reduce total volume and/or mass shipped
- Consolidate movements
- Contribute to reductions elsewhere
- Increase recycling/re-use
Supply chain in a circular economy framework (Mihelcic et al, 2003) (5)
Goes in the order of:
• Product usage
- Reuse
- Remanufacturing
- Recyling
- Disposal
The waste hierarchy (Hines et al, 2000) (4)
Most to least:
• Avoid/reduce
- Recover/recycle
- Incinerate
- Dispose
Features of closed loop supply chains (6)
- Scrap collection
- Sorting centres
- Disassembly and segregation
- Transportation
- Consolidation and segregation
- Distribution to production lines and/or spare parts warehouse
Ways of recovering products (5)
- Repair
- Refurbishing (reconditioning)
- Remanufacturing
- Cannibalisation
- Recycling
Social & economic sustainability issues - triple bottom line (5)
- livelihoods
- Capacity building
- social investment
- social security
- ethics
Economic sustainability issues - triple bottom line (4)
- capital efficiency
- asset optimisation
- margin improvement
- total shareholder return
Economic & environmental sustainability issues - triple bottom line (3)
- resource efficiency
- product stewardship
- life-cycle management
Environmental sustainability issues - triple bottom line (4)
- air quality
- water quality
- zero waste
- biodiversity
Environmental & social sustainability issues - triple bottom line (5)
- health and safety
- environmental regulation
- environmental equity
- global climate change
- water scarcity