What is Legislation?
- law enacted by the legislature, and by bodies and persons authorised by the legislature.
How is a Legislation created?
- Through an Act of Parliament, the Parliament is able to permit another person or body to make legislation.
- An Act of Parliament creates the framework of a particular law and tends only to contain an outline of the purpose of the Act.
- Once the Parliament delegates its authority to other persons or bodies to make law - the legislation is then able to provide more details to an Act of Parliament.
What are the two legislative powers in Malaysia?
Parliament (Federal Level) & State Legislative Assembly (State Level)
What are the types of legislation?
- Primary Legislation / statues (made by legislature itself)
- Subsidiary Legislation (made by other bodies authorised by legislature)
What goes under the primary legislation?
- Acts of Parliament
- State Enactments
What goes under the subsidiary legislation?
- orders
- regulations
- rules
- by-laws
- proclamations
- notifications
What are the limitations of power in the legislation?
Under (Art. 4), Federal Constitution in Malaysia is the supreme law of the federation.
- Parliament and State L.A are not supreme
- They are only able to enact law within the limits and in the manner prescribed by the Federal and State Constitutions.
What is stated in the Federal Constitution (Art. 74) about the limitation of power?
- Parliament may make law with references to matters provided in List I and List III of the Ninth Schedule.
- State Legislature may only make law with reference to matters provided in List II and List III.
Matters on List III which is the Concurrent list, are in the authority of both parliament and the state legislature.
The types of legislation in Malaysia?
Acts - laws enacted by Parliament (after Merdeka).
- Laws enacted by the federal legislature between 1st April 1946 and 10 September 1959.
- Laws promulgated by YDPA during an Emergency were proclaimed under Art. 150 of the F.C.
- Enacted by the State Legislative Assemblies,
- Except in Sarawak - known as Ordinances.
What are the types of Acts?
- Principal Act
- Amendment Act
- Revised Act
- Consolidated Act
What is the Principal Act?
- Major document covering the law on that particular subject or area.
- Most common legislation.
Child Act 2001, Consumer Protection Act 1999, Police Act 1967, Contract Act 1950.
What is an Amendment Act and how would it affect the Principal Act?
An Amendment Act would make changes to a Principal Act.
- changes may affect a few words or paragraphs, replaces entire sections, sections or delete (repeal or revoke) a particular section or a complete Act.
How would you recognise an Amendment Act?
- Generally easy to recognise amending legislation from the title - includes the word “Amendment” or “Amending”.
- Examples: Companies (Amendment) Act 2007 (Act A1299), Legal Profession (Amendment) Act 2006.
What is a Revised Act and how does it affect the Principal Act?
- Is the result of changes made by the Commissioner of Law Revision under the power conferred upon him in the Revision of Laws Act 1968.
- Restricted to technical, grammatical, and typographical changes that do not affect the substance of the law.
- Example: Civil Law Act 1956 (Act 67) (Revised 1972), Partnership Act 1961 (Revised 1974)
What is a Consolidated Act and how does it affect the Principal Act?
- Brings together (combines) a single Act, two or more Acts on a specific subject matter.
- Examples: Interpretation Act 1948 and 1967 (Act 388) (Consolidated and Revised 1989)
How does a Bill become a law? (Legislative Process)
- A bill is a law in draft (draft of a proposed law), it becomes law after following certain procedures.
- May originate in either House / Dewan, though most often originates in the Dewan Rakyat.
- A Bill concerning tax or expenditure (money or supply Bills) must originate in the Dewan Rakyat.
What are the types of Bills?
- Public Bill
- Private Bill
- Private Members Bill
- Hybrid Bill
What is a Public Bill?
- usually introduced by Ministers, relates to matters of government policy and having a general application over the entire nations.
Most common type of Bill in Malaysia.