Week 6 E-Stim (NMES, FES, & EMS) Flashcards
NMES Definition
- Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation
- Activation of skeletal muscle for strengthening, reeducation or edema reduction - Peripheral nerve depolarization to create a muscle contraction
Which depolarizes first Nerves or muscle cells?
Nerves have a lower threshold for depolarization and will depolarize before muscle cells
FES Definition
- Functional Electrical Stimulation
- Activation of skeletal muscle for reeducation or movement training for functional use
- May be used on innervated or denervated muscle
EMS Definition
- Electrical Muscle Stimulation
- Implications stimulation of denervated muscle- muscle cells depolarize to create a muscle contraction
What is the primary difference between NMES and EMS
The type of tissue stimulated in the main difference
True/ False NMES will not work for LMN
NMES will not work for LMN you will need to consider EMS
–> NMES and FES are options for UMN
what are the goals of NMES
- Strength and re-education
1. Prevent or treat muscular atrophy following disuse, immobilization or detraining
2. increase or maintain ROM
3. Re-education, retain or facilitate muscle for movement posture
NMES can Increase (blank) very rapidly
- Can increase motor recruitment rapidly
- Increasing number off motor units recruited
- Increasing frequency motor units recruited
- Motor units recruited more synchronously
NMES Evidence supports….
- Supports strengthening weakened muscles
- increased muscle size
- Improved motor unit recruitment
- Similar strength improvements compared to exercise
- Shown to prevent muscle atrophy***
True/ False the training intensities of ES and exercise have to be similar training intensities for strength gains
ES results show in early rehab…
- ES results in greater gains in strength than voluntary exercise or no exercise in early rehab when voluntary exercise may be difficult
- Significant positive relationship between strength of ES and strength gained
–> Post rehabilitation stages show little to no difference between subjects who use ES and those who do not
NMES for Strengthening and for Orthopedic conditions they are beneficial for early phases of rehab and…..
- Post knee surgery
- ACL reconstruction
- Knee meniscal repairs
Non- Surgical benefits - Knee OA
-Patellofemoral Syndrome
NMES can help with which kinds of critically ill patients
-Chronic Heart Failure - Thoracic cancer
- After cardiothoracic surgery
Multiple studies show promise with NMES used for these critical conditions
NMES best evidence supports which kinds of patients?
What is the goal of NMES for increasing ROM in neurological conditions?
Longer treatment time (low load, prolonged application)
What are the 3 theories for NMES for Decreasing Spasticity in Neurological Conditions
- Stimulate antagonist= reciprocal inhibition
- Stimulate agonist= recurrent inhibition (fatigue the muscle or recurrent inhibition)
- Habituation= sensory level- continuous with lower amplitude to avoid a muscle contraction
What are the precautions for Implanted Sacral Nerve stimulators
- Pregnancy
- Could become pregnant
- infections or lesions
- prolapsed uterus
- recent pelvic surgery
NMES Waveform
- Pulsed Biphasic= adjustable pulse duration and frequency
- Russian= Medium frequency AC with a carrier frequency of 2500Hz delivered in 50 burst per second
NMES Amplitude
- Highest tolerated pulse duration/amplitude
- Greater than 50% MVC recommended
Shorter duration is more comfortable for …… muscles
Longer duration is mor comfortable for …..muscles
If the pulse duration than a …… amplitude will be required to achieve the same strength contraction
- Determines muscle response
- If frequency is to low, separate muscle twitches produce rather than smooth tetanic contraction
- Range typically 35-50pps up to 80pps for larger muscles
NMES time on and off to reduce spasms and increase ROM
On:off= 1:1
on and off times each 2-5 seconds
NMES time on and off time for strengthening
on and off time 6-10 seconds
Off tie up to 50 seconds
Ramp up time 1-5 seconds
Ramp down time 1-2 seconds
Parameter for NMES strengthening
Waveform= Biphasic PC or Burst modulation AC, Russian, Aussie
Pulse frequency= 20-80pps: small muscles 20-30+pps: Larger muscles 50+pps
Pulse Duration= 200-600microseconds (micropenis): typical 125-250 smaller muscles: larger muscles 200-350
Amplitude= as high as a patient can tolerate with a goal of reaching 50% max voluntary contraction
Duty Cycle= 1:3 to 1:50: ramp up 2-5 secs: ramp down 1-2 secs
Duration= 10-20 strong contractions: 1 hr/day- 3-5x/week 4-8 weeks
NMES for Muscle Spasm reduction/ Improve tissue extensibility
Waveform= Biphasic PC, burst modulation, Russian, Aussie
Pulse Frequency= 35-50pps
Pulse duration= typically 125-200microseconds for smaller muscles: 200-350 microseconds for larger muscles
Amplitude= To visible contraction
Duty cycle= 1:1
Duration= 10-30 minutes
1-4x/day 2-6 weeks
FES muscle contraction for functional use
Waveform= Biphasic PC, burst modulation AC, Russian, Aussie
Pulse Frequency= 20-60 pps
Pulsed Duration= 200-600 microseconds
Amplitude= to level commensurate with functional activity
Duty Cycle= Depends on function activity
Duration= task specific
Limitations of NMES
- Increased fatigability can account for greater muscle soreness, limit in amount of training
- Increase DOMS
- Limited number or muscle groups can be trained
- Only single joint activity
NMES Parameters for Subacute and Chronic Edema
Waveform= Biphasic PC or burst modulation AC, Russian, or Aussie
Pulse Frequency= 20-80pps
Pulse duration= 100-600 microseconds
Amplitude= mA to tetanic contraction
Duty Cycle= 1:1
Duration 10-20 minutes o rhythmic contractions
1-2x day monitor edema
EMS Parameters for Denervated Muscle
Waveform= Monophasic/ DC
Pulse duration= 1-450 microseconds
Frequency = 1-500 pps
Amplitude= high enough to obtain contractions but low enough to prevent burns
Ramp up/down= none
Duty cycle= Highly variable; on time 3-10 seconds and off time 30-50 seconds
Treatment duration= 30minutres/ 8 hours per day ; 5-7days a week; 4 days to 4 years