Week 13 Laser/Diathermy/ and Alternative Approaches Flashcards
Biofeedback Definition
The technique of using equipment to reveal to human beings some of their internal physiological events, normal and abnormal, in the form of visual and auditory signals in order to teach them to manipulate these otherwise involuntary or unfelt events by manipulating the displayed signals
EMG Definition
Electromyography: the summation of all motor unit action potentials that a sensor can record from the muscle(s) underneath the sensor
–> A higher EMG amplitude indicates there are more motor unit recruitment or motor units are firing at a higher rate or both: either one will result in a higher force output
–> Affected by the skin impedance and subcutaneous structures
When do you use EMG Biofeedback
- To increase muscle activity
- motor learning
- muscle re-education
- postural training
- ect - To decrease muscle activity
- decrease muscle guarding
- relaxation
- muscle reeducation
What are the different Modes of EMG
- ABOVE threshold (Tone): machine will give auditory/visual feedback when the muscle activity is ABOVE the threshold
- BELOW threshold (tone): Machine will give auditory/visual feedback when the muscle activity is below the threshold
EMG Contraindications/Precautions
1. Open wound
2. fragile skin
3. Allergy to adhesive materials or gel
Laser Means
L ight
A mplification
S timulated
E mission
R adiation
Characteristics of Laser
- Monochromatic= all photons have a single wavelength and thus a single color
- Coherent= all photons travel in the same phase and direction
- Collimated(parallel)= minimal divergence over distance
What is the wavelength for lower penetration helium neon?
What is the wavelength for higher penetration Gallium arsenide?
What are the frequencies used for laser
- 630-640 visible red : 8-10mm
- 830 nm infrared: 50-60mm
- 904nm infrared: 30-40mm
What are some cellular changes that can be caused by laser
- can trigger the production of enzymes
- production of protein substance vital for innumerable biochemical actions
- Stimulates Mitochondria
What are the effects of Laser?
- reduce excitability of nervous tissue
- increased vascularity
- reactivate enzymes
- increase ATP release
- stimulate collagen production
- increased RNA and DNA synthesis
- increased lymphatic drainage
- Stimulate Fibroblastic activity
- Increased phagocytosis
What are the potential Mechanisms of Laser in pain control?
- Direct action on nerve= inhibit activity of the enzyme sodium potassium ATPase responsible for nerve depolarization in action potential
- Energization of inactivated enzymes which were inactivated by hypoxia and acidosis, in painful muscle
- Production of energy molecules (ATP) in dysfunctional muscles
Laser Contraindications/Precautions
- Over the eye
- Epilepsy
- Fever
- Near cancerous lesions
- Pregnant women
- Active hemorrhage area
- Over endocrine glands
- photosensitive
When should laser be used?
- Pain
- inflammation
- Wound
- Trigger point
- Arthritis
- fracture
Diathermy is
- electrical magnetic energy
- High freq. electromagnetic waves penetrate into body
- increases energy of tissues and cells
- Much like ultrasound
Microwave Diathermy
- More focal: hot spots
- More superficial (skin burn)
Short-wave Diathermy
- High freq., short wave length
- Deeper
- Continuous or pulsed
Inductive Diathermy
- Drum or sleeve
- Increases heating of muscle
- Less heating of connective tissue
Capacitive Diathermy
- series
- treated area between plates
- High impendence tissue (fat) - Parallel
- both plates over treated area
- lower impedance tissue (muscle)
What 2 things happen when SWD works?
- there is an increase in the random motion and kinetic energy among atoms, ions, and molecules
- eddy current
These result in thermal and mechanical effects
SWD Continuous
- Energy Absorption
- Increased molecular average kinetic energy
- Thermal heat effect
- increased cell metabolism and function
- Enhancement of soft tissue healing
SWD Pulsed
- energy absorption
- Alteration of cell ion-binding properties, protein synthesis, and ATP production
- Athermal effect
-Increased cell metabolism and function - enhancement of soft tissue healing
Indications for Diathermy
- Pain relief, especially over large areas of the body such as the low back
- Relaxation of muscle spasm
- nonacute inflammation
- soft tissue tightness, contractures, and joint stiffness
- To increase blood flow to extremities by heating the low back
- Pelvic inflammatory disease
- To promote healing of herpes zoster vesicles
Diathermy Contraindications
- metal on, in or near the patient
- Chest/trunk with pacemaker or ICD
- Pregnant or who may be pregnant
- use of thermal over acute inflammation
- active bleeding
- eyes or testes
- over cancerous tissues
- hemophillia
- mentally confused or unconscious
Diathermy Precautions
- thin soft tissue, bony prominences
- growing epiphyses
- uncooperative patients
- Over moist clothes, dressings, or accumulations of perspiration
- Medical electrical devices
- Obese
- Over the low back or pelvis in woman who are menstruating
PSWD Parameter’s at Nonthermal
- Indications= acute trauma, nonoticeable inflammation, edema reduction, cell repolarization and repair
- pulse width= 65 microseconds
- pulse rate= 100-200 pps
- Average watts= N/A
PSWD Parameters at 1°C Mild warmth
- Indications= Subacute inflammation
- Pulse width= 100microseconds or 200
- Pulse Rate = 800pps or 400 pps
- Average Watts=12
PSWD Parameters at 2°C Moderate warmth
- Indications= Pain reduction, muscle spasm, chronic inflammation
- Pulse width= 200 microseconds or 400 microseconds
- Pulse Rate =800pps or 400 pps
- Average Watts=24
PSWD Parameters at 4°C Vigorous Heating
- Indications= Stretching collagen rich tissues
- Pulse width=400 microseconds
- Pulse Rate = 800pps
- Average Watts=48
Indications for hydrotherapy
- Arthritis
- Wounds
- Cardiovascular training
- Strength/endurance training
Contraindications for Hydrotherapy
- Impaired sensation
- severe cardiopulmonary disorders
- Over bleeding area
- Urinary incontinence
- Mental disability
What is the evidence of static magnetic field
- 200-500 G has been shown effect of decreasing pain associated with postpolio syndrome and diabetic neuropathy
- knee arthritic pain when using high strength 720-1900Gs
- Most manufactures cite references from electromagnetic studies and claim the effect of static magnets