Week 5: Interactions (Lichens) Flashcards
Study labs & Review Reading terms
What are Lichens?
A composite organism that arises from algae or cyanobacteria living among filaments of multiple fungi species in a mutualistic relationship
Poikilohydric organisms
Absorb water from their environment straight through their cortex with no vascular tissue
Functional Value of Lichens
- It depends on the ecosystem
- Retain water
- Light colours reflects sunlight, lowering solar absorption in summer
- Air space acts as an insulating layer, preventing temperature fluxes from ground to air.
- Important food source
Species that thrive in nutrient enriched areas, eg. agricultural areas, areas of high N emissions from automobile exhaust, power plants or industry
Pollution sensitive/tolerant
Based on species response to a wide range of
Species that grow on acidic substrates or thrive in areas of high acid deposition (eg. sulfuric acid)
Lichens as Public Health Indicators
Lichens can be used as an
index to predict areas in a city where respiratory illnesses will be more prevalent.
What are Microlichens?
Crutose (Crusty)
What are Macrolichens?
Foliose (Leafy) & Fruiticose (Fruit Tree)
Type of Lichen Substrates
- Trees
- Rocks
- Metal
- Ground
What are Apothecia Lichens?
- Disk or cup-shaped ascomata
- Spore producing (sexual) reproductive structure found on lichens
- Spores help improve genetic diversity of lichen populations, but must unite
with a free-living algae or cyanobacteria to lichenize
What are Soralia Lichens?
- Specialized structures/sites for asexual reproduction
- Cuff-shaped
- Hemispherical/Erumpent
- Excavate
What is Cilia?
Hair-like structures that extend from the margin of the lichen thallus.
Common Campus Lichen Species
- Orange-yellow species
- Grey Species
- Larger species
Orange-yellow Lichen species sensitivity
- Xanthoria parietina
(Maritime sunburst lichen) - Nitrophile - Xanthomendoza fallax
(Hooded sunburst lichen)
Apothecia - Nitrophile - Candelaria concolor
(Candleflame lichen) - Nitrophile indicator species
Small grey lichen sensitivity
- Physcia adscendens
(Hooded rosette lichen) - Low N requirement, sensitive to Fluorine - Physcia millegrana
(Mealy rosette lichen) - Nitrophile and pollution tolerant indicator species
Large Lichen Sensitivity
- Flavoparmelia caperata
(Greenshield lichen) - Nitrophile indicator species - Parmelia sulcata
(Hammered Shield lichen) - Nitrophile and pollution tolerant indicator species