Week 6 - Financial accounting Flashcards
Why disclose financial accounting information?
Governments require large organisations to prepare general purpose financial statements.
To ensure financial stakeholders receive reliable info.
To promote investors confidence in capital markets.
Whom to disclose financial accounting information to?
Stakeholders with an interest / current or potential investors / lenders and other creditors.
What to disclose within financial accounting information?
Accounting standards setters determine the information needed by users.
How to disclose financial accounting information?
Accounting standards stipulates the types of financial information that needs to be prepared.
What is the objective of financial reporting, as determined by the conceptual framework for financial reporting?
To provide financial information about the reporting entity that is useful to stakeholders in making decisions.
What are General purpose financial statements (GPFS)
Financial statements that comply with accounting standards and are intended for users of financial information who are unable to command the preparation of financial statements.
What are Special purpose financial statements (SPFS)
Financial statements designed to meet the needs of a specific group of stakeholders. Does not need to comply with accounting standards.
What is the entity concept?
Personal transactions of the owner are kept separate from those of the organisation.
What is the accounting period convention?
Time period over which the transactions or events are collected.
What is the Monetary unit convention?
Transactions and events in relation to a monetary value.
What is the going concern concept?
The assumption that they business will continue for the foreseeable future.
What is the accrual basis concept?
The effects of a transaction or event is recognised when they occur. Cash does not need to change hands.
What is cash accounting?
The effects of transactions are recognised when cash changes hands.
What is a balance sheet and what is included in it?
Provides information about the financial position of an organisation at a point in time.
Assets = Liabilities + Owners equity
What is an income statement and what does it include?
Also known as profit & loss statement / statement of financial performance.
Provides information about the financial performance of an organisation for a period of time.
Income - Expenses = Profit.
What are Assets?
Economic resources expected to benefit the business.
Something the business owns or has control of.
What are known as current assets?
Assets that are held in the short-term. They will be sold, consumed or exhausted in 12 months.
What are tangible assets
Assets that have a physical substance.
What are non-tangible assets?
No physical substance.
What are liablities?
What the business owes to creditors.
They represent a claim on the business assets.
What is owners equity?
The owners claim to the assets of the business.
It represents the amount of assets leftover after liabilities have been paid.
What is income / Revenue?
They are amounts received or receivable that result from selling goods and services to customer.
Increase in assets or decrease in liability.
Increase in equity, not through owner contribution (capital).
What is an expense?
They are amounts paid or payable for purchasing goods and services.
Decrease in assets or increase in liability.
Decrease in equity, not through owners drawings.
What is profit?
Income less expense = profit
What are the two accounting equations?
Assets = liabilities + owners equity Equity = Assets - liabilities
What is the expanded accounting equations?
Assets = liabilities +[(income - expense) + capital - drawings.
Asset + expense + drawings = liabilities + income + capital.
What is the double entry effect on transactions?
Every event will result in 2 transactions
Increase to asset, will result in either (1) decrease to another asset (2) increase to liability or equity.