Week 7: Clinical hand over, documentation, elimarion & patient risk assessment Flashcards
Describe and apply clinical reasoning to care planning.
Differentiate between a nursing care plan and a clinical pathway
Identify and use falls and pressure injury risk assessment tools.
Discuss factors that contribute to falls and pressure injury.
Describe evidence-based strategies aimed at preventing falls and pressure injury.
Identify clients at risk of falling and developing pressure injuries.
Demonstrate skills in assisting the patient with the correct use of pressure relieving devices.
Outline and apply the components of the ISBAR/iSoBAR framework to clinical handover.
Discuss the benefits of contemporaneous documentation.
Use essential guidelines that meet legal and ethical standards when documenting in patient notes.
Identify the components of the SOAPIER framework to progress note documentation.
Identify factors that influence urinary and faecal elimination
Demonstrate knowledge and skill in caring for the client with altered urinary and faecal elimination patterns
Outline the principles of stoma care
Distinguish normal and abnormal characteristics and constituents of urine and faeces, using appropriate assessment tools and techniques