Week 7 Flashcards
What is ‘promotion’ (in 4P’s)
Promotion is really ‘Marketing Communications’
It is a management process through which an organisation attempts to engage with its various audiences
–> Know the target audience, Convey messages that are of significant value to them, Result? Get audiences to respond to messages (attitudes and behaviour)
What is Wilbur Schramm’s Linear Model of Communication (1955)
Promotion or Marketing Communications Mix
- Advertising
- Sales Promotion:
- Personal Selling
- Direct Marketing (mailshots)
- Sponsorship
- Publicity:
- Internet Advertising / Social Media Marketing
What is a push promotional strategy?
What is a pull promotional strategy?
What is advertising?
Advertising is any paid-for communication designed to
inform and/or persuade the public relevant to the advertiser
How does advertising work?
Ads can persuade someone to buy a product that
they have never previously purchased
What is a strong AIDA
Desire (conviction)
What is weak ATR
Awareness (Awareness is required before any purchase)
Trial (Trial via retail, advertising, word- of-mouth / personal selling)
Reinforcement (maintain awareness & provide reassurance)
What is advertising ambivalence
Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy s*** we don’t need
Consumer attitudes to advertising are complex, multidimensional and ambivalent. Advertising feeds upon the real yet it is never simply about the product / service it
promotes. Rather, it is about the future buyer, and how the product or service can transform his / her life
What is public relations?
The planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain goodwill and mutual understanding between an organisation and its publics
What are Proactive / Affirmative communications
- Used in advance of events
- Often targets a wide range of stakeholders
- Full range of PR tools
Edward Bernays’ Propaganda
- Father of PR
- Nephew of Sigmund Freud
- Persuasion and psychology in organisational
communications - 1929 American Tobacco Company: how do we promote cigarette smoking amongst women?
- Bernays persuaded women’s rights campaigners to light up as ‘Torches of Freedom’
- Cigarette synonymous with the independence of women
Who are the stakeholders associated with public relations?
Media (newspaper, broadcast, trade)
Public (consumers, interest groups)
Authority (government, legislature)
Commercial (customers, partners suppliers)
Internal (employee, unions)
Financial (shareholders, investors, bankers)
Reactive / defensive communications
- Response to unexpected events
- Target specific stakeholders
- Main tools: crisis management, corporate advertising, events, media relations
Reactive PR example
more LEGO boy people and barely any LEGO girls… all the girls did was sit at home, go to the beach, and shop, and they had no jobs, but the boys went on adventures, worked, saved people … even swam with sharks
What is digital PR?
- From trust to authenticity and transparency
- Interaction - consumers talk back to brands
- More about how you facilitate others to market product
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