Week 7: Species Richness Flashcards
Lecture, Labs, Readings (terms)
Species Richness
The number of species in a community
Diversity Index
Measures that combine both species richness and the evenness or equitability of the distribution of individuals among those species
The similarity of abundances of each species in an environment.
Niche breadth
The diversity of resources used or environments tolerated by an individual, population, species, or clade.
Niche overlap
The situation in which co-occurring species share parts of their niche space with each other. High niche overlap may lead to conflictual interactions (such as competition and exclusion) for some species
Productivity hypothesis
The importance of climate in determining productivity at the lowest trophic level - the plants and microbes — and the resources these then provide for herbivores and then carnivores further up the food chain.
Energy hypothesis
Emphasizes the
direct role of energy (often measured by environmental temperature) on organisms throughout the community.
The gradual increase in the concentration of phosphorus, nitrogen, and other plant nutrients in an aging aquatic ecosystem such as a lake.
Particulate organic matter (POM)
Fragments of undecomposed biomass that can be rapidly degraded in the water column
Alpha diversity
Refers to diversity at a local scale (within a community), so it is high when there are many species within each
Beta diversity
Refers to the differences among communities within a region, so it is high when different communities in a region differ in the species they contain.
Gamma diversity
Refers to diversity at the whole regional scale (collections of communities). It therefore combines a- and f-diversity and is highest when both individual communities are diverse and the communities in a region differ.
Potential evapotranspiration (PET)
The amount of water that would evaporate or be transpired from a saturated surface, and hence a measure of atmospheric energy;
Net Primary Productivity (NPP)
Gross primary productivity minus the rate of energy loss to metabolism and maintenance.
The study of organisms that make up bottom communities (sediments, seagrass communities and rock outcrops) in lakes, streams, estuaries and oceans, to determine environmental health and conduct environmental impact studies.