Week 7 Future tense Sentences Flashcards
I’m going to Kandy tomorrow
Mama heTa Nuwara yaneva
Are you coming next week?
Labane sumane enavada?
I’m going to buy bread
Mama paan ganne yaneva
I’m going to get married next month
Labane mase bandinna yaneva
Offers and promises in first person (I/we) are formed by……
Using the infinitive form of verb + ‘ang’
I.e mang gihing ennang
I’ll go and come!
Mang gihing ennang!
Ill give you 100
Siyak dennang
I’ll call later
Passe kata karannang
I’ll tell you tomorrow
HeTa kiyannang
Offers and requests (shall /may I?) Are formed by…
Using the infinitive form of the verb + ‘da’
I.e mama yanneda? Shall I go?
Shall I go?
Mama yanneda?
Shall I come tomorrow?
HeTa enneda?
Shall I give the jey?
Yatura denneda?
May I help?
Mame udau karanneda?
How do you turn a verb into a question or suggestion?
Use present tense verb stem + ‘mu’ and ‘da’
Bat kamuda? (Shall we eat rice)
Let’s drink tea!
Te bomu!
Shall we eat rice?
Bat kamuda?
Let’s meet tomorrow
HeTa hambe vemu
We’ll see
He /she/they predictions about future can be made by..
Stem of the verb + ‘y’
I.e doen ey! She’ll come now
He’ll give you the money tomorrow
HeTa salli dey
They’ll have it on Monday
Sanduda tiyey
Will it rain today?
Ade vahiyda?
Future form of veneva (become)
You’ll get tired
Mahansi vey
Will you be able to do it?
Puluwan veyda?
I won’t be able to
Baeri vey
They’ll like it
Koemati vey