Week 7: Diet and Nutrition Flashcards
What is the role of food in the theory of the four humours?
Dietary recommendations/restrictions increase/decrease certain humor.
What is the meaning of “Oligositia”?
Small portions
General features of Greek diet
a) Overeating is unhealthy
b) Eat a variety of foods, primarily carbs (grains) / vegetables
What conditions allowed Mediterranean countries produce plentiful vegetables?
a) Long growing season
b) Plenty of sunshine
c) Warm climate
d) Plentiful water
What was produced in Mediterranean countries?
a) Vegetables
b) Fruits (e.g., apples / figs / grapes / cherries)
c) Grains (e.g., wheat / barley)
d) Fish (Note: Plentifyl but expensive)
e) Nuts (Note: Grown in high elevations)
What products were limited in Ancient Greece?
Animal pastures
a) Limited fat
b) Animal protein
Main components of Mediterranean Diet
a) Daily consumption of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and healthy fats
b) Weekly intake of fish, poultry, beans, and eggs
c) Moderate portions of dairy products
d) Limited intake of red meat
e) Enjoying a glass of wine
Social aspects of Mediterranean Diet
a) Sharing meals with family and friends
b) Being physically active
Foundation of Mediterranean diet
Plant based, not meat based
Healthy fats in Mediterranean medicine
a) Olive oil, nuts and seeds are made up of monounsaturated fat that reduces cholesterol levels
b) Fish (e.g., sardines, tuna, salmon) are rich in Omega-3, a polyunsaturated fat that reduces inflammation and reduces the risk of heart failure.
Suggestions for Mediterranean diet
a) Eat your veggies, fruits, and whole grains
b) Go nuts
c) Pass on the butter
d) Spice it up
e) Eat fish once or twice a week
f) Eat small portions of red meat
g) Choose low-fat dairy
h) Have a glass of wine
Production of wheat in Ancient Greece
a) Potential to produce 100 medimnoi (3 metric tons) of wheat
b) Average field yields 50 bushels per acre (1 bushel = 27.2 kg). The average lot should be approximately 2.2 acres
What was required to provide monthly to maintain full citizenship in Sparta?
a) 1 medimnos of barley (30kg)
b) 96 cups of wine
c) 5 minae of cheese (2.5kg)
d) 2.5 minae of figs (1.25 kg)
e) Small amount of money for other purchases
How many calories were consumed daily per Spartan (without meat / other treats)?
How is food perceived in Ancient Greece?
Social activity / Symposion
Banquet after the meal when drinking for pleasure was accompanied by music
a) Games
b) Wine
c) Flute player
What animal pasture was common in Ancient Greece?
Herd: Goat / Lamb / Sheep
Cows were not common
How should you eat on the winter based On Regimen?
a) Eat as much as possible and drink as little as possible
b) Drink should be wine as undiluted as possible
c) Food should be bread with all meats roasted
d) Take as few vegetables as possible
e) The body will be most dry and hot
f) Walking should be rapid
How should you eat on the summer based On Regimen?
a) Barley-cake to be soft, drink diluted and copious
b) Meats boiled
c) Body may become cold and soft
d) Walking should be slow
The diet of Henry VIII, as many royals and aristocrats of his time, was:
a symbol of status, but extremely unhealthy
What did ancient Greeks use to preserve their fish?
Which factor plays a significant role in the diet of a society?
Geography and climate