WEEK 10: ISLAMIC LAW Flashcards
Generally, what is Islamic law?
- Revealed by Allah S.W.T to the humans via Quran - interpreted in the form of Sunnah by the Prophet.
- Develops with the progress of time & needs of life.
- Shariah is the entire body of Islamic law, and the term literally means ‘the clear path to the water source.’
- Code of life all Muslims have to adhere to.
- Contains a wide-ranging body of law and personal rules, regulating matters not limited to jurisprudence, politics, business, banking, family, etc.
What are the objectives of Shariah, also known as Maqasid al - Shariah?
- Ensure that human life is based on ma’ruf which means good and to cleanse it of munkar which means evil.
There are 5 maqasid of Shariah that Islam intends to preserve:
- > Protection of Fatih (din)
- > Protection of Life (nafs)
- > Protection of Lineage (nasl)
- > Protection of Intellect (‘aql)
- > Protection of Property (mal)
What are the differences between Islamic and Man-Made Law?
- The scope of shariah is wider - regulates individuals relationships not only with other humans but also with God.
- Shariah is concerned as much as ethical stands as with legal rules; what an individual is entitled to do but also what they are ought to do.
- Certain acts are classified as praiseworthy - performance brings divine favour and their omission of divine disfavour, and others as blameworthy, which has opposite implications.
- No legal sanction here or reward, nullity or validity.
- Shariah is not only a system of law; but also a comprehensive code of behaviour that embraces both private and public activities.
What are the four primary sources of Islamic law?
1) Quran
2) Sunnah
3) Ijma’
4) Qiyas
What is the Quran?
- ‘The reading” or “the recitation”
- Refers to the divinely revealed scripture given to Muhammad.
- Quran is the final revelation from God to humanity.
- Words of Allah revealed to His Prophet were transferred to us through narration chains (tawator).
How does the Quran benefit us when they are just words of Allah?
The entire Quran with its verses, surahs, and words are the actual words of the Almighty Allah and not the speech of any one of mankind, jinn or angels.
- Angel of revelation - Gabriel or Jibril only heard from Allah and descended with the Quran to the Messenger of Allah Muhammad.
- Allah has no other intention rather than to benefit His mankind.
- Prophet Muhammad only conveys the message. It can be proven by the Quranic verse from Surah al-Shu’ara.
- > “And indeed, the Qur’an is the revelation of the Lord of the words, The Trustworthy Spirit has brought it down, Upon your heart - that you may be of the warners.” Al-Shu-ara: 192 - 194.
- > Allah excludes sayings of the Prophet in the Quran as the expressions and the meanings are all from Allah.
What are the other characteristics of the Quran other than being the words of Allah?
1) Arabic language
- Comes from the Arabic language.
- Allah chose this language as His revelation to the mankind.
- > “In a clear Arabic language.” Al-Shu’ara:195
2) Preserved
- Quran is a continuous testament.
- Transmitted from the Prophet to the next generation by such a large number of people - that they cannot be expected to agree upon a lie.
- Authenticity is not doubted as there is evidence about its transmission.
- Stated in the Quranic verse that Allah has promised to protect His Book until the Day of Judgement.
- > “Indeed, it is We who sent down the Qur’an and indeed, We will be its guardian.” Al-Hijr: 9
3) A guidance
- Revealed to also serve as a guidance.
- > “This is the book about which there is no doubt, a guidance for those conscious of Allah” Al-Baqarah: 2
What is the Sunnah?
- Literally means ‘clear path’ or ‘beaten track but in pre-Islamic Arabia.
- the Arabs referred Sunnah as the practices of the ancient and continues/habitual practices that are inherited from the ancestors.
- Technical meaning: “Sunnah means recommended acts of worship.”
- Defined as “what was transmitted from the Messenger of Allah of his words, actions and tacit.”
Which is a more important source of Islamic Law? Quran or Sunnah?
- Second primary source of Islamic law - positioned next after the Quran.
- When a jurist does not find a text in the Qur’an for a case he has to settle, he has to recourse to the Sunnah in derivation of the rule.
The Sunnah of sound and complete chain of narrator (sahih and mutawattir) which meant legislation and legal rules is as an authoritative source of Islamic law.
What are proofs from the Quran that the Sunnah does not come from the Prophet’s desire?
- “Nor does he say (aught) of (his own) desire. It is no less than inspiration sent down to him” Al - Najm (The Star) 3-4
- Obedience to Messenger is obedience to Allah. “He who obey the Messenger, obeys Allah.” Al-Nisa(4): 80
How does Sunnah act as a source of Law?
- The Quran contains a set of moral and judicial injunctions which are the basis of Islamic law and concerns with the life of human beings in every detail.
- The early revelations revealed in Mecca deal largely with beliefs and morals.
- After the migration of the Prophet to Medinah, principles regarding crime, succession, and international law were revealed.
- Quran mainly concerns itself with the basic and simple rulings.
- > ‘Give full measure when you measure and weigh with a balance that is right.’
- Quran treats major issues and often deals with subjects in brief terms leaving them to be detailed out by the Sunnah.
What are some Dalil explained to us through the Sunnah?
“And We have sent down unto thou the message that thou may explain clearly to men what is sent for them.”
- Mandatory solat in the Quran but the way of performing it is expressed through Sunnah.
- Quran commands us to pay zakat but the percentage and the exact amount is unspecified.
What is the difference between Sunnah and Hadith?
Sunnah includes saying, doing, and tacit approval of the Prophet while Hadith is the narration of the saying of the Prophet.
What is Ijma’?
- literally means “determination, resolution and agreement upon something.”
- Technically - the unanimous agreement of the Mujtahids after the death of the Prophet after a certain period of time, upon a rule of Islamic law.
- Existing body of Fiqh today is a product of a long process of Ijtihad and Ijma’.
What is the basis of Ijma’?
An - Nisa: 155 “Whoever contradicts and opposes the Messenger after the right path has been shown clearly to him, and follow other than the believers say. We shall keep him in the path that he has chosen, and burn him in Hell - what an Evil destination.”
Hadith by Ibnu Majah, Tirmizi, Abu Dawood and others - “My community shall never agree on an error.”