Week 6- Screening For Pulmonary Disease Flashcards
Pulmonary screening may need to be performed with patients presenting with referred pain where? (3)
- neck
- shoulder
- back
What are the (4) most common pulmonary conditions that can mimic MSK disorders?
- Pneumonia
- Pleurisy
- Pneumothorax
- Pancoast’s Tumor
Previous Hx of _______ is a red flag and risk factor for reoccurrence.
cancer (primary lung cancer or cancer that commonly metastasize to the lung)
What are the (5) S//Sx of pulmonary disorder? Which 2 are the most common?
- ) Cough***
- ) Dyspnea***
- ) Cyanosis
- ) Clubbing
- ) Altered Breathing Patterns
-May also demonstrate chest pain, abnormal sputum, hemoptysis.
- Can be ___________ cough or ______ cough.
- What are the (4) presentations of productive cough and what do they indicate?
-persistent dry cough or productive cough
- ) purulent (infection)
- ) non-purulent (airway irritation)
- ) rust-colored (pneumonia)
- ) hemoptysis (pathological condition)
- _______ is a bluish coloration of skin and mucous membranes.
- ________ usually indicates hypoxia.
- __________ involve change in rate, depth, regularity, and effort.
- _________ is a thickening/widening of terminal phalanges of fingers and toes.
- Cyanosis
- Dyspnea
- Altered Breathing Patterns
- Clubbing
- When does clubbing require immediate medical attention?
- What is a test used to assess for clubbing?
- Rapid development over 10-14 day period.
- Schamroth’s Sign
What are the most common referral sites for pulmonary pain? (5)
- ) chest
- ) ribs
- ) upper trap
- ) shoulder
- ) thoracic spine
Pulmonary Pain Patterns:
- What are (2) things that indicate pain is coming from a pulmonary source?
- Will palpation and resisted movements reproduce pain?
- Symptoms may worsen with what position?
- Increases with inspiratory movements. Pt notes dyspnea, persistent cough, fevers and chills.
- NO
- recumbent positioning
Pleural vs Diaphragmatic Pleural Pain:
- Pleural irritation is _____, _______ pain.
- ___________ (prefer to lie on side involved in order to decrease symptoms)
- Present pleurisy, pneumonia, pulmonary infarct, tumor, pneumothorax.
Diaphragmatic Pleural Pain
- Peripheral portions: Sharp pain along ___________ (can refer to _______ region).
- Central portions: Sharp pain referred to _________/_______ on _________ side of stimulation.
- sharp, localized pain
- Autosplinting
Diaphragmatic Pleural Pain
- costal margins (can refer to lumbar region)
- upper trap/shoulder on ipsilateral side
What will be done if a cluster of S/Sx are noted for pulmonary involvement?
Pulmonary Review of Systems
Pulmonary Pathologies. (12)
- ) Pneumonia
- ) Lung Cancer (Pancoast’s Tumor)
- ) Pleurisy
- ) Pneumothorax
- ) COPD
- ) Emphysema
- ) Asthma
- ) Tuberculosis
- ) Systemic Sclerosis Lung Disease
- ) Cystic Fibrosis
- ) Pulmonary Embolism
- ) COVID-19
- Inflammation of the lungs caused by what? (3)
- Does it affect one or both lungs?
- Often follows the _______.
- What are the (3) types of pneumonia?
- Aspiration (foods, fluids, vomit), Inhalation of toxic/caustic chemicals, Bacterial/viral/mycoplasmal infection
- Can affect 1 or both lungs.
- flu
- Hospital, ventilation, and community
Pneumonia Risk Factors. (10)
- Very young, very old***
- Smoking***
- Upper respiratory infection***
- Endotracheal intubation, NG tube***
- Immunosuppressive therapy ***
- Air pollution
- Altered consciousness
- Recent chest surgery
- Aspiration of oral/gastric material
Pneumonia S/Sx. (12)
- Sudden/sharp pleuritic chest pain***
- Shoulder pain***
- Hacking, productive cough
- Dyspnea
- Tachypnea
- Cyanosis
- HA
- Fever/chills
- Generalized aches/myalgia
- Knees may be painful/swollen
- Fatigue
- Confusion in older adults
Lung Cancer:
- Malignancy in epithelium of respiratory tract, grouped into what 2 categories?
- ____ most commonly diagnosed cancer in men and women.
- Metastasizes usually to long bones, vertebral column, liver, adrenal glands, and ______.
- What cancers are more likely to metastasize to the lungs? (5)
- PMH of lung cancer with new onset of ________ warrants further investigation.
- small cell and non-small cell
- 2nd
- brain
- kidney, breast, pancreas, colon, and uterus
- back pain
Lung Cancer Risk Factors. (8)
- Greater than 50 yo
- Tobacco use***
- Previous tobacco-related cancer
- Second-hand smoke
- Low consumption of fruits and vegetables
- Genetic predisposition
- Exposure to air pollution, toxic chemicals, fumes, radon gas
- Previous lung disease
What is the greatest risk factor for lung cancer and accounts for ~82% of deaths?
Tobacco use
Lung Cancer S/Sx. (13)
- Sharp chest, upper back, shoulder, scapular, rib or arm pain aggravated by inspiration***
- Chest, shoulder or arm pain; bone aching/joint pain***
- Atrophy and weakness of arm and hand muscles***
- Change in respiratory patterns
- Recurrent pneumonia or bronchitis
- Hemoptysis
- Persistent cough
- Change in cough in chronic smoker
- Hoarseness or dysphagia
- Dyspnea
- Wheezing
- Sudden, unexplained weight loss; anorexia; fatigue
- Fecal breath odor
Lung Cancer (Pancoast’s Tumor):
- What is it?
- Frequently involve ____ cervical and _____ thoracic nerve.
- Presents in distribution of ___-___ dermatomes. (loss of hand function, Horner’s syndrome)
- What is the most common initial symptom?
- Can mimic ___________.
- Tumor of the lung apex.
- 8th cervical and 1st thoracic
- C8-T2 dermatomes
- sharp (posterior) shoulder pain
- What is it?
- May occur as a result of Pneumonia, TB, lug abscess, flu, SLE/RA, pulmonary infarction.
-Inflammation of pleura caused by infection, injury, or tumor.
Pleurisy S/Sx. (6)
- ) Can refer to shoulder, upper trap, neck, lower chest wall or abdomen***
- ) Chest pain
- ) Cough
- ) Dyspnea
- ) Fever, chills
- ) Tachypnea
- What is it?
- What is spontaneous pneumothorax?
- Free air in pleural cavity between visceral and parietal pleurae.
- Air escaped into pleural space from puncture or tear in an internal respiratory structure.
Pneumothorax S/Sx. (9)
- ) Dyspnea***
- ) Sudden sharp chest pain
- ) Change in respiratory movements
- ) Increased neck vein distention
- ) Weak and rapid pulse
- ) Fall in BP
- ) Dry, hacking cough
- ) Shoulder pain
- ) Sitting upright is most comfortable position
- What is it?
- What are a few disorder that fall under COPD? (3)
- What is the most common predisposing factor of COPD?
- Refers to a number of disorders that result in a narrowing of the airways obstructing airflow to and from the lungs.
- Bronchitis, emphysema, and asthma
- Cigarette smoking
- May develop after long Hx of chronic _________.
- Alveolar walls are destroyed causing permanent overdistention of air spaces and loss of normal elastic tension in the lung tissue.
- Also causes destruction of pulmonary __________.
- chronic bronchitis
- pulmonary capillaries
Emphysema S/Sx. (13)
- ) SOB
- ) Dyspnea on exertion
- ) Orthopnea
- ) Chronic cough
- ) Barrel chest***
- ) Weight loss
- ) Malaise
- ) Use of accessory muscles of respiration
- ) Prolonged expiratory period
- ) Pursed-lip breathing***
- ) Increased respiratory rate
- ) Peripheral cyanosis
- Reversible ______ lung disease.
- _______ reaction of the airways to various stimuli.
- Can be life threatening if not managed.
- What are the (3) categories of asthma?
- obstructive
- increased
- conventional asthma, occupational asthma, exercise-induced asthma
Asthma S/Sx.
- Listen for: (6)
- Look for: (5)
Listen for:
- ) Wheezing
- ) Irregular breathing with prolonged expiration
- ) Noisy, difficult breathing
- ) Episodes of dyspnea
- ) Clearing the throat
- ) Cough with or without sputum
Look for:
- ) Skin retractions (between the ribs)
- ) Hunched-over body position
- ) Pursed-lip breathing
- ) Nostrils flaring
- ) Unusual pallor or unexplained sweating
What are some factors that may trigger asthma? (7)
- Respiratory infections, colds
- Cigarette smoke
- Allergic reactions to pollen, mold, animal dander, feather, dust, food, insects
- Indoor and outdoor air pollutants, including ozone
- Physical exertion or vigorous exercise
- Exposure to COLD AIR or sudden temperature change
- Excitement or strong emotion, psychologic or emotional stress
- What is it?
- Most often involves the lungs; however, _________ TB may affect the kidneys, bone growth plates, lymph nodes, and meninges.
- Rare, but TB may affect _________ and ________ (Potts Disease).
- Bacterial infectious disease usually spread by airborne droplets from actively infected person.
- extrapulmonary TB
- hip joints and vertebrae
TB S/Sx. (9)
- ) Night sweats***
- ) Fatigue
- ) Malaise
- ) Anorexia
- ) Weight loss
- ) Low-grade fever
- ) Frequent productive cough
- ) Dull chest pain/tightness
- ) Dyspnea
TB Risk Factors (7)
- Health care workers
- Older adults
- Overcrowded housing
- Alcohol or chemical dependency
- Infants and children <5
- Reduced immunity/malnutrition
- RA, DM, end stage renal disease, GI disease
Systemic Sclerosis Lung Disease (Scleroderma):
- Characterized by ________ and _______ of many organs.
- ___________ lung disease of unknown etiologic origin.
- Lungs 2nd most common organ targeted.
- Causes interstitial fibrosis.
- inflammation and fibrosis
- Restrictive lung disease
Sleroderma S/Sx. (7)
- ) Dyspnea on exertion
- ) Nonproductive cough
- ) Peripheral edema
- ) Orthopnea
- ) Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
- ) Hemoptysis
- ) Skin changes typically precede visceral alterations***
In scleroderma, what can happen due to the abnormal build-up of fibrous tissue in the skin?
Skin tightens so severely that the fingers curl and lose their mobility.
Cystic Fibrosis:
- What is it?
- Usually manifests in _____________.
- Inherited disease of exocrine glands (defective copy of CFTR) causing salt to accumulate in cell lining in lungs and digestive tissues.
- early childhood
Cystic Fibrosis S/Sx. (6)
- ) Exertional dyspnea with decreased exercise tolerance***
- ) Tachypnea
- ) Sustained chronic cough with mucus production and vomiting
- ) Barrel chest
- ) Use of accessory muscles for respiration
- ) Cyanosis and digital clubbing
Pulmonary Embolism:
- Associated with high _______/_______.
- Are deaths associated to PE preventable?
- What is the most common cause?
- PE related mortality estimated at __-__%.
- morbidity/mortality
- More than 50% of PE-related deaths are preventable
- Proximal DVTs
- 5-20%
Pulmonary Embolism Risk Factors. (7)
- Hx of PE/DVT
- Immobility
- Hx of abdominal/pelvic surgery
- Total hip/knee replacement
- Late-stage pregnancy
- Lower limb fractures
- Malignancy of pelvis or abdomen
Pulmonary Embolism Clinical Manifestations:
- What are the (3) most common presentations of PE?
- What are some others?
- ) Dyspnea
- ) Tachypnea
- ) Pleuritic chest pain (intensified w/ deep respiration and cough)
-Persistent cough, apprehension/anxiety, tachycardia, palpitations
PE Wells Criteria:
- Low =
- Moderate =
- High =
- Low = 0-2
- Moderate = 3-6
- High = >6
- Caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (_________).
- Transmission may occur __-__ days prior to patient becoming symptomatic, individuals may be overall __________.
- What patients are at high risk for Covid-19?
- SARS-CoV-2
- 2-10 days, asymptomatic
- older, male, at least 1 comorbidity, higher severity of illness scores, elevated D-dimer levels, lymphocytopenia
Covid-19 S/Sx. (11)
- Fever or chills
- Cough
- Fatigue
- Muscle or body aches
- Headache
- New loss of taste or smell
- Sore throat
- Congestion or runny nose
- N/V/D
What are the Covid-19 warning signs that require immediate medical attention? (6)
- Hypoxemia [may be asymptomatic for hypoxemia]
- Trouble breathing
- Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
- New confusion
- Inability to wake or stay awake
- Bluish lips or face
Clues to Screening for Pulmonary Involvement:
- Hx of _________
- Hx of breast, prostate, kidney, pancreas, colon or uterine CA
- Recent upper respiratory infection
- MSK pain increased by respiratory movements
- Respiratory movements are diminished or absent on one side
- Dyspnea
- Unable to localize pain with __________
- Pain ________ by spinal motions or alterations of position
- ______ symptoms with recumbency
- Presence of pulmonary S/Sx
- Autosplinting decreases pain
- Older person with ________/_________
- smoking
- palpation
- unchanged
- increased
- shoulder pain/confusion
What are the (2) guidelines for immediate medical attention?
- Abrupt onset of dyspnea with weak and rapid pulse and fall in BP
- Symptoms of inadequate ventilation
Guidelines for MD Referral:
- Shoulder pain aggravated by respiratory movements
- Shoulder pain aggravated by supine positioning (worse when lying down and improves with sitting up/leaning forward)
- Shoulder/chest pain that subsides with auto-splinting
- Signs of asthma during exercise
- Presence of persistent cough, dyspnea or constitutional symptoms
- Any red flag signs and symptoms in a client with a previous history of CA, especially lung CA